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Stop the CC already


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I don't know man. You'd think that a game that is "story based" would have more, you know - story. Right now I feel like I'm trapped in a horrible Timbermaw grind (anyone play vanilla WOW and remember the Timbermaws?)


With so many good games coming out in the next few months, I hope BW kicks it's game up a bit.


OMG. I hated that Timbermaw grind.

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Nobody is asking for a stun-free game, they're asking for it to be reserved to silver-elites and up. Now run along and troll elsewhere, because clownshoes arguments like the one you just floated are an even bigger waste of time than the trash mobs on Zakuul. ;)

As i said, people complain about this in every MMO. It is not going to change. Either deal with it or go do something else.


Don't bother using logic and facts to refute little Bran's obvious attempts at trolling. I honestly don't think this guy actually plays the game. He just makes sure to chime in on pretty much EVERY post in general discussion.....regardless of the topic....he finds someone to attack....somehow.

Excuse me for not hating the game as much as you do.


Why are you making this thread about me?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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As i said, people complain about this in every MMO. It is not going to change. Either deal with it or go do something else.


Just because other gaming companies decided to make this mistake of excessive CC, doesn't mean Bioware should. I have never seen a game with as much CC from trash mobs as SWTOR.

Excuse me for not hating the game as much as you do.


There's a difference between plain hating on the game and critiquing it. Critiquing it isn't a bad thing as it can help improve the game based on feedback from the community.


Funny how you're one to call people haters when you defend Bioware every chance you get.

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Just because other gaming companies decided to make this mistake of excessive CC, doesn't mean Bioware should. I have never seen a game with as much CC from trash mobs as SWTOR.

Then you must not have ever played an other MMO.


There's a difference between plain hating on the game and critiquing it. Critiquing it isn't a bad thing as it can help improve the game based on feedback from the community.

Yes, we show how much we like the game by constantly complaining how awful we think it is. That works with people, too.

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Then you must not have ever played an other MMO.


Ill admit my knowledge about MMOs are limited, I'm more of a FPS/third person shooter/RTS kind of guy, but I do enjoy my fair share of MMOs. Out of the few I played, CC were reserved for elite units only, and most other MMOs have only one mob at a time, not a group of them together each with a CC or two.


Still... you would rather question my experience with MMOs than respond to the "Two rights don't make a wrong" argument...


Also why not provide a example of other games that has more extensive use of CCs instead of just questioning my experience.



Yes, we show how much we like the game by constantly complaining how awful we think it is. That works with people, too.


Being a plain hater is no different than being a blind fan boy. There is equal ground where people who dislike the game can be constructive about it without personal attacks to the devs and can explain why they dislike the game and how to improve on certain areas.


Saying "This game is terrible" is no more helpful than stating "This game is awesome." They need to state WHY its terrible, or why its awesome, so they can improve upon those areas.

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Depending on how you were specced, you were probably immune to most of the CCs for a few seconds after each force-charge. That's why it's nice to have juggs when the other team has assassins in pvp.


Immortal spec no immunes

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Then you must not have ever played an other MMO.


I've played many MMOs. Not a single one I've played has had anything CLOSE to the CCs this game has. In frequency or duration. Not even close. Is there a game out there worse that I haven't played. Maybe.


Yes, we show how much we like the game by constantly complaining how awful we think it is. That works with people, too.


Yet another foolish trollbait comment. Seriously, does Bioware pay you to do this....or are you just an extremely unpleasant person that enjoys being snarky at every opportunity? You, CrazyCT, and Djiini should start a club...

Edited by Darklighter
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I've played many MMOs. Not a single one I've played has had anything CLOSE to the CCs this game has. In frequency or duration. Not even close. Is there a game out there worse that I haven't played. Maybe.




Yet another foolish trollbait comment. Seriously, does Bioware pay you to do this....or are you just an extremely unpleasant person that enjoys being snarky at every opportunity? You, CrazyCT, and Djiini should start a club...


They just love the game, and fully understand the natre of love, in that you forgiveyour love interests faults and defend them to the deatj, no matter what, because you love them. Eve when they falter, even when they betray you, you fight for them...


Bram, ybattle on! Crazy, stand up and fight! Djinni, never surrender! And the rest of you, pick a side or **** right off

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I went though on a Watchman Sent, and I didn't really experience very many CC's


Of course, I had a tank companion, not a heal companion like most people like to do, so the tank companion took the brunt of most of the CC's


I'd suggest you guys try the chapter with a tank companion, it might make it easier.


(Note: It also might be because I PvP a lot, and PvP=Stuns)

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Then you must not have ever played an other MMO.


Then you must have examples to provide. I've played many MMOs in my time. I can think of none where standard mobs have as many knockbacks and crowd control abilities as they do in this game. Elite mobs in other games have CC abilities. But even then I'm having a hard time coming up an example of an elite mob that has as many CC abilities as they do in this game. 1-2 abilities that can usually be avoided in some way, sure. Not 3-4 you can do f--- all about, unless it's a boss type. Even on those boss mobs you can usually mitigate the CC at least.


But I have seen no other MMO where the weakest mobs in a pack of 4 all have multiple, instant CCs that they chain on you.

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We all want the game to achieve more, but it looks like this chapter is going to be like the last one story wise. You go to the meeting room to chat about what's new at Zakuul, learn about Jorgan and his Deadeyes, err I mean Havoc Squad, meet up with him, do some repetitive objective 28 times while after every 5 get a explanation on how he survived and what he has been doing for 5 years, and then at the end some morale choice about revenge or onto the path of Bushido or something.


im kinda getting the vibe that the game is turning into pokemon... Gotta Catch Them ALL!!!!!! for the chapters

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