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So why isn't advanced class change a thing again?

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This must be your first day on the forums...welcome! I assure you, this is far from the silliest.


Buying an insta 60 certainly reduces the desire to switch AC's, but some people like to play A main toon, not an army of alts. MMOs are constantly in flux...let players adapt to the normal ebb and flow of an MMO if they want.


Fixing the current bugs SHOULD be a huge priority, but it isn't. It also shouldn't exclude the possibility of improving the game in other ways.


Yes and no, Yes because just recently I have started replying or voicing things via the forums. No because I scroll through frequently and read, and laugh and what not at replies, but don't usually reply.


MMOs do flux, the problem with SWTOR I think is that you have the far extremes of populations. On one side you have the die-hards who are legendary and have 65 level 65 toons (i know, not realistic but I am sure you get the point) and know every class inside and out and raid and have all the cool 224 stuff and what not as well as trillions of credits to buy whatever they want from GTN. AND THENNNNNN you have the other side of the population and come in every now and then, realize a bunch of stuff changed.. whine about it and then leave again. Then... there is the semi happy middle (I think I fall here) where we come in during some down time.. play casually, chit chat with guild mates and just play to pass time or whatever.. ANYWAY, BWEA seems to be TRYING to please all parties, but for some it isn't good enough. Anyway, back on track to your original thought, Yeah some love having a main vice being an altaholic. I love having a main, but I also enjoy having diversity in my life. Which is why I would just make a new character and class. I think that having the ability to change AC whenever we want would be a convenience, but also a pain in the *** and would possibly lead to abuse of the system.


Fixing bugs and known issues should be a priority ( I am sure we agree there based on context yes?) however, I think I may have made it seem like I am against new content which is not the case. I am all about new stuff, provided you ensure your old stuff works. I mean December was a nightmare with the events not working (seriously, all the events were broken?)


I realize that maybe the dev team is short, or unsure of how to make the game succeed, but it just seems that once ROTHC came out things got...sloppy. I mean, Once you completed your class story there was no uniqueness of story anymore, it's mostly the same stuff.


When KOTFE was advertised it was made to seem like there would be MORE story and possibly class differences again.. and it turned out not to be which I think disheartened many players.


If BWEA wants SWTOR to succeed and remain relevant then they need to be taking the gambles and introducing NEW stuff regardless of the effort needed.


Anyway, enough of my pointless rambling that some will read and think "what a noob, please stop playing"

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