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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quality of Life Suggestions


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In the last live stream, there was mention of "Quality of Life" additions to the game. I'm not sure if there is room for suggestions to what they have in mind, but here are a few. (Cross posted to Suggestions thread - in before CT or others jump on that).


Please post your suggestions for Quality of Life improvements, too!



It is ridiculous how many hours it takes to watch that cast bar tick as one gift at a time slowly registers on your way to 50 influence. PLEASE, give us a slider bar just as if we were reverse engineering or splitting a stack and let us CHOOSE how many gifts we want to give to our companions at a time so that we can get back to playing the game instead of mindlessly right clicking the same stack over and over!


Stronghold Toolbar/Toggle for ALL strongholds - even when you aren't in your own stronghold. Also, include the owner/title so that you know whose stronghold you are in/guild ship you are on if you miss the pop up that only happens when you load in. I like to see how many expansions are unlocked in strongholds I visit, or how many other people are in the stronghold with me, even if it isn't my own. Some version of the stronghold toolbar (either without the "edit mode" button or that function grey'd out) that is always visable when you enter, and the name of the owner/stronghold title or guild/guild ship name would be a really nice addition.


GTN item listing "edit" ability. Did you list something for the wrong price? Or mean to list it for more/less than the default one day? I would love to be able to edit/adjust these things without having to cancel a listing (losing my deposit) and then having to get it out of a mailbox and go back to the GTN and relist it just to change one thing about the listing. This way, if you wanted to keep your listing exactly the same, you could just make adjustments to your listings without having to wait for the listing to finish or pulling it down in order to re-list it. Attach a "transaction fee" every time you make edits that are equal to the deposit amount so that it can't be used to avoid paying the deposits on GTN listings.


Make /friend and /ignore be account wide for both me AND that person. What I mean is this:

If I add Bigbadsith to my friends list, all of his characters would appear in my friends list any time he logged on with any of his characters on that account. But ALSO... it would be a legacy-wide global friends list for me, so that if I had someone on my friends list for my character Halfmint, they would also appear when I logged on any other of my characters in my legacy (and on either faction!). Same for /ignore. Don't make me /ignore the same person on every character I have, make it Legacy wide, and make that /ignore apply to any characters on the offender's account.


Let us deposit credits into our Legacy Bank for our entire account (for subscribers only).


I'm not sure if anyone uses the "Family Tree" function of the Legacy tab, but I would love it if there was a way to see all characters in my legacy when I was logged in on any character(as you can with the Family Tree), but also have more information about them such as: What crafting or gathering skills they have, Light Side/Dark Side, Valor Ranking, etc. added with the Class/Level/Location/Faction/Species information that is already available.


Give everyone a seeker droid and a pair of macrobionoculars in their "Mission Items" tab so that you do not have to take the beginning quest to receive them.


I'm sure I will think of others that I've wished for at some point in the 4 years that I've been playing this game... but that is all that is coming to mind for the moment.

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In the last live stream, there was mention of "Quality of Life" additions to the game. I'm not sure if there is room for suggestions to what they have in mind, but here are a few. (Cross posted to Suggestions thread - in before CT or others jump on that).


Please post your suggestions for Quality of Life improvements, too!



It is ridiculous how many hours it takes to watch that cast bar tick as one gift at a time slowly registers on your way to 50 influence. PLEASE, give us a slider bar just as if we were reverse engineering or splitting a stack and let us CHOOSE how many gifts we want to give to our companions at a time so that we can get back to playing the game instead of mindlessly right clicking the same stack over and over!


I love this idea, but I have a sneaking suspicion the real reason we don't have this is because the value of the gift diminishes as the influence increases. If I feed 100 level 6 gifts at once, the game might not be able to calculate the diminishing return because its applying them all at once. If you DON'T do the diminishing returns, then suddenly it becomes much MUCH cheaper to save up enough of 1 item to go from 1-50 and apply them all at once. If this is true, the solution might be to remove the 3 second cooldown and make it like decorations, where you can use them as fast as you can click them.


GTN item listing "edit" ability. Did you list something for the wrong price? Or mean to list it for more/less than the default one day? I would love to be able to edit/adjust these things without having to cancel a listing (losing my deposit) and then having to get it out of a mailbox and go back to the GTN and relist it just to change one thing about the listing. This way, if you wanted to keep your listing exactly the same, you could just make adjustments to your listings without having to wait for the listing to finish or pulling it down in order to re-list it. Attach a "transaction fee" every time you make edits that are equal to the deposit amount so that it can't be used to avoid paying the deposits on GTN listings.


This makes it easier to undercut with no penalty. The 245 credit cost is no deterrent, but the run to the mailbox and relisting sure is. You and I could just stand at the AH constantly changing our bids down by 1 credit each in a race to the bottom. Is that worth it? Probably. You tell me.


Make /friend and /ignore be account wide for both me AND that person. What I mean is this:

If I add Bigbadsith to my friends list, all of his characters would appear in my friends list any time he logged on with any of his characters on that account. But ALSO... it would be a legacy-wide global friends list for me, so that if I had someone on my friends list for my character Halfmint, they would also appear when I logged on any other of my characters in my legacy (and on either faction!). Same for /ignore. Don't make me /ignore the same person on every character I have, make it Legacy wide, and make that /ignore apply to any characters on the offender's account.


This is the reason I responded. While an account wide ignore has its uses, I don't want everyone to know when I'm on all the time. If I'm on trying to decompress and level an alt, I may not want the guild my other characters are on to bug me to come heal for them. Heck, maybe I'm trying to hedge my bet by playing an all new character for a guild tryout and I don't want my current guild to know in case I don't make the cut. Maybe I call in sick on expansion day and my boss catches me playing. I could go on. Put it in if you wish, but make it a toggle. "/friend" vs "/legacyfriend" or something


My responses in red, assuming I did the color code correctly.

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Make /friend and /ignore be account wide for both me AND that person. What I mean is this:

If I add Bigbadsith to my friends list, all of his characters would appear in my friends list any time he logged on with any of his characters on that account. But ALSO... it would be a legacy-wide global friends list for me, so that if I had someone on my friends list for my character Halfmint, they would also appear when I logged on any other of my characters in my legacy (and on either faction!). .


Not only no, but hell no. Way to invade privacy. Just because I talk to someone on one of my characters doesnt mean they get the option to know who every single one of my alts is. Pass.


Someone decides they dont like you and starts harassing you so you log out, then they add you to friends to harass you on all your characters? Some creeper takes a shine to you and cant take the hint your not interested and follows you around til you log out, so he adds you and stalks you on any char you try to play? F that.





Problem is diminishing returns, if you notice, the higher your companions affection is, the less they get from gift. Just remove the cast time for gift giving that will help a lot.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Well, what about if you send a legacy friend request? Different from a unilateral friend add...


It'd have to be done when you're online, and you'd have to be a pretty good judge of character; knowing them well enough to be able to trust them would help...

Edited by sentientomega
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Not only no, but hell no. Way to invade privacy. Just because I talk to someone on one of my characters doesnt mean they get the option to know who every single one of my alts is. Pass.


Someone decides they dont like you and starts harassing you so you log out, then they add you to friends to harass you on all your characters? Some creeper takes a shine to you and cant take the hint your not interested and follows you around til you log out, so he adds you and stalks you on any char you try to play? F that.



They could avoid this invasion of privacy quite easily. If you are aware of how Blizzard did this for WoW and it's other games - they have bnet friend requests (You have to accept or decline and you decide if you want them to see account wide friend or not) and they can character friend. If you don't want to account wide friend people - you can pass that up in that game. Your reasoning can be as simple as 'I want to alt/decompress without you guys, sorry not interested in account wide friending' or whatever else.


It could easily just be a 'legacy' friend instead of account - and something that you can accept or decline, in addition to the single character friend requests which we have now.

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Guild Mail. It's ridiculous that this feature isn't already available. i.e. The ability for guild leaders and officers, or other members to send ONE email to the whole guild. This can be set as a permission for the guildleader only, or the leader can set permissions for officers or any other rank as the leader sees fit.
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My responses in red, assuming I did the color code correctly.


re:companion gifts - I had not thought about that but I bet you are ABSOLUTELY right. Dang it!


re:GTN - people do it anyway... so to me it's essentially just saving you a trip to the mailbox. The punishment of standing at the GTN all day doing nothing but undercutting people you were gonna undercut anyway is enough, I think. I don't think it would make it any worse... but maybe it would. Why do people have to ruin everything!?


re:Account-wide Friends - I suppose I can understand that logic. Maybe just make it work that way for ignore?

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Not only no, but hell no. Way to invade privacy. Just because I talk to someone on one of my characters doesnt mean they get the option to know who every single one of my alts is. Pass.


Someone decides they dont like you and starts harassing you so you log out, then they add you to friends to harass you on all your characters? Some creeper takes a shine to you and cant take the hint your not interested and follows you around til you log out, so he adds you and stalks you on any char you try to play? F that.




Problem is diminishing returns, if you notice, the higher your companions affection is, the less they get from gift. Just remove the cast time for gift giving that will help a lot.


Most of the other games I play allow you to add a friend to a friend list as an account. So maybe it will just show that the ACCOUNT is online, not give specific alt/character names? I think you should have to accept friend requests though, if this change was made so that people couldn't just add anybody they wanted to their friends lists without them even being aware of it.

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Make /friend and /ignore be account wide for both me AND that person. What I mean is this:

If I add Bigbadsith to my friends list, all of his characters would appear in my friends list any time he logged on with any of his characters on that account. But ALSO... it would be a legacy-wide global friends list for me, so that if I had someone on my friends list for my character Halfmint, they would also appear when I logged on any other of my characters in my legacy (and on either faction!). Same for /ignore. Don't make me /ignore the same person on every character I have, make it Legacy wide, and make that /ignore apply to any characters on the offender's account.


No way. I don't want people to add one toon and then know my 20 other alts that I have and what i'm doing the whole time i'm logged in. Invasion of privacy as well as sometimes I just want to do my own thing I should have the right to tell people "Hey, add this alt I am going to be playing on it," not oh I added your other toon now I can see you playing on that toon log out of that and come do this unless people want that to be optional something you tick in settings then I wouldn't have a problem with that.


Ignore part would be ok because of the harbinger trolls or just the vast amount of terrible players you run into while doing PvP or PvE that you never want to run into again during those, or they get mouthy and try to tell you what to do when they themselves don't understand the mechanics or they get defensive when you tell them mechanics when you repeatedly watch them eat red circles or for a popular instance of Foundry Tactical or HM with Molten Burst and they die multiple times then complain nobody healed them or clicked a healing station of a boss after they have wiped the group in things like groupfinder.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Guild Mail. It's ridiculous that this feature isn't already available. i.e. The ability for guild leaders and officers, or other members to send ONE email to the whole guild. This can be set as a permission for the guildleader only, or the leader can set permissions for officers or any other rank as the leader sees fit.
mail system in the game is a joke. most of my characters start with 30 mail messages from Bioware, I never delete them and I don't want them to be deleted.


Every once in a while, I'll try sending mail to one of my alts and I'll get a message like "recipient's inbox is full" or some garbage message like that. There's barely anything I'm keeping in the inbox other than default Bioware messages that last forever, and automated messages from the GTN that expire in 30 days. No messages from real players, there shouldn't have been a problem here.


Asking for Bioware to amplify this joke of a mail system, is a wasted effort, it's bad, it's irredeemable. Don't waste your guild's time, communicate off-site using other services.


A mobile iOS/Android mmo game called Game of War: Fire Age has a better mail, friend list, chat, guild, ingame guild profile systems than a full fledged MMORPG like SWTOR. It's a joke, mate, don't bother.


If you don't believe me, Game of War is free 2 play, download it, explore the interface, messaging, mail, and guild systems. Guarantee you'll be even more disappointed with SWTOR after you see what other games have and especially when mobile MMOs have better auxiliary features.

Edited by Falensawino
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Problem is diminishing returns, if you notice, the higher your companions affection is, the less they get from gift. Just remove the cast time for gift giving that will help a lot.


Thing is, professional computer programmers have to have a pretty high level of that math doohickey thingy in their backgrounds. Calculating diminishing is an extrapolation of that stuff we all ignored/slept thru/ forgot back in Algebra 1 thing (think y = mx + b). Kind of means that not being able to create an algorithm to calculate diminishing returns is something someone needs to push off somewhere else.


Spending 5 minutes listening to a companion say "That's nice"... That needs to end.

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A mobile iOS/Android mmo game called Game of War: Fire Age has a better mail, friend list, chat, guild, ingame guild profile systems than a full fledged MMORPG like SWTOR. It's a joke, mate, don't bother.


If you don't believe me, Game of War is free 2 play, download it, explore the interface, messaging, mail, and guild systems. Guarantee you'll be even more disappointed with SWTOR after you see what other games have and especially when mobile MMOs have better auxiliary features.


To be fair, a incredibly large part of mobile games like Game of War is to team up with the strongest allies in the game, unlike SWTOR which lately been leaning toward almost 100% solo.


PS: Game of War is a terrible game revolving around you spending money to advance in the game.


As for the OP: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, EVERYTHING ON THAT LIST, ESPEICALLY COMPANION GIFTS. The grind should be obtaining the gifts themselves, not sitting there for 30 minutes giving it to them. MAKE IT HAPPEN BIOWARE, YOU CAN DO IT!.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Maybe be able to put companions in different poses like with there weapons draw, typing and sitting ect

Also increase the amount of compainion you can place in strongholds now that you can get lots more

More daily heroics on planets like tython ect with reputation vendors with decorations and outfits ect

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Not only no, but hell no. Way to invade privacy. Just because I talk to someone on one of my characters doesnt mean they get the option to know who every single one of my alts is. Pass.


Someone decides they dont like you and starts harassing you so you log out, then they add you to friends to harass you on all your characters? Some creeper takes a shine to you and cant take the hint your not interested and follows you around til you log out, so he adds you and stalks you on any char you try to play? F that.





Spending 5 minutes listening to a companion say "That's nice"... That needs to end.


I agree, however giving us the option to give several hundred gifts at once will render most companion gift missions even more useless and result in everyone getting all their companions to at least influence lvl 20 with lvl 1 green gifts, because they are cheap. Also the time it takes to give all those gifts isn't the only thing that's ridiculous. Dulfy has a good spreadsheet that shows how many gifts it takes to reach a certain influence level. Just go ingame, take a random char, look at how long companion missions take and do the maths on how long it would take to reach say lvl 30 influence with gifts from those missions, assuming you repeatedly get the right gift, which of course you don't since there are 10 different gifts and every fifth is a courting gift nobody wants.


They raised the maximum influence amount to 2500% of what it originally was, they should have at least raised the gifts to 500% of their original amount, and yes I know it takes longer now than before until their value drops, but that alone doesn't make up for it.


Btw, I'm sure most people spend more time than 5 minutes doing this atm. Getting a companion from 1 to 20 with green level one gifts takes 456 gifts if you have the 30% bonus, with 3 seconds each that's 22 minutes and 48 seconds, assuming you have a perfect reaction time.

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Make /friend and /ignore be account wide for both me AND that person. What I mean is this:

If I add Bigbadsith to my friends list, all of his characters would appear in my friends list any time he logged on with any of his characters on that account. But ALSO... it would be a legacy-wide global friends list for me, so that if I had someone on my friends list for my character Halfmint, they would also appear when I logged on any other of my characters in my legacy (and on either faction!). Same for /ignore. Don't make me /ignore the same person on every character I have, make it Legacy wide, and make that /ignore apply to any characters on the offender's account.

Your friend and ignore lists being global to your legacy, great idea (works that way in some other games). You being able to friend or ignore all of my characters simply by friending or ignoring one of them, bad idea.


Most of the other games I play allow you to add a friend to a friend list as an account. So maybe it will just show that the ACCOUNT is online, not give specific alt/character names?

If I want people to know my account name, I will tell them. Same thing even if the game used @handles that were not the account name. But this game does not have @handles, so it's a moot point.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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City of Heroes had global friends and it worked well. You had to accept friend invites. You saw the global handle, not which character someone was on. And you could hide so no one knew you were in game.


I'd like a "learn all" button in collections for pets, mounts, titles & emotes.


I'd like a "learnable" sort feature on the GTN so I only see mounts, schematics, etc. that I still need.


Remove travel restrictions in orbital stations & spaceports.

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Companion Gifts: Be nice only problem is you would end up giving companion gifts that give less influence or no influence to them.


SH Editor: How do you end up in someone else stronghold and not know where you are or who owns it? I would love to know this? Please explain. Being able to see the name the name of decoration would be nice.


GTN edit: Disagree; allow people to sit there and keep undercutting people by 1cr.


Account friends list/ignore list: **** no. I don't want to be cyber stalk or harassed. I don't want to deal with FB drama either; of why don't you accept my account friendship. Not everyone wants ever aspect of their lives connected. Save/import of friends list would be the best for both sides of this topic.


Legacy Credit: **** Yes


More Detail Family tree: No opinion. I know what all 30 of my char stats are.


Seeker/Macrob: Turn the H4 at the end of them into Tact FP and allow people to queue for them.


Hood toggle: Why didn't this make the list?


Guild Event Calendar: Much needed.


Basic Comm tranfers via legacy: Nice QoL

Edited by Warrgames
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24/7 Stronghold listing while offline and no matter which faction you logged out on.


Unlimited Item (time) listing like Gw2 but change the GTN UI to GW2 AH UI by making sub menus for each item

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Legacy credit storage is unlikely to happen. This is possibly due to the credit restrictions on F2P and preferred players and how to handle any credits in legacy storage should a subscriber drop to preferred.


F2P and preferred not only have credit caps, but cannot transfer credits between characters.


BW stated before legacy storage was implemented that they would not be implementing a legacy credit storage.


No one has yet been able to suggest any way to implement legacy credit storage that would maintain ALL credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players, yet not hold any credits in legacy storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber to preferred.

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No one has yet been able to suggest any way to implement legacy credit storage that would maintain ALL credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players, yet not hold any credits in legacy storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber to preferred.


Simple solution I think - have it act like guild storage, once you go F2P you cannot withdraw or deposit credits until you subscribe again.


Even with the guild bank unlock a F2P or Pref player cannot deposit or withdraw credits from a guild bank until they re-subscribe, if they did a legacy version that allows credit deposit, do the same thing there.

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No one has yet been able to suggest any way to implement legacy credit storage that would maintain ALL credit restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players, yet not hold any credits in legacy storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber to preferred.



Simple solution I think - have it act like guild storage, once you go F2P you cannot withdraw or deposit credits until you subscribe again.


Even with the guild bank unlock a F2P or Pref player cannot deposit or withdraw credits from a guild bank until they re-subscribe, if they did a legacy version that allows credit deposit, do the same thing there.


Obviously, you either did not read my post or simply chose to ignore part of it. See the bolded part.


Your "suggested 'simple' solution" would hold any credits in legacy storage hostage.


The big difference between a guild bank and legacy credit storage is ownership of credits contained therein. With a legacy credit storage, all credits belong to the player. With a guild bank, the credits belong to the guild, NOT the player. Once a player deposits credits into the guild bank, they no longer belong to that player. he has given those credits to the guild. Therefore, the player owns NO credits in the guild bank to hold hostage should they drop from subscriber to preferred.

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No, I didn't ignore the rest, I just wasn't sure what you meant by holding the credits hostage. To me escrow is holding them 'hostage' when sub ends, but I think I see what you meant now. Most players planning on going F2P either spend down their credits a bit or pull credits over to alts before their sub ends.


BW could easily have the legacy bank auto dump the credits into the first character who logs in and accesses the legacy bank's bags if you're worried about them being held 'hostage' where escrow unlocks won't access them.


Or add a button similar to the 'collect' ones for grabbing gear off companions that are gone that will collect all credits in the legacy bank without giving the player the option to choose the amount taken out if they do not have a subscription.


Most people that drop subscription from what I have seen know about when it's going to end and can easily prevent the credits being held 'hostage' even without that mechanic added in, adding either option in as a failsafe would work to address what you mentioned though.

Edited by Manathayria
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No, I didn't ignore the rest, I just wasn't sure what you meant by holding the credits hostage. To me escrow is holding them 'hostage' when sub ends, but I think I see what you meant now. Most players planning on going F2P either spend down their credits a bit or pull credits over to alts before their sub ends.


BW could easily have the legacy bank auto dump the credits into the first character who logs in and accesses the legacy bank's bags if you're worried about them being held 'hostage' where escrow unlocks won't access them.


Or add a button similar to the 'collect' ones for grabbing gear off companions that are gone that will collect all credits in the legacy bank without giving the player the option to choose the amount taken out if they do not have a subscription.


Most people that drop subscription from what I have seen know about when it's going to end and can easily prevent the credits being held 'hostage' even without that mechanic added in, adding either option in as a failsafe would work to address what you mentioned though.


Your new suggestion ignores one of the restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players--that being that F2P and preferred cannot transfer credits between characters.


Player A deposits 100,000 credits into legacy storage from his mercenary. he drops to preferred and the first character he logs in to the game is his scoundrel. Under your new suggestion, that 100,000 credits in legacy storage are dumped into the scoundrel's credit pool, bypassing the restriction against transferring credits between characters.


To be able to return credits to characters if a player drops to preferred, BW would have the practically impossible task of keeping immaculate records of exactly which credits in legacy credit storage belong to which characters so they can be "returned" to the character to whom they belong. This becomes even more difficult when you factor in characters "withdrawing" credits from legacy credit storage. Which character's credits were "withdrawn"? This becomes especially important if the character "withdrawing" credits never deposited enough to cover the "withdrawal".


This is why I said that no one has yet suggested a way to implement legacy credit storage that maintains ALL credit restrictions that aply to F2P and preferred, while not holding any credits in legacy credit storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber to preferred.

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Your new suggestion ignores one of the restrictions that apply to F2P and preferred players--that being that F2P and preferred cannot transfer credits between characters.


Player A deposits 100,000 credits into legacy storage from his mercenary. he drops to preferred and the first character he logs in to the game is his scoundrel. Under your new suggestion, that 100,000 credits in legacy storage are dumped into the scoundrel's credit pool, bypassing the restriction against transferring credits between characters.


To be able to return credits to characters if a player drops to preferred, BW would have the practically impossible task of keeping immaculate records of exactly which credits in legacy credit storage belong to which characters so they can be "returned" to the character to whom they belong. This becomes even more difficult when you factor in characters "withdrawing" credits from legacy credit storage. Which character's credits were "withdrawn"? This becomes especially important if the character "withdrawing" credits never deposited enough to cover the "withdrawal".


This is why I said that no one has yet suggested a way to implement legacy credit storage that maintains ALL credit restrictions that aply to F2P and preferred, while not holding any credits in legacy credit storage hostage should a player drop from subscriber to preferred.


It does not ignore that restriction.. If Player A mails 100k to his scoundrel from his bounty hunter and drops subscription, Player A can still pull the 100k from their mailbox. The restriction of not being able to transfer credits is bypassed because the credits existed in the mailbox prior to Player A dropping subscription.


Player A can send 3-4 mails to himself from his bounty hunter with 350k credits in each mail before he drops subscription, and withdraw those credits after his subscription ends (till they expire in 30 days). Once again, Player A has bypassed the F2P restrictions under the current system.


In the case of a legacy wide bank that takes credit, the same thing is done, but with more risk that Player A is going to exceed their escrow limits and will see the lion's share of those credits shoved into escrow not to be seen again till they resub or until they buy escrow unlocks. Just like as if they'd done something as a subscriber like mailing 5mil over to that scoundrel and not collecting till after subscription ends.


They don't need to track where credits came from - they just need to track how many are there and return it to the first character who either claims it by hitting the claim all button (which does not allow you to pick amounts and drops the full credits into their character's ledger) or to the first character that accesses legacy bank.

Edited by Manathayria
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