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Yavin 4 Story Question (Spoilers, lot's of them!)


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As I have said in the title, this entire thread will be full of spoilers, so exit now if you wish to avoid them.


I have a possibly simple question: When/where/how do we find out the Emperor is insane and wants to eat us all?


I'm on Yavin 4, and everyone, including my character, is acting like it is common knowledge. When it was first brought up, my character acted like it was an Imperial secret, which further confused me. I skipped Oricon except the HK quest, though I completed Illium, Makeb, and the rest of the Revan story. I don't know much about the black hole area, so that is a possibility too. I've played all imp classes to full except the agent, but my agent is sitting at chapter 3 right now. I also playing a Jedi Knight who just entered chapter 2, but as I said, the way they are discussing it, it sounded like an Imperial secret. To paraphrase, my Sith Warrior said something along the lines of, "YOU TOLD THEM!?" to Marr when Shan commented on the Emperor being... well, Nihilus on steroids.


So, did I miss something? Was it raid content? Or a flashpoint? Or black hole / Oricon? Or am I just supposed to be privy to the insanity of the Emperor. The odd thing is, on Rishi, my Warrior still acted like he was a loyal Wrath, well, up until I chose the Dark Side option and strangled Servant One... but even then it just seemed like my character was just being fiercley independent, rather than, "Nah, the Emp's more unhinged than your mother's front door."


So... what did I miss?


tl;dr - When/where/how do Imperials first learn the Emperor is crazy and wants to eat everything?

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As an Imperial I believe Darth Marr tells you the Emperor still lives, albeit in a different capacity than before, when you do the Makeb story though some of this I think also depends on your conversation choices. At the end of Rishi when both he and Satele meet with you and the others in the safe house, he speaks of the Emperor's plan to 'consume us all'. I do think some liberties were taken as it's mostly assumed you already know these things of the Emperor. I can't recall where else in the Imperial stories prior to Rishi the whole 'Emperor wants to eat the galaxy' thing comes to light.


Republic side however, Darth Marr in Rishi states he's "only just learned" of the Emperor's plans himself. The Republic's already aware of his intentions since Chapter 3 of the Jedi Knight class story revolves around these exact plans but they believe the threat was already eliminated until they find out otherwise during SoR.

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As an Imperial I believe Darth Marr tells you the Emperor still lives, albeit in a different capacity than before, when you do the Makeb story though some of this I think also depends on your conversation choices. At the end of Rishi when both he and Satele meet with you and the others in the safe house, he speaks of the Emperor's plan to 'consume us all'. I do think some liberties were taken as it's mostly assumed you already know these things of the Emperor. I can't recall where else in the Imperial stories prior to Rishi the whole 'Emperor wants to eat the galaxy' thing comes to light.


Republic side however, Darth Marr in Rishi states he's "only just learned" of the Emperor's plans himself. The Republic's already aware of his intentions since Chapter 3 of the Jedi Knight class story revolves around these exact plans but they believe the threat was already eliminated until they find out otherwise during SoR.


Thanks. I figured the Jedi Knight / Republic would be aware (I'm pretty vague on the Republic stories, but I have been aware of the Jedi Knight "killing the Emperor" for some time), which only added to the confusion when the Wrath, who, to my knowledge, has no clue about the Emperor's nom nom plan, acts so offended Marr spilled the beans...

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Thanks. I figured the Jedi Knight / Republic would be aware (I'm pretty vague on the Republic stories, but I have been aware of the Jedi Knight "killing the Emperor" for some time), which only added to the confusion when the Wrath, who, to my knowledge, has no clue about the Emperor's nom nom plan, acts so offended Marr spilled the beans...


What was your warriors exact dialouge? Because from what I remember, the Wrath only seems offended in dialoge choices about not wan't the help of the republic and not wanting to stop the Emperor's plan.

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Yeah, basically it's Scourge who knows the truth, he tells the JK and the Jedi Council, they thwart all of Vitiate's plans, the JK damages him a lot, he goes to sleep on Yavin. Since both factions have spies everywhere (though Imperial Intelligence dissolved, Sith Intelligence was already around before Yavin), we can safely assume the imps know about Vitiate's plans, too.

In the Makeb storyline, Marr states the Emperor being silent, though the SW can confirm he's alive. But at the end of that storyline, Marr confirms the Empire shouldn't be lead by the Emperor anymore, I think he knew about his plan by that time.

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Yeah, basically it's Scourge who knows the truth, he tells the JK and the Jedi Council, they thwart all of Vitiate's plans, the JK damages him a lot, he goes to sleep on Yavin. Since both factions have spies everywhere (though Imperial Intelligence dissolved, Sith Intelligence was already around before Yavin), we can safely assume the imps know about Vitiate's plans, too.

In the Makeb storyline, Marr states the Emperor being silent, though the SW can confirm he's alive. But at the end of that storyline, Marr confirms the Empire shouldn't be lead by the Emperor anymore, I think he knew about his plan by that time.


Marr does not know the Emperor's plans at Makeb, by then he just severly distrusts the Emperor and thinks of him as incompetent. Marr comes to the conclusion that most of the empire's failure are due to the Emperor's core teachings and lack of presence.

On Rishi, Marr saids he only found out recently and SOR takes at least a year after ROTHC, so I would definitely say that Marr does not know on Makeb.

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I do mostly assume Darth Marr was informed of the Emperor's plans by Vowrawn, who was on Rishi himself as you know for a little SW class side quest. During that side quest, Vowrawn's already trying to open up your eyes to the Emperor's end game and if you pay attention to the droids (Opticrons) you fight, they say certain things while fighting them that too allude to the Emperor's plans.


This is a video of that specific SW/Wrath quest and if you look around 6:35, the PC chooses a dialog option that mentions the words of the Opticrons and thus the Emperor's plans. So pretty much this is the moment in which the Wrath (depending on dialog/ignorance) discovers the true nature of the Emperor he/she serves.


(videos a little iffy as she lines out all dialog options)

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I do mostly assume Darth Marr was informed of the Emperor's plans by Vowrawn, who was on Rishi himself as you know for a little SW class side quest. During that side quest, Vowrawn's already trying to open up your eyes to the Emperor's end game and if you pay attention to the droids (Opticrons) you fight, they say certain things while fighting them that too allude to the Emperor's plans.


This is a video of that specific SW/Wrath quest and if you look around 6:35, the PC chooses a dialog option that mentions the words of the Opticrons and thus the Emperor's plans. So pretty much this is the moment in which the Wrath (depending on dialog/ignorance) discovers the true nature of the Emperor he/she serves.


(videos a little iffy as she lines out all dialog options)


I wouldn't be surprised if Vowrawn told Marr, makes me wonder more if we'll see him again for more then a breif cameo in a vision.

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