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Music On Odessen Not Playing


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Hello. Over the past few days I have noticed that any and all music that should be heard on Odessen isn't playing. This happens both in and out of conversations with NPCs on the planet. The ambiance, dialogue, and sound effects are all working but for some reason the music isn't. Please fix this Bioware.


*Update 3/1/2016* I noticed that the music begins to play when I leave from Odessen to my guild flagship. It plays during the loading screen and then fades away after a few seconds just before the flagship cut-scene plays.

Edited by Mandoops
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I've had this happen too, but the cantina music still plays. Its the background music that's missing, the one with the Rebel Fanfare from the movies.
None of the Cantina music plays except the juke box music which plays music when activated.
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Can confirm, there is no background music playing on Odessen. The only piece of music I noticed was in the Cantina, near one of those Astromech droids with speakers.


As was mentioned in the thread, if I travel from Odessen to a stronghold or guild flagship, the music will suddenly pop back up again during the loading screen and then disappear again once you're in the stronghold.


EDIT: Now that I think about it... there also isn't any music playing on the fleets, is there?

Edited by BenKatarn
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