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I want to kill the traitor who left me.


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Chapter X a there is a traitor to the alliance it better not end like Quinn did.


I want to do nothing but hunt down this traitor who gave me crap the entire expansion. I want to hunt him down and make him pay.


I don't care what emails say after the fact I want to hunt him down and if I don't get to I probably won't continue to play this game. This person was a crappy companion from the start and I couldnt be happier they left, but now its time to show how i rule, and end this traitor.

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We don't know yet what the story has in store for us -- it's like a book, we'll have to wait and read --- I can wait, I still have Koth, but that doesn't mean he might not leave in the future ... I trust Kaliyo even less, and did not even want her in the Alliance, but alas, she's there
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So far, for all my toons, I kept Koth's allegiance. Why? Even though I resent his blind faith in Valkorion? "Keep your friends close and potential enemies closer" My DS PCs will execute him when he's of no use to me.


That's the only justification I can see for adding Kaliyo to the alliance.

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He is not really a traitor, i mean you are supposed to "save" the galaxy from the out of control emperor, not kill people and cause more lives to be lost ;3


If you choose the dark choice with Kaliyo to blow up the city then when you go back to base Koth will leave and take the gravestone with him. If you choose the light choice stopping Kaliyo from blowing the city up he will thank you and stay


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I'm not killing any of my companions. I still have Tanno Vik running around and Koth is still with me. I'm not going to kill my Warrior's husband for some petty ****. Sure he tried to kill me, but in the grand scheme of SWTOR time, that was like 7+ years ago. LET. IT. GO.
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i killed vik once a crook always a crook sides i think he deserted his post. i hatedhim from day one. tough i thought with his vo dead he should be too. koth why i understand his reasons. i bet he many innocents. but i talked kaylio down. but i disagree with her objective just her method Edited by dewayne
koth left out
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lets not compare quinn to Koth pls. Quinn is still far worse.


Koth just leaves because you mass massacre his people TWICE.


Quinn tries to KILLl you because he served Baras.


Actually once. I didn't let the sun reactor go boom and he still left after chapter X. It should also be pointed out that he tried to take the Gravestone which would be a far worse blow to the Alliance than him trying to kill you. Hell, in that respect, Quinn had the integrity to put himself in danger and confront you openly. Koth just tried to backstab the Alliance and run away.


I sometimes wonder if Koth is meant to be a commentary on social movements and/or American military adventurism. He wants Arcann gone but doesn't want any disruption to Zakuul in the process (much like people on Occupy Wall Street demanding good jobs but happily using Macs and/or wearing clothes made in third-world sweatshops.). He doesn't care about millions (billions if you count Ziost) killed by his empire but a couple hundred die on Zakuul and he loses his **** (which pretty much describes U.S. foreign policy since WW2).


Most of the time, I just think he's a whiny ***** and any parallels to current events are done by accident.


The worst part about Koth is that we're going to be forced to take him back with no strings attached. My Warrior would be willing to take him back but only after he proved himself. Something like "You want back in? There is a head of Skytrooper production that we need removed. Dead or alive is up to you but, until it's done, you aren't welcome in this Alliance. No, even Lana isn't going to be able to change my mind on this."


But I'm pretty sure that Bioware isn't going to let something like that happen.

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I agonized for a while about just how pissed at Koth my SW would be, given how much he hates treachery.


In the even I decided it would be a little petty to get THAT angry. He told me he would betray me if I kept on my current path, and he did. Quinn stabbed me in the back, but Koth's desertion seemed more like stabbing me in the front.


And yeah trying to cripple the Alliance by taking the Gravestone would be the type of treason that is probably worthy of death in his eyes, but I mean, of course he tried to take the Gravestone. From his perspective, he's trying to get the most powerful weapon in the galaxy out of the hands of a madman.

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He is not really a traitor, i mean you are supposed to "save" the galaxy from the out of control emperor, not kill people and cause more lives to be lost ;3


If you choose the dark choice with Kaliyo to blow up the city then when you go back to base Koth will leave and take the gravestone with him. If you choose the light choice stopping Kaliyo from blowing the city up he will thank you and stay


Maybe you are saving the galaxy, my sith warrior is planning to use the alliance to rebuild his own empire, and maybe even rule the new empire from the seat of Zakkul. Muahhhhhhh


There will be betrayal.......


I do hope we see more options toward taking the alliance in one of 3 ways, or maybe even the alliance breaks down on its own when in-fighting between companions and soldiers gets out of control forcing you to back one group or the other or try to quell the infighting.


I cant see jorgan and Pierce just forgeting the past and just enjoying a mojito on rakata Prime

Edited by kirorx
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Maybe you are saving the galaxy, my sith warrior is planning to use the alliance to rebuild his own empire, and maybe even rule the new empire from the seat of Zakkul. Muahhhhhhh


There will be betrayal.......


I do hope we see more options toward taking the alliance in one of 3 ways, or maybe even the alliance breaks down on its own when in-fighting between companions and soldiers gets out of control forcing you to back one group or the other or try to quell the infighting.


I cant see jorgan and Pierce just forgeting the past and just enjoying a mojito on rakata Prime

I seriously hope this does not happen. If KOTFE ends up breaking the alliance apart or forcing us to choose between a specific group of people, it will just be terrible, I will hate it, truly, and i believe I will not be alone in this. After working with everyone, being a team, helping each other, starting relationships, and then something like that? It will just be truly devastating. I pray something like this does not happen.

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Actually once. I didn't let the sun reactor go boom and he still left after chapter X. It should also be pointed out that he tried to take the Gravestone which would be a far worse blow to the Alliance than him trying to kill you. Hell, in that respect, Quinn had the integrity to put himself in danger and confront you openly. Koth just tried to backstab the Alliance and run away.


I sometimes wonder if Koth is meant to be a commentary on social movements and/or American military adventurism. He wants Arcann gone but doesn't want any disruption to Zakuul in the process (much like people on Occupy Wall Street demanding good jobs but happily using Macs and/or wearing clothes made in third-world sweatshops.). He doesn't care about millions (billions if you count Ziost) killed by his empire but a couple hundred die on Zakuul and he loses his **** (which pretty much describes U.S. foreign policy since WW2).


Most of the time, I just think he's a whiny ***** and any parallels to current events are done by accident.


The worst part about Koth is that we're going to be forced to take him back with no strings attached. My Warrior would be willing to take him back but only after he proved himself. Something like "You want back in? There is a head of Skytrooper production that we need removed. Dead or alive is up to you but, until it's done, you aren't welcome in this Alliance. No, even Lana isn't going to be able to change my mind on this."


But I'm pretty sure that Bioware isn't going to let something like that happen.


All these are actually excellent points, though I would add one extra detail. As far as the reactor goes, when Vaylin trashed it in an attempt to get to you, despite the fact it was in no way your fault, and, you had literally only minutes ago been saved from death by poisoning over 5 years inside a block of carbonite, Vortena literally DEMANDS that you do something to stop the explosion. He totally disregards the ordeal you've gone through, or even that you might get killed or recaptured in the process. He is a liability and has been since that very moment. Some of my characters would have took action regardless of Koth's demands, because they are heroes but some others no. And not just because they don't like being ordered about.


Vortena trying to take the gravestone, the only defence the galaxy has against Arcann's warships, in his toddler tantrum is absolutely reprehensible. Its not just an attack on you, its an attack on the alliance as a whole. But the timing as well is absolutely beautiful, Arcann bombards 5 planets to dust, and then you blow up the spire. Hell of a difference in scale. But again, Koth wants to get rid of Arcann but he's completely unprepared to see Zakuul suffer in the least. He's also completely unapologetic about the attrocities that Zakuul commits to the rest of the galaxy.


As far as taking Vortena back, if I have to, then I have to. But if I have a choice on companion usage, I will not use him. Much like quinn, from my perspective he was dead the day of his betrayal. So I did the next best thing, I stuck a helmet on him and pretended this person was a replacement for Quinn.


If I get the chance to kill Koth, then my inquisitor will off him without a second thought. True, he helped save him, and for that reason he will grant a quick death and a merciful one.

Edited by thebumpkin
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