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URC 5: 1v1 tournament on Harbinger.


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I enjoyed watching, thanks for uploading this. There aren't enough of these kinds of things.


My favorite participant to watch was Night'Train (sorry if i murdered that ;)). He had some very nicely timed saber reflects and was just pouring out the damage and sticking to his targets like glue.


The sorc vs sorc and op vs op duels to me weren't quite as entertaining, not due to skill of players but just the classes having so much off healing(especially sorcs) the fights kinda drag out and turn into battles of attrition.

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Anyways, nicely done to the two winners :D I'll be honest, I was happy just to see Arvengis beat Mosh. Truly a fun duel to watch regardless of what Snave might think.


Just curious here Snave, but what happened to the setup of the event? URC 4's video was more user friendly (hyperlinks and *gasp* the round score). The event seemed largely disorganized when at points, you either forgot who was up, what the score was, or a combination of both. I definitely see that this is a big deal to organize and I legitimately applaud you for trying to aid the pvp community but show some professionalism. It appears to me--from the lack of organization/fore work--that you decided well in advance NA could not compete with EU.


This is the unedited version. Skyrush is currently editing it down and doing all the things like hyperlinks and round score. It's entirely possible for me to do this live but it gets a little complicated when you're trying to manage OBS on the fly (you can't make hidden edits it all has to be done live), commentating, arranging the competitors and hosting the stream. Personally I'm pretty happy with how it is at the moment with the exception of me forgetting to swap scenes.


I didn't decide before hand that anyone was better than anyone, this event was just easily the lowest one that we've done and that's coming from the person who creates the events. Normally I wouldn't even have released this but I was receiving several messages per day about the youtube link so here it is. The next one will be better.


This isn't something I do professionally, I do it for fun, if you are expecting some professionalism or higher value productions I'm sorry but this just isn't the product you're looking for and I'd recommend just skipping any future videos.

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This is the unedited version. Skyrush is currently editing it down and doing all the things like hyperlinks and round score. It's entirely possible for me to do this live but it gets a little complicated when you're trying to manage OBS on the fly (you can't make hidden edits it all has to be done live), commentating, arranging the competitors and hosting the stream. Personally I'm pretty happy with how it is at the moment with the exception of me forgetting to swap scenes.


I didn't decide before hand that anyone was better than anyone, this event was just easily the lowest one that we've done and that's coming from the person who creates the events. Normally I wouldn't even have released this but I was receiving several messages per day about the youtube link so here it is. The next one will be better.


This isn't something I do professionally, I do it for fun, if you are expecting some professionalism or higher value productions I'm sorry but this just isn't the product you're looking for and I'd recommend just skipping any future videos.


Cry more. Jesus, do you do anything else?

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Still, from doing regs a couple days before the tourny, jesus christ is harb's average skill level way below my home server's. I think they probably have a good ranked community, but a friend and I were steamrolling premades of 4 with 2 operatives, having derpy games and we didn't lose a single time, pubs were really bad and imps weren't much better. But I don't think that warrants the insults on the tourney's participants, as the players there were pretty good. Maybe not as good as some people on the EU, but out of the players that are still left playing this game, I think there was a pretty good group in the tournament.


I'm gonna have to agree with Arvengis on this one. I come from Ebon Hawk as well, but I've PVPed in all tiers on several other servers. The skill level in PVP, especially duels, is much higher than the others. Come to EH next time Snave; we'll show you how Sorcs really fight.

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I'm gonna have to agree with Arvengis on this one. I come from Ebon Hawk as well, but I've PVPed in all tiers on several other servers. The skill level in PVP, especially duels, is much higher than the others. Come to EH next time Snave; we'll show you how Sorcs really fight.


Hey now

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yeah man my ancestors didn't die so i'd have to listen to some brit talk about na's trash pvp skills. you set up the event well but you're not a good host m8, a normal person would have said 'hey thanks for taking the time to come to my event' but y'know don't expect anyone to show up next time around Edited by Beetsbears
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After watching the whole thing now, I find that I agree with no one. The level wasn't completely horrible and there were some good duels, but the overall level felt a little lacking for sure.


On the stealth bracket side, there were really only 4 OPs that were somewhat competent. Mosh going down so early certainly was a surprise. Still, even at the top the stealth bracket was a lot worse that particularly URC 4. I am not into operative class specifics, but even apart from the issue with the snipe combo that Snave was lamenting, there were actually a lot less exciting and game changing plays. It was mostly rng and little faults, as the players traded resolve and heals and at some point someone went down.


On the non-stealth side of the bracket there was just so much bad play with only 3 decent players (Dacri, Asparaguss and the tank Guardian. I mean, really, a tank Vanguard signed up? Of all specs around the most AOE heavy? That was just ridiculous and as ridiculous as that was was most of the play there.


Then again, there were competitive players in the tournament. That Mosh lost on his home turf certainly is a testament to that, even with lag and his absence to play Blade&Soul. But overall, there just weren't 32 players on a decent level to be honest.

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the issue with the snipe combo that Snave was lamenting


I wasn't sure what he was talking about when he was referring to this as it was hard to see the fights very well from up on the balcony of the SH, and I only watched the YT video for the parts I was in it, lol, but...


Using Snipe when your opponent is mezzed/sapped is completely logical. 1.5s cast time, GCD is 1.5s (with no alacrity). It's just a slight amount of extra damage, there's no real reason not to do it if you have the time for it.


I think however, that due to some latency, there may have been a few cases where someone tried to do snipe > backstab, but when the snipe went off, due to the caster's latency the victim was able to roll before the backstab hit, that may have been what he was speaking about, and in that case I'd agree. However, I didn't notice anyone really using it incorrectly.

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The bashes against NA in this thread are completely uncalled for. If you didn't think that there was talent in the tourney, tough ****. You hold these on EU all the time and after one NA tournament, you claim it's bad. You did URC on NA just so you could start the EU > NA ********. Don't judge all of NA from one tournament.
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This is the unedited version. Skyrush is currently editing it down and doing all the things like hyperlinks and round score...


Hope to be done this Sunday if everything goes as planed. Editing takes time. and it has stolen 20 efficient work hours atm. :rolleyes:

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