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Holostatue Trainer


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They are an item people you've grouped with or been around have, not a game function. There are three I know of, the Hutt trainer that was a pre order for Rise of the Hutt Cartel, a Satele Shan for Rep characters only and Darth Malgus for Imp side only that were in Cartel Packs. You can find them on the GTN or from rep vendors in the cartel bazaar area on the Fleets. Once you have one, it's unlockable for all characters in collections, it's an item you have to activate in your inventory. Hope that helps.
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Yeah at this point they're an item you have to buy off the GTN since they're from an extinct pack. Problem is they can cost anywhere from 1 - 5 million credits and earning that kinda dough can be difficult. And if you're F2P or Preffered, you have a credit cap as well.


I managed to get my Malgus and Shan holostatues for about 1.3 million credits each. And now that I've unlocked them through collections (400 cartel coins each) I never have to visit a trainer again.


Hands down the best credits I've ever spent.

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You can now buy them from a Rep Vendor in the galactic market, but they require Cartel Market Certificates plus credits, and they don't unlock in collections. (I'd have to check which reputation you need.)


(The version you get from the packs still unlocks though.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Yeah at this point they're an item you have to buy off the GTN since they're from an extinct pack. Problem is they can cost anywhere from 1 - 5 million credits and earning that kinda dough can be difficult. And if you're F2P or Preffered, you have a credit cap as well.


I managed to get my Malgus and Shan holostatues for about 1.3 million credits each. And now that I've unlocked them through collections (400 cartel coins each) I never have to visit a trainer again.


Hands down the best credits I've ever spent.

If I correctly understand the various notes about the recent redos on how packs work, it's now possible to get pretty much anything that's ever been in any pack from the "new" packs. (Anything, that is, except Cartel Certificates needed to purchase stuff from the various reputation vendors, or the reputation items necessary to get your reputation with whatever faction high enough to be able to buy stuff). So you could, if the RNG gods are smiling on you, get one of those holotrainers from the current packs, even though the packs they originally came from are no longer available in the CM.


Credit cap isn't an impossible hurdle for f2p or preferred. That's what the escrow unlock items are for.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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You can now buy them from a Rep Vendor in the galactic market, but they require Cartel Market Certificates plus credits, and they don't unlock in collections. (I'd have to check which reputation you need.)


(The version you get from the packs still unlocks though.)


Yes they do. I've gotten both Satele and Malgus Holostatues that way, and have them unlocked in Collections.

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Well, I've gotten the Malgus statue from a pack, and it's unlocked, but the Satele statue I bought from the rep vendor isn't. Can anyone else confirm this?


I can confirm you can unlock those items in collections. Sometimes they don't correctly get added, but they can be. I have the Hutt Trainer, but I picked up some of the regen items and mounts from the rep vendors, and my Battle Camera did not get added on use when my throne was. If you can't unlock it, send in a ticket explaining what it is and that you can't add it, they will send you a bound copy of it to the character that bought the item. Use the copy and it will be added to collections for unlock. My ticket turnaround was I think two days? If they unlocked a regen I would think they'll unlock a trainer.

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Well, I've gotten the Malgus statue from a pack, and it's unlocked, but the Satele statue I bought from the rep vendor isn't. Can anyone else confirm this?


These statues come in two different "versions" - the ones from the Rep vendor do not trigger the update of the Collections window, so you cannot unlock them. The others do update the Collections window so they can be unlocked.

It seems a pretty weird thing though, and I suspect that it may be a "feature" of the game. Nothing about it in the Dev Tracker that I have seen, but as I have the Dr Oggurobb statue which is cross-faction, it's not one I have personally paid too much attention to.

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These statues come in two different "versions" - the ones from the Rep vendor do not trigger the update of the Collections window, so you cannot unlock them. The others do update the Collections window so they can be unlocked.

It seems a pretty weird thing though, and I suspect that it may be a "feature" of the game. Nothing about it in the Dev Tracker that I have seen, but as I have the Dr Oggurobb statue which is cross-faction, it's not one I have personally paid too much attention to.

The reason may be that the Collections unlocks are account-wide, whereas your Reputation is specific to your Legcy (IOW, server-specific). So they maybe don't want to give you access to "reputation" items on a server where you don't have high enough reputation with whatever "group".
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