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Nico Okarr romance?


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I know that since Nico was an exclusive companion there's less likely a chance compared to the other KOTFE companions; but what do you think guys? Is there a possibility of it in the future? I know I'm looking forward to seeing if this character has a bigger role as the story continues to play out.
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There's no way they'd make him a romance. After the fuss that was thrown when it was clearly stated that he was available only to subscribers who met the requirements, there's absolutely no chance they would then take that same companion and turn him into a romance. Anyone who didn't qualify to have him as a companion would throw a fit and complain that they have to miss out on a romance because they didn't subscribe at the right time (even though they had plenty of notification on the main KOTFE page for months).


So no, I don't see him ever being a romance, or ever playing a significant role in the storyline, and that is entirely because not everyone has him as a companion, and that would mean some people get more content than others.


The only way around the "more plot" idea would be to make a chapter where Nico Okarr is present and available as a temporary companion, even to those who didn't qualify for him originally. They could probably find a way to make that happen for those who do have him and those who don't. But even if they do this, I don't see Nico ever being made a romance. You could probably flirt with him, but the chances of getting even a fade-to-black is not too good.


Personally, I'd rather have to flirt with Arcann than have a relationship with him, and I hate Arcann. The guy is literally kept relatively young by using a Sith artifact. The chances of that actually working out in his favor long term are so small they might not exist. Sith technology is not exactly made to be user-friendly. If you aren't strong enough to harness the power of the artifact, it'll chew you up and spit you out. It would not surprise me at all to discover that the artifact he's using is slowly killing him and/or draining him of his soul. The thing is probably powered by the devoured spirits of it's previous owners for all we know.

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I used to kinda like him -- but now -- meh, he's a bit of a lush ( in his comments anyway ... )

I don't see him being a romance either -- for the same previous stated reasons -- but he would make an interesting diversion as a temp companion --- that might be possible

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Personally, I'd rather have to flirt with Arcann than have a relationship with him, and I hate Arcann. The guy is literally kept relatively young by using a Sith artifact. The chances of that actually working out in his favor long term are so small they might not exist. Sith technology is not exactly made to be user-friendly. If you aren't strong enough to harness the power of the artifact, it'll chew you up and spit you out. It would not surprise me at all to discover that the artifact he's using is slowly killing him and/or draining him of his soul. The thing is probably powered by the devoured spirits of it's previous owners for all we know.

Given the amount that Nico drinks, I'd say there's a strong possibility that the artefact is powered by alcohol.

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I adore Nico and think he would be tremendously fun to flirt with, but not romance. I would probably die of shock if they give him any further content, but I really wish they'd give him some lines for when you poke him. It's just wrong to have companions that don't talk when poked :(
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I adore Nico and think he would be tremendously fun to flirt with, but not romance. I would probably die of shock if they give him any further content, but I really wish they'd give him some lines for when you poke him. It's just wrong to have companions that don't talk when poked :(
He HAS lines for when you poke him, they just don't work when he's summoned as your companion. Try poking him when you're in the Underworld wing of your base at Odessen.
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Don't tell me u don't want to know how its like to romance your grandpa xD

I can imagine Nico as an older, worldly wise, womanizing, alcoholic uncle, but I could never, ever, ever see him as a grandfather. Uuugh.


I will say though, I think it would be funny to have Nico and Senya interact with each other. I can just imagine how those conversations would go. It would probably be quite comical. And possibly end in him being force-thrown across a room. Actually, it would probably end that way. Most likely. Definitely.

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