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Something different with Clarion in 4.1?


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Is it just me, or is something wrong with the Clarion in 4.1?


Prior to 4.1 I always made top 3 in every match, usually 1st place. Now I never make top 3 except when the match is an unfortunate noob slaughter.


Can someone run the numbers or something? Is there an unseen bug?


~ Eudoxia

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Is it just me, or is something wrong with the Clarion in 4.1?


Prior to 4.1 I always made top 3 in every match, usually 1st place. Now I never make top 3 except when the match is an unfortunate noob slaughter.


Can someone run the numbers or something? Is there an unseen bug?


~ Eudoxia


Before Krixarcs comes here: I haven't felt a difference, but I don't fly it often enough really feel. I doubt the patch affected GSF in any way, to say nothing of a specific ship.


It would make more sense if your PC/internet were the problem.

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Yeah I often made first place in matches where I was flying with 1000+ms ping, so that's not the issue.


It seems like the survivability or maneuverability of the ship is down for some reason. I find myself without engine power or power dive way too much anymore, and it seems like my shields are getting eaten through at a faster rate than they used to.


I dunno, maybe I'm just out of practice. I have been running ops far more than I've been playing GSF lately.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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You might check for the component/upgrade unequip bug at work.


I haven't seen it recently on my ships, but I also don't recall any mention of it being fixed in patch notes (not that I've been paying really close attention).


My guesses would be that, lack of practice, or improvement on the opposition's part.


I'll keep my eye on it next time I fly a T3 strike though.


What shield, armor, and crew is this with?

Edited by Ramalina
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You might check for the component/upgrade unequip bug at work.


I haven't seen it recently on my ships, but I also don't recall any mention of it being fixed in patch notes (not that I've been paying really close attention).


You know, interestingly, I hadn't experienced the "unequip" bug in quite a while; I thought it was gone. But since 4.1, I've experienced it consistently, on just one specific character. TT tiers 4 & 5 are unselected on my FF every single time I log in to one particular toon on SL. Nowhere else.


@Eudoxia - I'm sure you've thought to check this, but it can't hurt to take a second look.

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You might check for the component/upgrade unequip bug at work.


I haven't seen it recently on my ships, but I also don't recall any mention of it being fixed in patch notes (not that I've been paying really close attention).


My guesses would be that, lack of practice, or improvement on the opposition's part.


I'll keep my eye on it next time I fly a T3 strike though.


What shield, armor, and crew is this with?


I always check the components because every time I log in I have to fix my repair probes.


Quad/Protorp (Range and Firing Arc)/Repair Probe/Directional Shield (Shield Power)/Power Die/Lightweight Armor/Damage Cap/Large Reactor/Comms Sensors. Crew is Iresso/Qyzen/Naadia/Iresso/Tharan. Basically Max Accuracy, Firing Arc, and Evasion I could get.


Imps aren't any more mediocre than they usually are, other than the appearance of this Selvik-or guy from time to time. They're not focusing me in particular. I have been focused before in matches and it's not fun to get hit by 5 slugs/ions, ion bolts, bomber mines, and BLC lasers simultaneously every time you come anywhere close to any enemy. I don't ragequit for much, but that match made me ragequit.


Unless there actually is something unseen messing with it, I'm just gonna go with I'm out of practice/my computer being dumb. It's just weird for me to not be at the top...


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Dunno for the clarion but i've spotted some bugs one the Decimus/sledgehammer.


1 / Seem's like the range capacitor do not work at all on it.


2 / At each long disconnection, the T4/T5 upgrade of my primary weapon (HLC) get reset on my slegehammer (not the decimus however), have to re set up it everyday.

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