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Rishi pigs exterminator.


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Need to add new achievement "Rishi pigs exterminator" for a killing around 500 pigs only.

Im doing it for a whole day( around 7+ hours) and still didn't get elite pig with data pack.

Thank BW for the best gaming experience I've ever seen.


They only spawn in certain locations. Did you check those? Maybe I was lucky but it took me less than two hours to get them all.

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I repeat only kill the place holder do not kill the 3 that are not attached to the place holder you will spend eternity killing the other 3 and get nothing for it leave them alone. I have farmed this 10 times for new guild members and killing the wrong ones will bug the right one. Only the place holder needs to die. It has a 5 min spawn time kill repeat kill you will get the rare that way. I watch people complain all day long and never get it. Watch one guy do it for 3 days as i kept telling him to leave the 3 none place holder alone. Guess what he finally got it after he left them alone.


Either it a bug or bug or by design

Edited by Neoforcer
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I repeat only kill the place holder do not kill the 3 that are not attached to the place holder you will spend eternity killing the other 3 and get nothing for it leave them alone. I have farmed this 10 times for new guild members and killing the wrong ones will bug the right one. Only the place holder needs to die. It has a 5 min spawn time kill repeat kill you will get the rare that way. I watch people complain all day long and never get it. Watch one guy do it for 3 days as i kept telling him to leave the 3 none place holder alone. Guess what he finally got it after he left them alone.


Either it a bug or bug or by design


That's just not true at all. Please don't spread false information.

I was there with somebody else and we killed everything about 10 times before the rare spawned. it's just RNG doing it's thing.

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