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Lana Beniko romance lock in chapter 9 bug


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I was told that there was a bug with the Lana romance since 4.1. Did anyone play it since 4.1 and got the romance lock in on chapter 9 with Lana? And did it get fixed since the last patch that was a couple days ago?


Update: I just went through the chapter 9 and had no problem locking in the relationship with lana

Edited by kladza
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  • 3 weeks later...
I played upto chapter 9 prior to the patch. flirtflirt blahblah. Started chapter 9 after the patch, no flirt option in the cantina now. I'd say those that stopped prior to completing chapter 9 are bugged from romancing. most likely a programmer reset the flirts in the program code right along with bugging out Nico. I'd imagine once they fix Nico they will fix Lana which pretty much screws my sage from completing the story until they fix it.
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I was up to chapter 7 prior to the latest patch, and never failed to flirt with Lana. However, I got Koth to my rescue at chapter 8 instead of Lana, and I did not get a flirt option in the cantina. I am extremely upset, as that was on my main toon, and I really really wanted to romance Lana on that toon.
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I played through chapter 8 before the aforementioned patch with my JC who romanced Lana in SoR and flirted at every opportunity in KotFE. I just recently finished chapter 9 and was not able to select the flirt option in the cantina and thus could not lock in the romance with Lana. Is this being changed deliberately to accommodate the return of pre-expansion LIs? Is the lock-in point going to be later in the story?
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Just ran a character through, had no problem with the cantina flirt lock in. I do know that when I ran through chapter 11 on my agent, and he had the opportunity to resume the romance with Kaliyo, it gave a warning that it would end any other romances, so I don't think they moved it later.


Now it could be that I had no issue because the character was a start at 60, but this seems like a bug, not a new feature. I'd have to run through the chapters on one of my previously created alts to test it out.

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There is one more thing guys, if you have romantic relationship with someone from your crew (even if you just was flirting and abandoned it before the end) - official romance with Lana will not begin :) You can flirt, but I guess later you must chose with who you will stay.
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  • 4 months later...
This topic has popped up on a few threads and there seems to be some confusion over if this was ever a bug or not. One poster insisted that you need to actually play all of chapters one through nine without logging in order for the lock to take place. Is this true? I have yet to get a lock and sent three of my characters through it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. For the people that have gotten the lock, did you have to play all of chapters one through nine without logging?
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This topic has popped up on a few threads and there seems to be some confusion over if this was ever a bug or not. One poster insisted that you need to actually play all of chapters one through nine without logging in order for the lock to take place. Is this true? I have yet to get a lock and sent three of my characters through it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. For the people that have gotten the lock, did you have to play all of chapters one through nine without logging?


Hey mate, as far as I know due to personal experience you only need to make sure you finish chapters 1-9 without a patch, update or maintenance happening before completing cantina scene in chapter 9, and make sure to take that chatting at the bar flirt option. I have never had an issue with the Lana romance lock-in (7x lock ins and counting).


During those particular 7 playthroughs of KotFE I did not do the whole 9 chapters in one go, I don't have that much time on my hands. I often did port to fleet or strongholds in between those 9 chapters. I took all of Lana's flirt options. I did not have any patches, hot fixes, back end maintenances etc happen during those 9 chapters.


A lot of people get tripped up by the cantina scene also, for some reason they think it's flirt with Theron, it isn't. Just make sure to take a lot, or all, of her flirts through the chapters and don't let a patch/update screw it up. Other then that the only thing being mucked up is that [flirt] I want to talk to one of you, in the cantina.


There is also a thread in the bug reports section of the forum about this, if it doesn't work even after taking the right cantina option (or it isn't there) took all lana flirts, and no patch there might be more info there.

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