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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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It doesn't appear that I have received this email either.
Its not happening according to BW WE ARE AT FAULT!!! So it is not happening ,,, Yeah its a joke now and trust me we give two ***** about the cc it more now on why is BW blaming us and not responding to their major **** up...
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Its not happening according to BW WE ARE AT FAULT!!! So it is not happening ,,, Yeah its a joke now and trust me we give two ***** about the cc it more now on why is BW blaming us and not responding to their major **** up...

Yeah, the longer this thing drags on the less it's about the cc. It's the fact that they have paying subscribers that have yet to get the email that never should've had a code hidden in it to begin with.


The majority of the people who have posted on this thread have checked every folder in their email, used the search feature in the email, and double checked the contacts list to make sure swtor emails can get through to them. This has probably been repeated daily since the middle of Feb.


Yes, BW did resend the emails so good job with that. But there are still many, many paying customers (some all the way back to launch) who are still without said email. The solution they give? Oooooh well, the date has passed and we are done sending out those emails. ***? Really?


FIND OUT WHO WAS ELIGIBLE ON THE DATE REQUIRED AND ADD THEM DIRECTLY TO THEIR ACCOUNT LIKE THE MONTHLY CC GRANTS. The whole code by email was a bad idea from the start. I never got the email, so maybe BW should look into why some of their emails have not been reaching their customers.


Just makes sense to me.

Edited by skinsrich
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The whole thing just turned out to be ridiculous. I am at that point again where I will unsub and find something else to do with my time. Summer is coming up so maybe I will even be brave and venture outside.

I am not unsubbing just because of the coins, it's the whole thing. To be honest, I just don't like any of them. I watch them patting themselves on the back at how terrific they are while forgetting about the broken promises, the downright lies posted on the forums..


Well, sorry but they had a win out the door with this game...I mean, its Star Wars! It's got lightsabers! I can't figure out if it's incompetence, lack of funds, lack of talent, all of the above, but the game should be so much more than it is.

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You would think they would have had the decency to address customer concerns seeing as we are blatantly not happy with their ah well its probably your fault not ours and its concluded now so tough luck approach.


Kind of losing all respect for them...but then normally our Community Rep would be bringing our concerns to them on our behalf and getting some resolution, but ours...well, his posts speak for themselves.


Not resolving this, just isn't going to do it Bioware/EA

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Well, sorry but they had a win out the door with this game...I mean, its Star Wars! It's got lightsabers! I can't figure out if it's incompetence, lack of funds, lack of talent, all of the above, but the game should be so much more than it is.


That right there is likely the attitude of the devs and would explain their apparent lack of ambition. **** em, it's Star Wars, they'll play it no matter how much we muck it up!

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This is becoming uncool, would be great if they would atleast let us now if they were doing something through the developer tracker, at the moment we don't even know if they have archived the problem or if they are still working on it, and if they are, what is their progress..
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This is becoming uncool, would be great if they would atleast let us now if they were doing something through the developer tracker, at the moment we don't even know if they have archived the problem or if they are still working on it, and if they are, what is their progress..


Why would they need to tell us anything? It's not like we actually pay for this service....... uhhhhhh, yeah. :rolleyes:

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This is becoming uncool, would be great if they would atleast let us now if they were doing something through the developer tracker, at the moment we don't even know if they have archived the problem or if they are still working on it, and if they are, what is their progress..


Seriously? It's still on the first page of the tracker.




Hey folks,


I apologize for the delay in responding to this thread as I wanted to ensure we had fully investigated the emails that we had sent. Here is what we have done up to this point. On 2/15 we sent an email which contained a code for both Cartel Coins, and a Chapter 1 trial. After sending this email we received reports of some folks had not received their email. To correct this, we did two things on 2/25. First, we resent the original email to all users who had received the email, but had never opened it. Two, we increased the grace period for the original cut-off by 10 days to ensure that we created a large buffer for those who qualified.


After investigating, we have confirmed that the email was sent to all users who qualified in and around that timeline (including the 10-day buffer). I realize, based on the volume of posts in this thread, that some of you still have not received that email. If this is the case then either the email was missed/deleted (I suspect all of you checked for this already) or our email was rejected by your email provider. I have seen some folks in this thread mention that they have been receiving the monthly Cartel Coin grant emails. Please know that those emails are sent from a different source than our newsletters. If you marked the newsletter as spam, etc. with your provider it is one of the possible reasons that you did not receive the email.


The sending of these promotional emails did conclude on 2/25. We do apologize for any confusion that was caused by this. In the future we will be more clear in communicating where, and when, this email will be sent.



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What does one say when we have been told to F off but keep playing we mean paying,


Ugh...Going to play SOME Earth and Beyond

Love using my Progen Warrior grouped with my Progen Trader and Jenquai Defender and Jenquai Explorer and Second Jenquai Defender. Wanna talk about a Combat Cloak strike from hell.

TENGU Burgers for all...





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I'm sure they just want to hope that they are still looking into the issue. But, yeah check the dev tracker. Pretty much gave us all the big middle finger. :(


And I am very sure that 99.99% of the emails missing to this day are not because Bioware didn't properly send them.


After working in IT for years, and also doing some customer support, I can pretty much say that most of the stuff customers "didn't receive", "never signed", and even say "wasn't working" is due to failure on the customers end. That means you should check with your Email-provider and ask whether the e-mail was received on their end or not.


I doubt that - if you qualify - the system would falsely give out a "send successfull" message two times in a row.


That might sound harsh, patronizing, for some people who are still experiencing the issues, but Bioware already double-checked. I doubt they are giving anyone the finger "willingly", seeing that they have probably new stuff to work on. It's been over a month, and that's enough of a timeframe to rule out an error on their end.

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I doubt that - if you qualify - the system would falsely give out a "send successfull" message two times in a row.


What makes you think they got one?


I have my server logs and the IP addresses both mailings were sent from. No attempt was made.

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What makes you think they got one?


I have my server logs and the IP addresses both mailings were sent from. No attempt was made.

Exactly. I have yet to get any email that has a code, or even any promo emails period.

Not to repeat myself again, but I was opted in and I had them on my safe senders list and nothing.

I'm far from as tech savy as some like dr_mike, but like he said I never got the email. It does not matter how many times it was sent, it never arrived.

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And I am very sure that 99.99% of the emails missing to this day are not because Bioware didn't properly send them.


After working in IT for years, and also doing some customer support, I can pretty much say that most of the stuff customers "didn't receive", "never signed", and even say "wasn't working" is due to failure on the customers end. That means you should check with your Email-provider and ask whether the e-mail was received on their end or not.


I doubt that - if you qualify - the system would falsely give out a "send successfull" message two times in a row.


That might sound harsh, patronizing, for some people who are still experiencing the issues, but Bioware already double-checked. I doubt they are giving anyone the finger "willingly", seeing that they have probably new stuff to work on. It's been over a month, and that's enough of a timeframe to rule out an error on their end.


ya know, I don't usually say much on the forums, but a comment like this just burns my buns!

You obviously got the offered gift, so of course it is easy for you to see it from the other side. But basically what you AND EAware are saying is that the rest of us are somehow mentally challenged or liars. Can you give me one single LOGICAL reason why this many people would take the time to post all these comments IF they had gotten the mail and deleted it or in any way gotten rid of it? I mean ...REALLY!?


It's not like it was a grand prize of a million US dollars. It's not the dream home of the century! It's 1050 CC coins for goodness sake! It's not the monetary value of the thing. It's the fact that time and again the same type of FUBAR crap keeps happening. Not ONE single time has EAware stood up and said "we messed up, we are sorry. We cant fix it". NO! Instead it is always the "customer side error" as you put it. Well, this customer has had enough errors of any kind. I have been loyal since beta. But gotten no loyalty in return.


Trolls like you who got their gift should just sit back and keep on smiling and pray that next time there is a "customer error" you aren't on the receiving end of it, my friend.

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This is kind of infuriating.. i didnt get the code but i was opted in.. now i get the coming soon-visions mail.. so there is no problem with sending mails to me..then why didnt i get the code? eh..i give up..

Never got that email. Did they just send that new promo out? I'm about to switch my damned email or something.:mad:

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No re-sends for those of us who never received it at all, just a pointing finger of blame rather than admit they messed up.


SO many ways they could have made this easier instead they just made a mockery of it and then flipped the bird to those PAYING customers they missed.



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What makes you think they got one?


I have my server logs and the IP addresses both mailings were sent from. No attempt was made.

Same lol Yeah let me guess I bet Alssaran probly works for BW ..... Oh and bet he got his e-mail too... :rolleyes:


ya know, I don't usually say much on the forums, but a comment like this just burns my buns!

You obviously got the offered gift, so of course it is easy for you to see it from the other side. But basically what you AND EAware are saying is that the rest of us are somehow mentally challenged or liars. Can you give me one single LOGICAL reason why this many people would take the time to post all these comments IF they had gotten the mail and deleted it or in any way gotten rid of it? I mean ...REALLY!?


It's not like it was a grand prize of a million US dollars. It's not the dream home of the century! It's 1050 CC coins for goodness sake! It's not the monetary value of the thing. It's the fact that time and again the same type of FUBAR crap keeps happening. Not ONE single time has EAware stood up and said "we messed up, we are sorry. We cant fix it". NO! Instead it is always the "customer side error" as you put it. Well, this customer has had enough errors of any kind. I have been loyal since beta. But gotten no loyalty in return.


Trolls like you who got their gift should just sit back and keep on smiling and pray that next time there is a "customer error" you aren't on the receiving end of it, my friend.



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No re-sends for those of us who never received it at all,


If you would take a second and review what Eric said, they did do a second mailing and yes some folks who had complained did receive it that time.


I haven't received the email yet.


It's usually a plus if you read or at least skim a thread that you post in before you do it. They already gave yet and you;re not getting anything.

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