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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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So what does this mean, i've gotten newsletters in the past with no issue just not this one. When was the last news letter before this one? Can't a test newsletter be sent to all people affected and see if it works or not. None of the previous ones i have found have not been marked as spam. For this account i used a yahoo email. Edited by amishfarmer
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Hey folks,


I apologize for the delay in responding to this thread as I wanted to ensure we had fully investigated the emails that we had sent. Here is what we have done up to this point. On 2/15 we sent an email which contained a code for both Cartel Coins, and a Chapter 1 trial. After sending this email we received reports of some folks had not received their email. To correct this, we did two things on 2/25. First, we resent the original email to all users who had received the email, but had never opened it. Two, we increased the grace period for the original cut-off by 10 days to ensure that we created a large buffer for those who qualified.


After investigating, we have confirmed that the email was sent to all users who qualified in and around that timeline (including the 10-day buffer). I realize, based on the volume of posts in this thread, that some of you still have not received that email. If this is the case then either the email was missed/deleted (I suspect all of you checked for this already) or our email was rejected by your email provider. I have seen some folks in this thread mention that they have been receiving the monthly Cartel Coin grant emails. Please know that those emails are sent from a different source than our newsletters. If you marked the newsletter as spam, etc. with your provider it is one of the possible reasons that you did not receive the email.


The sending of these promotional emails did conclude on 2/25. We do apologize for any confusion that was caused by this. In the future we will be more clear in communicating where, and when, this email will be sent.




You're serious? That's it?


So me, who read the top of the email and tossed it with the Delete button and then purged my email, so its gone forever... I'm just out luck?


You could at least resend the emails. And put the code at the TOP.

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You're serious? That's it?


So me, who read the top of the email and tossed it with the Delete button and then purged my email, so its gone forever... I'm just out luck?


You could at least resend the emails. And put the code at the TOP.

I don't disagree, but will say that they NEVER should've been put in an email to start with. All other preorder promo gifts are given directly through the in game mail system. Why they could not do it this way just baffles my mind.


Those over at EA/Biofail must not know that Valentines Day and April Fools Day are actually different days in different months. Hahaha jokes on us.... :mad::mad::mad:

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So..reading their final response on this matter, and its OBVIOUSLY my fault I never got my email with the code...does anyone have the sending address where this mail came from? For the sake of my own sanity, I want to looked through blocked senders and see it there with my own eyes.
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Waiting for an email from Bioware - see an email from Bioware - delete an email from Bioware - blame someone else.

That would work for those that actually got the email. But I have not got one promo email since I've been a sub and have been opted in since my sub started.

Don't know why I'm explaining this to an obvious TROLL attempt, but I did.

So now you can S T F U and go away. Thank you.

Edited by skinsrich
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Waiting for an email from Bioware - see an email from Bioware - delete an email from Bioware - blame someone else.


Waiting for an email from Bioware that was clearly labeled maybe.


I don't really blame Bioware for putting the code in the newsletter. Maybe they think their news is so fascinating that everyone reads it all the way to the end.


I am blaming them for not resending them now that people realize what happened. I also think that they should put the grant code in an obvious place.

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Hey folks,


I apologize for the delay in responding to this thread as I wanted to ensure we had fully investigated the emails that we had sent. Here is what we have done up to this point. On 2/15 we sent an email which contained a code for both Cartel Coins, and a Chapter 1 trial. After sending this email we received reports of some folks had not received their email. To correct this, we did two things on 2/25. First, we resent the original email to all users who had received the email, but had never opened it. Two, we increased the grace period for the original cut-off by 10 days to ensure that we created a large buffer for those who qualified.


After investigating, we have confirmed that the email was sent to all users who qualified in and around that timeline (including the 10-day buffer). I realize, based on the volume of posts in this thread, that some of you still have not received that email. If this is the case then either the email was missed/deleted (I suspect all of you checked for this already) or our email was rejected by your email provider. I have seen some folks in this thread mention that they have been receiving the monthly Cartel Coin grant emails. Please know that those emails are sent from a different source than our newsletters. If you marked the newsletter as spam, etc. with your provider it is one of the possible reasons that you did not receive the email.


The sending of these promotional emails did conclude on 2/25. We do apologize for any confusion that was caused by this. In the future we will be more clear in communicating where, and when, this email will be sent.




This is total BS.


How do I know this

1) I qualified, I have been a subscriber since launch with NO breaks in that subscription at all.

2) I receive the emails from SWTOR the newsletter etc.. I just haven't received THIS email.

3) You say it either went into Spam or was rejected by my email provider. Okay if it was spam it would be in my SPAM folder, that does not empty unless I empty it.. it is not in my spam folder. If it was rejected by my email provider they would have emailed me to say an email from XYZ had been rejected. They have not.


In short Bioware/EA..you fu**ed up, you missed LOTS of people (100+ page threads worth..which is you know not a few), yes it happens and it sucks, BUT it wasn't our fault, it was yours. Now man up and admit it instead of trying to pass the buck back to us and you know SORT it. instead of saying ah well its concluded now tough sh**, which is you know a REALLY bad way of treating your paying customers.


And Eric, YOU are supposed to be OUR representative to the powers that be, instead of being a Jerk why are you not fighting our corners AS such? Lousy job so far.


Not one of us here is likely to have any issue being confirmed as someone who should have legitemately recieved it so why not retroactively fix it, instead of just pretending it didn't happen? Shameful. This is the sort of cra* i'd expect from NCSoft not you guys. SO disappointed.

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Hey folks,


I apologize for the delay in responding to this thread as I wanted to ensure we had fully investigated the emails that we had sent. Here is what we have done up to this point.....


.....The sending of these promotional emails did conclude on 2/25. We do apologize for any confusion that was caused by this. In the future we will be more clear in communicating where, and when, this email will be sent.




Translation, "We don't give a rats *** about you. Thanks for your money, even though we haven't provided what we said we would and couldn't have been bothered to talk to you for weeks about this issue hoping you'll go away. Too bad, so sad, ha ha, bye bye." Sad to watch what started as a great company years ago degrade to this bait and switch treatment for paying customers. I've been a subscriber since beta and had been on the fence about whether or not to stay after being let down by this latest expansion. If the lackluster, bug filled play wasn't enough to push me out the door, your craptastic business practices and poor treatment of paying customers did the job. I won't be renewing my sub and I'm done with Biofail and any other future games you publish.

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Still no E-Mail, added "@email.swtor.com" to my e-mail whitelist ages ago. I'm opted in since the release of the game and the only mails I got over the last years are customer support replies and monthly cartel coin confirmations.


Maybe its like Eric says: my provider ist blocking them, before they reach my client... it is a real pity :( Maybe i should change my e-mail-provider @ swtor, but i wanted to wait, not to srew anything up when Bioware was taking care of the problem... maybe i just should have changed it :/...


sad xeno-rY is sad :jawa_mad:

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This is total BS.


How do I know this

1) I qualified, I have been a subscriber since launch with NO breaks in that subscription at all.

2) I receive the emails from SWTOR the newsletter etc.. I just haven't received THIS email.

3) You say it either went into Spam or was rejected by my email provider. Okay if it was spam it would be in my SPAM folder, that does not empty unless I empty it.. it is not in my spam folder. If it was rejected by my email provider they would have emailed me to say an email from XYZ had been rejected. They have not.


In short Bioware/EA..you fu**ed up, you missed LOTS of people (100+ page threads worth..which is you know not a few), yes it happens and it sucks, BUT it wasn't our fault, it was yours. Now man up and admit it instead of trying to pass the buck back to us and you know SORT it. instead of saying ah well its concluded now tough sh**, which is you know a REALLY bad way of treating your paying customers.


And Eric, YOU are supposed to be OUR representative to the powers that be, instead of being a Jerk why are you not fighting our corners AS such? Lousy job so far.


Not one of us here is likely to have any issue being confirmed as someone who should have legitemately recieved it so why not retroactively fix it, instead of just pretending it didn't happen? Shameful. This is the sort of cra* i'd expect from NCSoft not you guys. SO disappointed.

^^^100% Agree and well said, everything said in this post is 100% true and exactly how all of us feel...
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Does this tread include those waiting for their monthly subscriber CCs?


I should have had mine on the 9th


Look up. I answered that about 4 or 5 posts ago. Thank you by the way for looking first insteasd of just starting yet another thread on the subject.


Short answer: if after 3 days you haven't received them, open up a ticket. Be polite and specific. Include renewal date. Polite is a big plus. Happened to me once and I got them back in about 30 minutes. First level support can resolve the issue usually.

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Gonna keep bumping.

I don't accept the pathetic statement the devs gave us on this issue. You can just sweep this issue away and ignore paying customers, but I'll keep bumping this thread. :mad:

^^Likewise just keep bumping this thread,,, can you believe they are blaming us for their ****-up lol :eek::rolleyes: Yeah so we get the shaft because they messed up :rolleyes: Funny isn't it...
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