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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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That is the last email I got from SWTOR other than purchase confirmations and forum subscription notifications. I am still waiting for anything remotely resembling codes for CC..... BIOWARE WHERE ARE YOU?!?

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I actually got what was clearly a personal reply (gasp!!!) from in-game ticket customer service.


But of course it was no help. "I'm not authorized to solve this problem and I have no idea who is, or if anyone at all, is, or anything else for that matter, but PLEASE fill out this Customer Satisfaction survey and tell us how GREAT a job we're all doing so we can all stroke our (CENSORED) more briskly!!"


And the agent who sent me the survey was a woman. ROFLMAO.


I think you can all guess just what I told them, and what they can do, and do with themselves. Or maybe the world will be a saner place if you don't.


Still checking my inbox and spam folder each day, just in case, but I think I know what Bioware's "final answer" is.


I'll stay subscribed, for now, but from now on the phrase "Cartel Packs" is a zillion times more vulgar and offensive than the F-word or the S-word or any other word or phrase that this forum's "language filter" changes into something more "family friendly" (pulling down tongue with finger).

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Still nothing on my side either.


Did pretty much the same thing as you guys, to no avail.


Funny note however, last time I contacted customer support they told me that the codes were sent in waves and that I should be more patient.


I guess that we all just lack patience then...

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Hey folks,


Over the past few days we’ve reviewed player accounts who indicated they had not received their Cartel Coin/Chapter I subscriber email. We discovered a few reasons why this may have occurred:

  • Some accounts opted-in after the February 14, 2016 deadline.
  • The email was received, but it may have gotten deleted, lost in a secondary folder, missed, or landed in a spam folder.
  • Sometime in the past you marked one of our SWTOR emails as spam or possibly reported it as spam, and your email client/provider “black listed” our emails. That means we may actually be sending you emails, but they are being blocked. We suggest you check with your email provider/client and verify that is not the case.
  • There was a small number of players who were missed in the original set of emails and we’re sending them the same promotional email. If you were one of these players and don’t receive your email by tomorrow, you may also want to review the above bullets.


With all of that being said, we are going to be sending another batch of emails. This new batch of emails will include the following accounts:

  • All accounts who were sent the email previously, but did not open the email.
  • Any account that opted in by Monday, February 22, 2016 (to essentially catch anyone who wanted to participate)


The email subject line is either "A Familiar Face Joins Your Team - Play Chapter 10 Now!" or "Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now!" and was sent from the swtor@email.swtor.com email address. Our plan is to send out email over the next two days, so look for it in your mailbox.




Were we supposed to reply to something to get the email? I thought it was it automatic.

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Bw must think we're all stupid and just deleting every email we receive, in every folder, or that we just cant read at all... i think its their team who lacks these skills or does the idiotic things... ahh well 3+ weeks and no email... seriously what Does bioware austin even get paid for anymore? Trolling the Community?
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This is completely Unacceptable as a Company... Promising Reward for Subscribing Users and then basically calling them morons because they DID not receive an Email for the Feb rewards. Bw you really expect people to continue paying for this SOLO game when u keep pulling BS like this and insulting your community every chance possible? well whatever after 3+ years of being loyal BW you finally have really just pissed me off to no end.. i will never purchase another game from your company EVER, didn't like mass effect and that games Constantly losing people working on it. And officially once i complete chapter 11 Tomorrow i will be Unsubbing and putting the billing company on My Blacklist from my banks, you got enough of my money for far too long.. 16+ months no new Endgame Content + Spitting in the face of loyal long time customers every Chance Biofail gets.. welp i for one have had enough.. it was Once Fun Swtor But Farewell, may the force be with you eventually again..
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