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The Root Of All Toxic Players ( Personal opinion )


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The biggest reason for toxicity is the anonymity of the internet. People are very rarely, ever that rude to anyone in person. The removal of consequences (no fear of being judged harshly or ostracized by social peers, no fear of being punched in the face, ect) turns certain people into aggressive, insulting, d-bags.


Combine that with many people just being sore losers, and you have a recipe for obnoxious behavior in general / group chat.


Welcome to life as a healer in any game, here is your training video:



Hilarious! Also 100% accurate.

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In my opinion, I believe that most people that are angry are DPS. However, I've experienced it from other people like healers as well.


I will admit, I have been toxic before. However, I had good reason. Try running a easy groupfinder op with 2 healers, but only one healer is actually healing. Me and my guildies got a pug commando healer. At the start, I was basically solo healing my group. Us guildmates were in TS, and we were bashing him for not doing anything. Eventually we said something. He didn't leave which was a good sign. After we told him to look for certain abilities and to only heal, he began healing. By the end of the OP, he was healing like a champ and I could relax and not have to panic so much. We of course apologized for being rude and invited him to join our guild.


This is a case of good toxicity in my opinion. The other player learned what they did wrong and began correcting it. However, most of the time, I get mad myself at players that do NOT listen to people that know how to play the game. How many times have I ran FPs, OPs and PvP and I try to help someone and they just blow me off because

"I don't know what I'm talking about" even though I've been playing since launch and have every class and can play each class fairly well.


The best thing to do in this situtation, is just ignore, and leave. No reason to stay in a group that does that. Hell, one time I got kicked from a FP because I was telling a sentinel how to play the class, because he was playing it incorrectly.


Also, someone on page 1 has a link to a youtube video. That's pretty much a healers life right there. I main heals for OPs and thats what happens if I'm not running with guildies. People love to blame healers instead of themselves. It's quite sad because usually the people talking trash are complete garbage at playing their class. One time me (Healing) and one of my best guildies (tanking) did an ops. This one sentinel pulled bosses, died about 10 times for no reason, etc. At the end of the raid, we called him a ******* and said he needed to learn how to play better. We pointed out his issues and he just got so angry and started talking trash. Then he began challenging me to a 1v1, which honestly was pathetic because he's not very good at following directions, so what makes him able to kill someone in a duel?


Personally when I play a dps and I die, usually its my fault. But, if I did everything correctly, then I usually look to the healer. I've done FPs and Raids with healers that stand there and wait until people are almost dead and then start spamming deliverance. Or people that spam one heal the entire time and we end up dying.


Just my thoughts :)

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I agree with most of the responses. This could all be due to the fact that there are simply more dps present. However, in the original post, the OP came across as quite condescending toward dps. The whole smash monkey on the keyboard statement could be taken as offensive to many people. If you approach players in game with this attitude, they will respond in kind.
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As someone who mains a healer Sage, I can relate to the pressure of keeping players alive in ops. I only recently, just this month, created other characters to experience the game outside of a Sage (Wow lots of new experiences especially the DPS role of an Assassin and an Operative). Several times when I was partied for difficult content I'd try to heal my teammates only to realize that I wasn't a healer, :p


When it comes to team expectations, I do what I can to keep my party healed. This is really all that matters, not so much of people telling me if I'm terrible. I take all the good feedback and some of the bad feedback with a grain of salt.


:) If you do your best as a healer or a tank, that should be enough.



Welcome to life as a healer in any game, here is your training video:




Wonderful :D lmao

Edited by Gecko_sloth
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More hate for DPS and Sentinels/Marauders in particular? :rolleyes:


Some of us just want to play. We're not all inconsiderate, rude, know-nothings; in fact, most of us are not. If the people who play more "desirable" classes/roles didn't treat us like scum, maybe the vocal few wouldn't be so vocal.


Just a thought :cool:

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I agree with most of the responses. This could all be due to the fact that there are simply more dps present. However, in the original post, the OP came across as quite condescending toward dps. The whole smash monkey on the keyboard statement could be taken as offensive to many people. If you approach players in game with this attitude, they will respond in kind.


It was kinda ironic, wasn't it?

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As someone who has played both tank and healer, I can say safely that if you do your ******* role, people will not just hesitate to complain, but will be outright gracious and thankful that you're at least somewhat competent at playing your class.


Additionally, you completely ignore one major flaw in your premise: group finder. Players in general are douchebags in group finder because they did nothing to put the group together, except to wait some undetermined period of time, which probably only stoked their sense of entitlement commensurate to the length of time they waited. You as a tank or healer get near-instant queues, and in a better time for the industry, would be well served to have spear headed the effort to assemble the group yourself. Basically, DPS is (mostly) plug and play, and as the group leader you can discard them once they become tiresome.


Finally, use the ignore feature.

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I agree with most of the responses. This could all be due to the fact that there are simply more dps present. However, in the original post, the OP came across as quite condescending toward dps. The whole smash monkey on the keyboard statement could be taken as offensive to many people. If you approach players in game with this attitude, they will respond in kind.


It was kinda ironic, wasn't it?



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I am polite until someone gives me a reason not to be. Sometimes I get caught up in the bull**** and forget that nothing really can be settled at a keyboard. I just put the person on ignore and pretty much say ****'em


You could type until your fingers bled and would get no where.

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The biggest reason for toxicity is the anonymity of the internet. People are very rarely, ever that rude to anyone in person. The removal of consequences (no fear of being judged harshly or ostracized by social peers, no fear of being punched in the face, ect) turns certain people into aggressive, insulting, d-bags.
Anonymity is not the root. Anonymity = greater freedom and liberation but it's not the cause of toxicity.

Great majority of the internet can behave even with anonymity.


Try again.

Edited by Falensawino
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It's the elitists who think they are good players while constantly requiring "must know tactics and be geared" for operations. They love saying "l2p" and "noob" but will rage quit if a wipe occurs despite supposedly wanting challenging content.


Oh, please. I'm the most casual person here and I'm cancerous as hell! :cool:

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Most players are DPS. Therefore most of the players you run into are DPS. Assuming an even distribution of idiots amongst all roles, that means most of the idiots you run into will be DPS.


So true - and it isn't just a matter of raw numbers either, it's also a visibility issue.


It is very easy to see when the tank makes a 'mistake' such as loses aggro or lets the adds beat on the healer, and easy to see when the healer makes a 'mistakes' when the tank or others die.


It is far more difficult to see when the dps make 'mistakes' as their mistakes are generally tied to poor / low dps, and without meters or something like the council fight in EV to measure the player, its hard to see (though hitting enrage is a good indication that at least one of the dps is making 'mistakes').

Edited by DawnAskham
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As someone who has played both tank and healer, I can say safely that if you do your ******* role, people will not just hesitate to complain, but will be outright gracious and thankful that you're at least somewhat competent at playing your class.




That is true some of the time, but certainly not all the time.


If you do group content often as a healer, particularly group content of the PUG variety, you're bound to have the occasional run where the tank is an epic fail at trying to hold aggro, where DPS are knocking CC'd mobs out of CC or not dealing with the trash mobs (who often do more damage than bosses when there is enough of them) pealing off after the healer, and meanwhile your healer is frantically scrambling to save his or her own life and simultaneously keep the party afloat. Add to that the occasional party member who is under geared or under leveled who consequently is getting melted, or tank or DPS party members who insist on running group content like it's sprint, going from encounter to encounter without ready checks before your healer has time to recharge the batteries. All of that could be going on, and yet should your healer fail to keep that party from wiping, the healer will often get blamed.


That said, tanks often have to deal with the same problem. I never run a tank myself, but I've been part of groups where the tank was excellent at performing his or her role, but when a run doesn't go like clockwork, people start blaming the tank when the problem truly was with other players, and often the ones with the loudest keyboards.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I can't count how many times I've had tanks or healers come into a flash point and act as if they are gods gifts to SWTOR just because of the role they are currently playing. They then proceed to take every opportunity to make snarky comments for the whole run even if the FP/OP goes smoothly. So you are wrong, its not just the dps. Also if you work on your attitude and not immediately label all dps as toxic smash monkeys you might realise there are more nice players than you think . Your current attitude has you paranoid if you are at a point thinking that other players "are waiting very patiently to verbally abuse me as I enter the flashpoint as a healer or tank". Edited by Test_Eagle
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The couple of times I've taken my sorcie in as a healer, I've been upfront with the fact that I am not the most proficient in the craft, and that while I'm going to do my best to watch everyone's health, I'm ultimately there to keep the tank on their feet (under the assumption they know what they're doing, and fortunately, both times they did), and that he or she gets priority. That hasn't been an issue for me, yet.


I haven't really indulged in ops and such otherwise, and all but a couple of times (such as False Emperor and such for the HK-51 quest), it's been strictly story mode jaunts. I've been fortunate that I've not encountered much in the way of such things, apart from loot ninjas in old-style Esseles/BT, but it's exactly the possibility of encountering these nasty little children that discourages me from participating. My Ignore box is already straining under the amount of gold sellers I encounter - I don't want to have to start adding legitimate players to it, too. :(

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There's more dps in the group that any other role every group so of course chances they are toxic is higher, 50% chance a dps is the toxic one and they also happen to be the most played.

That said it isn't the dps but people that are toxic, tanks and healers can be too.

Blaming a certain role is stupid.

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Yes sometimes Tanks or Healers do get a fair amount of blame when something goes wrong (sometimes fairly sometimes not), however a flip side of the coin has always been that there are some Toxic Tanks or Healers who believe that they have a given right to be a jerk to a group because they have the "well good luck finding another tank/healer" attitude.


People can be toxic for all sorts of reasons so you can't really lump a certain role to it, people on the whole can be toxic regardless of the role they play.

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The root of toxicism in MMORPG communities is elitism.


To believe someone is better because he raids in organized groups. To believe you are special because you achieved something completely none mattering as like a computer game which makes you superior.


Actually playing games is about fun. And not about being the best of everything.

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