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Is there a higher caliber guild out there?


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With all the guilds that spam recruitment ads on fleet, or blindly send an invite to anyone announcing they are looking for a guild in general chat, I am wondering if this is the norm.

I hear stories about guilds that do a lot of really cool things, very member-centrist, active, socially engaged, guilds that focus less on the quantity of their members and more on the quality of each member allowed to join.

I'm sure, given the subjective nature of membership standards , every guild would be different when it comes to deciding how to screen new potential members, and that's fine.

All I'm wondering is , why is it that that so many guilds seem to have a " we a take all members and expect nothing from you to contribute back to the guild" mentality?

And before the needy trolls jump in with their, pedantic hairsplitting, I know many guilds ask members to be online at least once a week and try to participate in conquest or something if they have time. That "low bar" type situation I would not consider relevant to my question.


Thanks in advance to everyone for your helpful, intelligent replies!

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To be honest the good guilds, the fun guilds and the guilds that really are fun to be part of don't spam fleet chat. Those who recruit through ingame chat generally just need the numbers, are a guild full of very young people, or are just starting out and don't know that quality members are better than having a larger quantity.


I recruit from the forums or because of in game actions. For example; we picked a guy up as a PUG of Hateful entity. We were 1 short he was standing there, had decent gear on so I asked him to join in. He did FANTASTIC and he asked to join our guild afterwards. We took him of course. If I'm doing GF FP's and a Tank is really Good I'll ask if they are interested, if we are doing GF SM Ops and a healer stands out we ask them to give us a look see.


Yeah I keep feelers out on the forums because we have picked up some good people from here, but we always have new folks on a probationary period. We desire guildmates that are of a similar mindset and maturity level as the rest of us. We are a little picky that way, but you have to be when you are trying to create a drama free environment for people to have fun and enjoy gaming together.

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To be honest the good guilds, the fun guilds and the guilds that really are fun to be part of don't spam fleet chat. (...)


I recruit from the forums or because of in game actions. (...)


Yeah I keep feelers out on the forums because we have picked up some good people from here, but we always have new folks on a probationary period. We desire guildmates that are of a similar mindset and maturity level as the rest of us. We are a little picky that way, but you have to be when you are trying to create a drama free environment for people to have fun and enjoy gaming together.


This applies to the Guilds I interact with as well.


There's an inherent weed out process in it--if you're quality enough to be brought to the Guilds' attention, then you'll find them.

Edited by AlixMV
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Maybe I worded it poorly, but to make it clear, I totally get that the guilds that spam chat are not the type I am looking for . That was my general point. I'm glad to know a better class of guilds exists, now I suppose the question becomes : How do I find a guild like that, and join up?
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Yeah, I would say if you pvp and are good run around unguilded a bit in pvp. You will be noticed and picked up, just try to do research on guilds more before you say yes to make sure you'll fit in with their style.


For raiding, see if guilds are recruiting for a spot on a team and try out. A good guild will hold tryouts for new players before placing them on a formal progression team.

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