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Glancing shots


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This is a strange question, but I'd like answers from as many people as possible; What percentage of the shots you take do you think are with high tracking penalty? High penalty meaning on the outer half of the firing arc. I'm talking about cannons only, no railguns.


I'm aware that the answer probably depends on the type of blaster. If you can, please specify the cannon you're talking about.



Edited by Greezt
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If possible I try to center my target. My current loadout has 3 ships with BLC and 2 with HLC. With BLC (Scout, Gunships) in dogfights or CQC I shoot whenever I can, even if the enemy is at the edge of the firing arc. With HLC (Bombers) I usually ignore tracking penalty, because the firing arc is so small. Can't tell you what percentage of shots have high penalty, I really don't pay attention to that.
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BLC : No shot has a high tracking penality, But I don't shoot over 3km without Wingman or TT up.

HLC : I never leave the Torp area...

LC and Quad : I normally try to stay inside a Torp area but about 10% of my shots are out of it.

LLC and RFL : I nomally go up to a cluster arc...


For all weapons... At very close range (under 500m) I normally try to hit the target despite the high deviation about 2-3 times.. If I fail, I get outta here and reposition unless I'm not threatened.

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