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Anarchist Pack - View from a non-purchaser


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I'm a sub. I have been since launch. I have no intention of canceling my sub any time in the foreseeable future. I've bought Cartel Coins before, especially when the system was first implemented. I've bought cartel packs before, though not recently. I've even enjoyed opening packs before even though I've never gotten just the item I've wanted.


Now to talk about the current pack. I saw the content and was quite excited. Almost everything is at least something I'd be happy to have and much of it (especially the Knight Captain armor) is stuff I actively desire. I figured that this was a good time to buy some cartel coins and pick up a couple of hypercrates. But, as is always the case for me, I decided to look things up online first. And that stopped me from purchasing the coins and, of course, the hypercrates.


It isn't a scam - the crate promises no specific return on investment. And it bothers me when people call it fraud (which it quite explicitly isn't). But it is a reality that I was ready to spend money on cartel coins and, given the information I received, I chose not to. I actually don't mind rare things being rare (I was around for the Revan mask). What I actually minded was getting older stuff. If I get a single piece of phantom armor or an elegant dress again, I'll probably claw my eyes out. And emotes? Literally hundreds of the original ones. I actually would happily pay bioware MORE money for a crate that didn't saddle me with the problem of destroying piles and piles of items that they already saddled me with piles and piles of a long, long time ago.


TLDR: As a person that has given this game a fair bit of money and therefore has a large amount of older cartel items, this new pack has made me make a decision NOT to purchase more coins to buy this pack. I'm still a sub and this isn't a boycott. I just have no desire to pay money for content I already have. And would happily pay a higher price per pack if it meant I didn't have to destroy piles of redundant items.

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To me its just using my 525 coins cause of prepaid time and the 200 for Sk+link to get a few packs and try to spot check the stuff I want for a cost on the GTN. But from the packs I did get this time had cubes that gave me stuff I had already and by time the cool down was off they where day one selling over 5k now there so dam many of them on the GTN there are rock bottom prices cause of supply is over shot demand by a 500% cause of the cube. If i do buy coins now a days is just to spend on unlocks of the ones I all ready got or saving them up to buy the one or two things I want off there why they are on the market.
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It isn't a scam - the crate promises no specific return on investment. And it bothers me when people call it fraud (which it quite explicitly isn't).



The most desired item in the game is listed as a gold item, creating an expectation of a buyers odds on getting it. Drop rate on item is far, FAR lower without telling anyone. Result? People who buy packs, buy more hoping for the item without realizing they have almost no chance without spending hundreds of dollars.


That's fraud. If the drop rate on the lightsaber is that much lower than other gold items then they should have made a "platinum" rating for it.

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The most desired item in the game is listed as a gold item, creating an expectation of a buyers odds on getting it. Drop rate on item is far, FAR lower without telling anyone. Result? People who buy packs, buy more hoping for the item without realizing they have almost no chance without spending hundreds of dollars.


That's fraud. If the drop rate on the lightsaber is that much lower than other gold items then they should have made a "platinum" rating for it.

^^Agreed^^ This is a form of fraud via false advertising when you open so many packs and don't get nothing that pack is adversisng is WHAT?!?! false advertising :rolleyes: geez...

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The most desired item in the game is listed as a gold item, creating an expectation of a buyers odds on getting it. Drop rate on item is far, FAR lower without telling anyone. Result? People who buy packs, buy more hoping for the item without realizing they have almost no chance without spending hundreds of dollars.


That's fraud. If the drop rate on the lightsaber is that much lower than other gold items then they should have made a "platinum" rating for it.


Since the very first pack, there have been "super rare" items. These "super rare" items have all been gold items, but have had much lower drop rates than the "rare" gold items.


The packs people have bought have not contained anything other than what the description of the packs indicated people could receive when opening a pack.


There is no fraud.


BW did not say that the lightsaber had a 10% drop rate and then actually give it a 0.05% drop rate. If anyone chose to let themselves believe that the lightsaber would have the same drop rate as the other gold items, that is on them and not BW.

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^^Agreed^^ This is a form of fraud via false advertising when you open so many packs and don't get nothing that pack is adversisng is WHAT?!?! false advertising :rolleyes: geez...


What were those packs advertising? What were we told would be in each pack?


We were told:


Hey folks,


As you may know, our Cartel Market team has been making constant adjustments to how packs work, since our rework in Fallen Empire. We have heard in the past few months a lot of feedback from players that they really like the functionality of the “Grand Packs.” Think of anything from the Bronze, Silver, Gold Packs to the old Grand packs we released last year. Because of this, we are making some changes to the new pack which will release with 4.1.


Currently when you open a Cartel Market pack, this is what you receive:

  • 2 items from the pack (Mounts, Decorations, etc)
  • 1 rank 5 or 6 Companion Gift
  • 1 Scrap

When you open the new Anarchist Pack in 4.1 you will receive the following:

  • 2 items- either a new item from the pack (Mounts, Decorations, etc) or a Grand Chance Cube (more on this in a second)
  • 1 rank 5 or 6 Companion Gift
  • 1 Scrap

Now you are asking, what is the Grand Chance Cube? Think of it as the ultimate Grand Pack. Inside a Grand Chance Cube you have a chance to receive any available Cartel Market Pack item, including from the current Pack. Also, the Grand Chance Cube acts as a Grand Pack in that if you open an Armor Lootbox, it will contain the entire armor set, not just a few pieces.


This change allows us to place more emphasis on the Silver and Gold items in each pack, as we are no longer building new Bronze items. Now, in place of Bronze items you will receive a Grand Chance Cube. This Cube can contain the rarest of Cartel Market selections, giving you a second chance at highly-desired items.


Due to the ongoing changes in the Cartel Market, all of this is subject to change. It is likely that more changes will follow in the future.


Let me know if you have any questions on how these new packs work and I will work to clear up any confusion.




To the best of my knowledge no one has received anything different from what they were told they could receive in a pack.


They may not have gotten that new shiny they wanted, but the pack they got was EXACTLY as advertised.



Did BW set the drop rates for the sabers too low and the grand chance cubes too high? That is a decision that only BW can make and I suspect they will make it based on sales of the new packs. If people continue to buy the new packs, then I suspect that BW will be less inclined to make any changes going forward. If sales of the new packs fall far enough below expectations, then I suspect that BW will be more inclined to revisit their pack design philosophy.


Would I like to see BW lower the drop rate for the grand chance cubes or ensure that at least one item is from the new pack? Sure, why not. I am NOT going to cry "foul" if they don't.


When I go to the casino and drop $100, I do not cry "foul" or "fraud" and demand a refund. I KNOW the odds are in the house's favor and against me.

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^^Agreed^^ This is a form of fraud via false advertising when you open so many packs and don't get nothing that pack is adversisng is WHAT?!?! false advertising :rolleyes: geez...


No, it isn't.


I get that non-lawyers like to toss around words that have legal meaning outside of that legal meaning. But as pointed out, they delivered quite literally exactly what was promised. Now I get the idea that it is disappointing, but mistakenly calling it false advertising isn't actually helping the situation.


This is the fundamental problem (and the point of this thread) - they provided a product (which they explained clearly) that I don't want. The point of feedback is to explain a) why I don't want this product and b) what changes they could make that would make me want the product. Bioware is allowed to sell a product I don't want. But as the livestream shows, they are aware that it is a product that not only do I not want, but that is receiving a negative reception overall. Hopefully they will choose to make a change in the future.


I doubt they will ever actually engage in false advertising (they never have in the life of this game at least) but hopefully they will deliver a product that reduces the number of people that erroneously cry out words like "fraud" despite lacking an understanding of the actual parameters of such a thing.

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Honestly what they need to do is get rid of packs all together and makes limited time items on the Cartel Market like they did the Dune Sea Bantha Mount and Eliminator's Duel Edge Vibrosword which I'm assuming were rare drop items from a pack going by the description given when they were up in the Cartel Market. If you didn't get the item before the time limit oh well either buy a pack from the GTN or the item itself but rare dropping items like Revan's Armor Sets, the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber or even some of the stuff the OP mentioned should be limited time sold by themselves not rare drops from a pack items, otherwise why buy the packs if you're gonna get worthless items or things you don't want or already have? Edited by DarthEnrique
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The most desired item in the game is listed as a gold item, creating an expectation of a buyers odds on getting it. Drop rate on item is far, FAR lower without telling anyone. Result? People who buy packs, buy more hoping for the item without realizing they have almost no chance without spending hundreds of dollars.


That's fraud. If the drop rate on the lightsaber is that much lower than other gold items then they should have made a "platinum" rating for it.


I prefer this one...


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