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[Chapter X] How to Defeat the Overwatch Hunters


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  • 7 months later...

I played KOTFE master mode as assassin tank back when master mode was new, and this was the hardest fight in it, but very doable with the 60 s cc.


As sentinel in 245 gear, whole different story. I did it the "dirty" way by killing one, then dying, then killing the other.


Important points to consider:

  • You do about 10k DPS, they have 200 k HP -> 20 s to burst one down (not accounting for the adds phase)
  • 6 second guarded by the force, + 12 seconds "poor man's guarded by the force" (= unity + saber ward + rebuke + absorb adrenal all at once) = 18 seconds of immortality
  • with Awe on non-targetted elite & force stasis & Pacify (not at the same time), only taking damage from one elite most of the time


So in theory, it should even be easy with like 5 seconds to spare :-)


Also tried a rotation that takes legacy abilities into account, but I got too fussed up having to consider already the other points above, and standard burst rotation for ~ 10 k DPS is enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In Chapter X, you travel to "Power Junction K-H82 in Breaktown" with your companion. There you meet to boss Overwatch Hunters. They both have a punch and repeatedly jump out of reach, so I can't hit them with my SithWarrior.

I died twice already, stims and Companion als healer or Companion as tank, all the same.

Is there a trick somehow to win this fight?


I had no problems so far. My gear is all purple Rated 218.

I think I'm missing something and would be glad if someone could point at it.


a tu essyer de la faire en grp tu sais ou pas que tu peut faire les chapitres en maitre a plusieurs

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This is still happening and this thread is over a year old.........any solutions? I've tried several times now and these guys literally one shot me even if I dodge their first AOE. 35k grav round from each and an 18k rapid fire from each gets be before I can do anything.


Very frustrating....not making me want to stick around as a re-sub

Edited by Suffering
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  • 3 months later...

Just helped someone getting past that part in that chapter. I was really confused over the difficulty that player had with that part as done it self severals times and not found it that hard.

But today I looked through other posts on other forums also about this issue and I found as one described in this forum.

That the they was not able to killl them even after set it down to Story mode as they stayed on Veteran mode.

But that they found that after done the chapter difficulty change properly they did change to Story mode.

I actually experienced that on an alt I am playing on atm in a earlier chapter.

After I did the change properly it was a walk in the park while drinking some whisky.

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  • 1 month later...

seriously odd for everyone....in MM in this chapter...........those 2 guys....

load heroic moment

i cc the left

and start hitting the right while non stop running,

3-4 shots and killing me every freaking time

my companion dies 2 secs before me


ALSO what happens with chapter 9? since it is only talk and go there and here, finishing it in MM not get the silver and the gold badge

Edited by Kissakias
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seriously odd for everyone....in MM in this chapter...........those 2 guys....

load heroic moment

i cc the left

and start hitting the right while non stop running,

3-4 shots and killing me every freaking time

my companion dies 2 secs before me


ALSO what happens with chapter 9? since it is only talk and go there and here, finishing it in MM not get the silver and the gold badge


This^^ Using unity, herioc moment rolling out of circle, interupt. I am still getting 2-3 shot and same with my companion...

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Same thing for me, did 9 chapters on MM easy (well, not really but managed), started chapter X, got to the junction and things went south, i'm Guardian 70 with 248 gear complete with 228-240 augments, Kaliyo rank 50, set her to cc 1 while tried to nuke the other from the start with heroic moment, got down to 50%, then they start to swap out, i even get skytroopers off of Kaliyo while tanking boss hits with Focused Defense and Saber Reflect, after they pass i get off'd by suddenly appearing second boss. Really need group for that, or lower their stats for MM
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  • 3 weeks later...

After a few times, I finally got past these guys today. On veteran.


MM Sniper 234 gear, no augments. Bumped my comp up to lvl 20. Set to tank. Presence stim.


You have to go all out nuke on one guy. Blow all CDs, use adrenal. Heroic moment, but don't bother using the attacks. Use the medpack that heals your companion. Once you kill one of them its easy.


I could see this being tough for a class without many Defensive CDs. Snipers have quite a few that can all be refreshed.

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  • 1 month later...

Same thing. Using a Guardian/Tank spec. Breezing through Veteran Mode... hit these two guys and it was a literal brick wall.


I swapped over to STORY mode, and these guys didn't change their difficulty. That is definitely a glitch.


Restarting the game fixed it for me, though. When I came back in, I swept them under the rug like a bad memory...


I want to point out there's a lot of people writing in this thread about how easy these guys are and who don't have a problem with taking their lunch money.


Dear future poster... PLEASE check the mode you are on. If you are on STORY setting when you fight these guys... yeah.. they're a piece of cake.



If anyone finds a good Strat to defeat them in gear-level 230+... please post it!


Thanks, and good hunting!!:rak_03:

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  • 4 weeks later...
I smoked these two fools way back when chapter x first came out. cake walk and I was using a Jugg, already done this same chapter with just about all my alts and breezed through these two like it was just a stroll in the park, don't know why your all having issues but I can tell you this if you need help busting their heads send a message to Okaraten in game I'll be happy to come bust their heads again for you
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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
I had a similar issue to some other people in this thread - was having no issues doing veteran until these guys. I had to turn the difficulty down to story, then step outside the instance and reset it for the new difficulty to take effect. Was easy enough after that.
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Pop heroic moment, avoid AOE and put your companion to heals.

If that doesn't work try changing the difficulty to story mode, or if you're hunting for achievements you could also invite a friend to do the quest with you (a group will deal with them like a warm knife cutting through butter).

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Just killed these guys on Master mode. Took me 3 tries as a Darkness (tank) Assassin using Death Knell set and Two Cloaks Tactical.


First try I stunned (Mind Trapped) the left guy (as I usually do), got him to about 20%, killing adds etc, seemed to be going smooth. Stun wears off the other guy, and I got blasted in seconds by his AoE.

Second try I tried to take them both at the same time, but got killed pretty quick.

Third try I stunned the left guy again, and popped heroic moment. Used all single target spells to dps/stunlock the target. He died fairly quickly. Adds were manageable with Shock/Depredating volts (it stuns them plus they are weak, so die fast). Managed to kill him before the stun wore off. Second guy went down fast.


Key here is to manage your stuns/interrupts for their abilities, DPS fast, and avoid AOE damage if you have stunned one. I do Master modes on a mix of my Concealment Operative and Darkness Assassin. I suspect this fight would have been easier on my Operative because her DPS is much higher, and she has similar stuns.


This fight would probably be quite difficult on melee DPS who cannot stun. Probably slightly easier as ranged DPS.


As for the rest of the mission, it is quite long and tedious. I would recommend using an Assassin with Two Cloaks tactical so you can stealth through most of the encounters.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...
putting this up in 2021 to say its still completely impossible on veteran. lvl 75 with gear does not matter. fight will typically last 15-20 seconds with only having time to do about 5-15% of one of their health bars before companion and player is killed. I've tried over 200 times as deception assassin and furry maurauder and its unplayable. after 200 attempts without getting past 80% hp i would say this is bricked on veteran. not sure how master would work. the current classes do not have enough defensives and interrupt rotations available to get past 80% health.
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Are they crazy? Those hunters on veteran are impossible unless I spend gifts to get kalyo to lvl 50. :/


OK. Set Kalyo to tank. Kill one, respawn, then the other one.


Thanks for this. It's the most ridiculous fight in the expansion... and it seems even worse in 7.0. The hits are ridiculous... I'm moderately (326 blues and purples) geared and regularly do HM ops - there is no reason something with simple mechanics like this should be as deadly and frustrating as it is on veteran. Hell, even on Story it's a challenge.

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  • 1 year later...

This fight is still weird/bugged. On two other characters I won it without any effort, but now, on my third character, I take a beating in the first 5 seconds. No matter what I do, I cannot win it. And only on one character 😕


Edit: After story reset this fight was very easy.. Don't know what happened.. 

Edited by Gniadex
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