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Class re-balance


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What I think should be the case (in a 1v1 scenario):

Dps vs tank: dps

tank vs healer: healer

Burst Dps vs healer: Over time the healer SHOULD be a ble to kill the dps via dots and stuff, if the dps lands a nice

stun+ burst dps can still win

Sustained dps vs healer: tie, the healer will not die but at the same time most sustained classes have enough selfheals

to survive the healer

Hybrid tanks should NOT exist and players need to be discouraged from playing these kinds of specs



The general balance needs:

-big buffs to merc survival and heals, buff to operative heals

-Phasewalk removed from sorcs and cd of force speed lowered to 20 seconds Don't mind this so much but barrier is long over due for removal

-Carbonize becomes a softstun, no longer utility for 5 sec hardstun


Also buffs to:

-dps merc survivability, buff to dotspec

-Dot pt

-concealment damage

-lethality damage

-lightning sorc damage

(-rework of jugg defensives as they are op'd in regs and meh in arenas)optional and not that important



A lot needs to be done and tbh I don't think it will... before 5.0.

If they at least eliminated faction imbalance andadded at least a little matchmaking...


Having heals that do DPS renders DPS moot. We might as well all play DPS heals. Its a simple concept if you wish to heal your buddies you choose healer. If you wish to do DMG and kill peeps you choose DPS. If you wish to play a hybrid then understand you should loose to Full DPS spec because you are not full DPS and You are not full heals. As far as hybrid tanks go they should use similar metric as above Tank/DPS vs pure DPS either sustained or Burst = loss because you are not a full DPS class nor are you a full tank spec your DMG output should be halved and tanking should be halved because you're half the class.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Balance is virtually impossible in any MMO, theres always a FotM, but the problem is that SWTOR''s imbalance is *********** ****, theres always that one class that is extremely over played, all MMO's have a class that is slightly more played than the rest, but one class that is mained in PvP for about half of the PvP population because its FotM is stupid,
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heals dont do dps, unless you're talking about mercs, who can use rail shot ( on e-netted or stunned targets)and unload during down time.... if you're really complaining about sorcs spreading affliction around hitting for less than a flick on the wrist, I think that would be a different issue altogether. Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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This thread is awesome. Everyone wants "balance" but it also shows that nobody can agree what it is. :)


Well that is the crux of the problem and not a easy solution either. Though it is one of the reason they should approach this as every class being able to solo kill any class it comes up against all things being equal. (save heals because your job is to heal not do dmg.) Having a class that requires 3 dps classes to defeat it yet that same said class can put out DPS burst equal to or greater than those 3 classes is not balanced! I wouldn't have an issue if it was a pure tank spec that after all is there job and their DPS output would be minor.

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heals dont do dps, unless you're talking about mercs, who can use rail shot ( on e-netted or stunned targets)and unload during down time.... if you're really complaining about sorcs spreading affliction around hitting for less than a flick on the wrist, I think that would be a different issue altogether.


Sorcs can kill via dots classes that have no heals so there is no way for said class to defeat healer through attrition because they have no means of healing themselves.

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if a sorc has enough time alone with a class like that (mara or sniper for example) while being able to have enough down gcd's to be able to get CD and affliction to do 100-150k damage (medpacks+defensives) then either these guys are off on their own little adventure away from every other player in the match just for the hell of dueling or that is one terrible terrible sniper/mara. Could be both. If you get solo'd by a sorc heals, pvp just isn't for you.
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