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Ilum daily/weekly = Fast pvp gear farm


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Ide like to thank the devs for making ilum the fastest way possible to get geared. Just finished the weekly and daily quest in under 5 minutes thanks to the cooperation of the empire (im republic). Both sides sat at 1 base and took turns taking it over. There were atleast 20+ people there and not 1 attacked each other LOL! Was great and for those who say ILL KILL ANY RED, no you wont. Youll be too busy getting easy pvp gear.


Point is right now ilum is farmville for pvp gear without the pvp part.

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Ilum its broken




It was a complete joke earlier this morning. 25-50 imp players and 10 or so republic players in Ilum just sitting at a cap point flipping it back and forth. Who wouldnt though? 4 champion bags for 30 minutes of game time.


I think there was a single imp who tried to attack us. Quickly got squashed by the republic players on the point when the other imps refused to help him since he was hindering their daily/weekly.

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There will be never good PVP as long as they give rewards to whole fraction for winning anything. Be it castle , Boss, inst , no matter what it must be owned by guild and not the whole fraction. When the whole fraction or with other words 50% of people get rewards earlier or later the other 50% will get it too leading to richness and easymode for all players of both fractions Edited by Tamernator
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