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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




Thanks eric, but such a thing should have been mentioned originally, and this whole PR disaster which left raiders with even more twisted knockers could have been avoided, mostly...

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But yet still turning out Cartel Market content on time.... heres a thought, maybe re-purpose some of thing guys making that stuff into actual game stuff or pretty soon you want have anyone left to buy it.

I dont mean to be a jerk but havent we been more than patient in regard to actual game concerns. MMO content, PvP and balance fixes?

I for one dont want to here about any more CM stuff or sub rewards without seeing something there.


MTX people are 3D modelers. You cannot simply reassign 3D modeler to debug server code or design raid encounters.

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I fine with that, better than april


Not 'fine' with that. March 10 is Chapter 11. So 3 weeks of broken raids at least. Sorry that is unacceptable, this should be fixed this coming Tues.


No if, ands, or buts on this one, they've broken the game, they must fix it.

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It's also funny that BioWare thinks we are that invested in the Fallen Empire story that they won't use PTS.


News for you BioWare, Fallen Empire is awful, our 'choices' mean precisely dick.


So please allow people to test your bigger updates, we don't really care about your story and this mess could have been avoided.

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It's also funny that BioWare thinks we are that invested in the Fallen Empire story that they won't use PTS.


News for you BioWare, Fallen Empire is awful, our 'choices' mean precisely dick.


So please allow people to test your bigger updates, we don't really care about your story and this mess could have been avoided.


Yeah it is really funny how they think people are sitting on the edge of their seats the whole month waiting for a one-hour quest and two companions most will never actually use. Personally, I've found Chapter X mediocre on my first playthrough (although Kaliyo is not the type of companion I'd use on most of my characters) and I've only done it 3 times since its launch. They need to understand two things: 1. A one-hour quest is hardly immersive, by the time you start enjoying it, it's already over. 2. No matter how good the story is, people will find it boring on subsequent playthroughs. (Except maybe if you're playing a class that formerly had the companion in question on his/her crew.


Long story short, you really should allow people to test every patch on the PTS for gamebreaking bugs like these. You don't want to allow people to play KOTFE? Fine then, disable the quest, but OPS/PVP/GSF should be tested before the deployment of each major patch. (Also BW put Ziost on the PTS in 3.2, so they should start that practice again.)

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OK so op's players want everything all at the same time:-


1) You want an immediate fix, but if untested could damage it even further then you would once again be complaining about "pushing out an untested fix"

2) You moan when they say by 4.3 but will let you know if sooner but if Bioware stated 4.2 and it missed that mark then you would be complaining.


I know Bioware have been slack in many areas of late and that they are not helping their own problems but they will never win since some people are just going to complain either way.

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You can bet you sweet bottom that if this was a bug that affected the STORY STORY STORY or the Cartel Market, an emergency maintenance and/or a server rollback would have happened in the first 24 hours.


Wrong, how long did it take for then to even admit there was a bug in the romance system let alone fix, if story is as important as you say companions and their interaction with you are a huge portion of what makes the story and it was broken for months (and unconfirmed as if 4.1 fixed it or not)

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Wrong, how long did it take for then to even admit there was a bug in the romance system let alone fix, if story is as important as you say companions and their interaction with you are a huge portion of what makes the story and it was broken for months (and unconfirmed as if 4.1 fixed it or not)


The romancing has absolutely zero to do with Zakuul/Valkorian/Arcann story.

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The romancing has absolutely zero to do with Zakuul/Valkorian/Arcann story.


Not directly no but when it comes to remembering your relationships with your past companions it was a huge gap and actually game breaking for many of the story oriented people out there, for instance I stopped levelling any characters I was doing the original 1-50 romances with due to the uncertain nature of the "bug" locking me out of huge portions of the game for a good few months.

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OK so op's players want everything all at the same time:-


1) You want an immediate fix, but if untested could damage it even further then you would once again be complaining about "pushing out an untested fix"

2) You moan when they say by 4.3 but will let you know if sooner but if Bioware stated 4.2 and it missed that mark then you would be complaining.


I know Bioware have been slack in many areas of late and that they are not helping their own problems but they will never win since some people are just going to complain either way.


Well Eric only said about fixed for 4.2 after the amount of complaints they got. Based on there recent track record I highly doubt it'll get done with Chapter 11, especially as it's 'Eternal Championship' update, it'll happen for 4.3 or later for sure I think.


Excuse me for being pedantic but this a game right. So gameplay issues should be a priority, right?


But as it's been said before, if it's not Cartel Market of Fallen Empire related, then more fool us for expecting anything immediate :mad:

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Well Eric only said about fixed for 4.2 after the amount of complaints they got. Based on there recent track record I highly doubt it'll get done with Chapter 11, especially as it's 'Eternal Championship' update, it'll happen for 4.3 or later for sure I think.


Excuse me for being pedantic but this a game right. So gameplay issues should be a priority, right?


But as it's been said before, if it's not Cartel Market of Fallen Empire related, then more fool us for expecting anything immediate :mad:


And to be honest I'd take a broken attempt at a fix right now, it would make me feel like they actually appreciated my business and concerns. It's the thought that counts on most occasions ::rolleyes:

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OK so op's players want everything all at the same time:-


1) You want an immediate fix, but if untested could damage it even further then you would once again be complaining about "pushing out an untested fix"

2) You moan when they say by 4.3 but will let you know if sooner but if Bioware stated 4.2 and it missed that mark then you would be complaining.


I know Bioware have been slack in many areas of late and that they are not helping their own problems but they will never win since some people are just going to complain either way.


And to be honest I'd take a broken attempt at a fix right now, it would make me feel like they actually appreciated my business and concerns. It's the thought that counts on most occasions :

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And to be honest I'd take a broken attempt at a fix right now, it would make me feel like they actually appreciated my business and concerns. It's the thought that counts on most occasions :


Yeah right so when they break it even more its @#£$ sake BW why don't you bother testing this ?&*% before releasing it. Almost no-one will accept a broken attempt.

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Yeah right so when they break it even more its @#£$ sake BW why don't you bother testing this ?&*% before releasing it. Almost no-one will accept a broken attempt.


Just my opinion mate, but at least I'd feel valued. Many will likely not agree and will tolerate this outrage, but if they tried to fix it, I'd see that as progress by BW. Acknowledgement of a problem and giving vague dates on fixes is beyond farcical.


I have unsubbed and won't resub to fix, I hope many people join me. It's the only way to instigate change.

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OK so op's players want everything all at the same time:-


1) You want an immediate fix, but if untested could damage it even further then you would once again be complaining about "pushing out an untested fix"

2) You moan when they say by 4.3 but will let you know if sooner but if Bioware stated 4.2 and it missed that mark then you would be complaining.


I know Bioware have been slack in many areas of late and that they are not helping their own problems but they will never win since some people are just going to complain either way.


Nailed it. It is clear that it is a priority as there is a goal set for fixing. Sure it isn't fast enough for some. If it wasn't important, it would be like so many other minor glitches that have existed since launch. Now, I was not aware prior to this thread but now understand that the primary programmer for ops has left. Replacing a coder is not so much about finding a good coder, there are many out there, the real question is do they know how everything was designed/coded? Perhaps not, there are thousands of ways to accomplish the same goals, some more efficient than others. Likewise many coders will use personal techniques that others do not understand for "job security", it is possible this is why things went south upon losing the lead. No matter how good the replacement is, it takes time to reverse engineer and modify existing code when it glitches. Even when the original coders make modifications, glitches happen. For those who continue to demand perfection for every update, please do try to learn how to code so you may have perspective on how complex it can be.

My real complaint is the lack of service when issues do arise. I have for over a year now been putting in tickets over a minor glitch, just to have them closed with no resolution or feedback. It is far better service to at least give an answer that it cannot be done than to close the ticket with no feedback at all. It is that sense of being unimportant that has me evaluating whether of not they wish to continue receiving my money.

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In DP Brontes is stuck in the direction she spawned in and won't turn to tank - no issue on sm, but most likely is on higher difficulties.


Also in EV the pylons that are used to bring Soa's shield down are not visible (camera's not an issue, I couldn't see them even when I turned it upwards to the ceiling), so on sm you have the telegraph to depend on, but on hm all you have to go by is a shadow on the ground - not funny.

Edited by SillaniEdda
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Nailed it. It is clear that it is a priority as there is a goal set for fixing. Sure it isn't fast enough for some. If it wasn't important, it would be like so many other minor glitches that have existed since launch. Now, I was not aware prior to this thread but now understand that the primary programmer for ops has left. Replacing a coder is not so much about finding a good coder, there are many out there, the real question is do they know how everything was designed/coded? Perhaps not, there are thousands of ways to accomplish the same goals, some more efficient than others. Likewise many coders will use personal techniques that others do not understand for "job security", it is possible this is why things went south upon losing the lead. No matter how good the replacement is, it takes time to reverse engineer and modify existing code when it glitches. Even when the original coders make modifications, glitches happen. For those who continue to demand perfection for every update, please do try to learn how to code so you may have perspective on how complex it can be.

My real complaint is the lack of service when issues do arise. I have for over a year now been putting in tickets over a minor glitch, just to have them closed with no resolution or feedback. It is far better service to at least give an answer that it cannot be done than to close the ticket with no feedback at all. It is that sense of being unimportant that has me evaluating whether of not they wish to continue receiving my money.



But wait, why should i want to understand some coding, it isnt my job. Why would be patient towards new bugs that we know will happen, and they do happen. Why EA/BW isnt doing their job is my concern since i am the one paying the game that i "support" that way but i dont feel support coming back. That being said i understand every problem they have and how hard it can be to fix those problems, but i dont see reason why should i be patient or understanding about the things that they are obliged to deliver and they are not .....Lets face it, they are not doing their job the way it should be done......


I will still play this game no mather how buggy it is. It has a great concept, much better than rest of mmos but the quality is obviously lacking.

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But wait, why should i want to understand some coding, it isnt my job. Why would be patient towards new bugs that we know will happen, and they do happen. Why EA/BW isnt doing their job is my concern since i am the one paying the game that i "support" that way but i dont feel support coming back. That being said i understand every problem they have and how hard it can be to fix those problems, but i dont see reason why should i be patient or understanding about the things that they are obliged to deliver and they are not .....Lets face it, they are not doing their job the way it should be done......


I will still play this game no mather how buggy it is. It has a great concept, much better than rest of mmos but the quality is obviously lacking.


What I was trying to imply is some patience is required do to complexities that none of us can foresee on either side. Especially when you consider that many things do not work perfectly when delivered. Theme park rides have glitches, more so when new. Cars have recalls to fix problems discovered after sale. Hell, even food gets recalled from time to time. But I am not in disagreement with your point that it is the lack of service that is a real issue. Perhaps some are a little too uptight about game glitches, these things happen. It is, to me, more of a concern when the people getting paid for a service just say, "we know" and nothing more. Perhaps, the first message should have said, "we are aware of the problem and are taking it seriously. However, due to the complexity of the issue we have a resolution target of 4.3 while striving to resolve the issue sooner." Something like that, maybe.

I still hope someday that they will begin to understand that when players put tickets in, that they should get more than the automated response of "it has been received..." especially when nothing is actually done towards resolution. Giving away free stuff is always a last resort, but when you ignore the consumer long enough and often enough, it can begin to mend some damage. Continuing to ignore their frustrations only exacerbates the situation.

So let's be clear, while it is preferred that there not be glitches, it will happen. It will be upsetting and frustrating for both sides. It is better for all concerned for us to be more constructive on the player side, and service/devs to be more forthcoming and more apologetic on theirs. I suppose the real frustration we are all feeling is that this is being handled like "yeah it's a problem, but we'll get to it when we can. BTW keep paying us anyways." It's all about perception and I've seen little to support the notion that they really care.

Oh, and superstar award goes to the service rep who hung up on me when I asked if they could address a minor issue that was being ignored through online tickets. Way to make something stupid into something serious.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




"The Emperor? Here? We shall redouble our efforts!" - equally pathetic /unsubbed

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!





Thanks for the update. I still have no intention to restart my subscription though. Lack of any really new PVE content (other than the 1/2 hour storyline update) does not warrant $15 a month when I can wait till June/July and pay $15 to get a couple hours out of the same money. The shiny bobbles offered as subscription rewards just don't cut it.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!





How about you fix the crashing issues. Every time I touch a bonus mission or a area locator on the map (the one that spins on the map) my game crashes. What is the use of fixing something if my game keeps crashing

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I will still play this game no mather how buggy it is. It has a great concept, much better than rest of mmos but the quality is obviously lacking.


The latter part of your statement is utter garbage. SWTOR doesn't have "great concept", it's not even innovative in any way (apart from handling crafting via companions). Everything else is a blatant WoW TBC-era clone with lightsabers. I could go on in much more detail, but there are plenty of independent WoW servers running TBC-era WoW (2007.) where you can verify that yourself.


Before I get called out by white knights, WoW is a clone of other earlier MMOs as well, not trying to champion for that game, just calling out bulls**t.

Edited by alanos
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Nailed it. It is clear that it is a priority as there is a goal set for fixing. Sure it isn't fast enough for some. If it wasn't important, it would be like so many other minor glitches that have existed since launch. Now, I was not aware prior to this thread but now understand that the primary programmer for ops has left. Replacing a coder is not so much about finding a good coder, there are many out there, the real question is do they know how everything was designed/coded? Perhaps not, there are thousands of ways to accomplish the same goals, some more efficient than others. Likewise many coders will use personal techniques that others do not understand for "job security", it is possible this is why things went south upon losing the lead. No matter how good the replacement is, it takes time to reverse engineer and modify existing code when it glitches. Even when the original coders make modifications, glitches happen. For those who continue to demand perfection for every update, please do try to learn how to code so you may have perspective on how complex it can be.


Reality is that this was released last Tuesday. On Wednesday, video was posted of this issue. It took six full days for Eric to even acknowledge they were aware of this issue. If you are trying to convince me that it is in any small way a priority to them you will not succeed.


I do know how to code. Quite well. I also have well over a decade working for and with enterprise software delivery organizations and I can say with confidence the following:


This is a bug that should never have made it past QA.

This is a bug that never would have made it past a PTS.


I would also wager based on reasonable deduction that if the code is being properly documented, and if there is strong delivery leadership in this organization this should be a fairly simple bug to sort out. We have two possible scenarios:


It is simple, just not prioritized

It is difficult, in which case someone is not doing their job properly


It blows my mind why a company with such obvious limited resources refuses to have a PTS. Someone above mentioned the CoH PTS - that's exactly the setup this game needs. It could also use some of CoH's community managers. If the story is as compelling as you all say, putting it up on the PTS shouldn't be an issue.


There should have been a post Thursday morning saying "Yeah, we'll take a look at this. Thanks for pointing it out, we'll keep you up to date, stay tuned".


Someone please explain a valid scenario where it is ok that this bug existed in the patch, and a valid scenario where it took six days to be acknowledged by Eric. Is EA even aware that a game with their logo on it had this bug in a release?

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I'm gonna throw something in here about the whole unsubbing thing:


Bioware bases the content it releases PURELY off metrics, not what the community wants. When you have things like 12x XP, so everyone goes and plays story to level alts, it skews the metrics and makes it appear that story content should be the #1 focus of the game.


If you want real change to the content that's being prioritized and released (in terms of new content and fixing bugs), then what you should be doing is encouraging more people to play ops, and for those who play ops to do it more often. The more time people spend in Flashpoints and operations, the more it skews the metric in favor of group content, the more likely Bioware is to make new content.


If you want something you gotta work for it. If you're sick of ops, you gotta keep doing them to get the new ones. If you're bored, find a way to make them fun. Have server competitions. Who can down Malaphar the fastest or whatever. That kind of thing.


That's how it works. Unsubbing and stopping playing ops is merely going to make things WORSE.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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