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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So who's shining in the darkness?


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The alert is probably still bugged, but don't let it stop you from speculating. Since it comes from the head of the Force Enclave, we are clearly talking about a force-user. And as the name implies, he or she is Light Side.


Now, I dont have all classes. and I dont know all the companions that they have, so maybe I am missing somebody. But here is what I am assuming.


Scourge and Jaesa are obviously out. (Actually, since my main has LS Jaesa, I would be happy if that's her, but canon SW is DS, so everyone should be getting a DS Jaesa, and i highly doubt Bioware bothered to have separate names for alarms for LS and DS version of Jaess)


That leaves Kira, Nadia and Ashara. I don't have a Consular, so cant say anything about Nadia. It can be Ashara, although i remember that she declared herself neither Sith nor Jedi. And there is no reason why it can't be Kira.


Any other ideas?

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Gotta admit I'm stumped on this one, but if it is a LI coming back through an alert....I expect to see some rage if there is no voiced dialogue.


But if I had to guess from the list of force users left it leans towards Ashara, at least it seems like it for me since she doesn't completely fall to the darkness in the inquisitors story.

Edited by Froogleseven
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"Shining in the Darkness"? As in the "Shining Jedi Man" on Nar Shaddaa? Guess Guss Tuno is finally completing his Jedi Training.

This coupled with Guss' voice-cameo at the end of Blizz's recruitment mission (think it sounded like him, don't quote me on it.)

Edited by DarthThuzad
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It's better not to get Ashara through the half-hearted Alliance system.


Ashara is a romanceable character. Those won't be introduced in some random Alliance Alert. They will all have their own story chapters focussed around them. Anarchy in Paradise was about Kaliyo, Disavowed will be about Jorgan. That's a good way to bring these characters back into focus if you ask me.


I believe (or at least, hope) that the only non-romanceable character they will reintroduce via a chapter rather than an Alliance Alert will be Lord Scourge. They really haven't done anything with him since post-class story, especially in regard to Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It probably is Guss.


Also I'm hoping that when Ashara returns it is as a full blown Dark Jedi, having fallen completely to the dark side. One of the things many people found disappointing with the Inquisitor's story was that the Palpatine expy never gets to corrupt his or her Jedi apprentice, in the way that the Sith Warrior can with Jaesa. Presumably it was planned, but ended up being cut when the continuation of class stories was scrapped following SWTOR's disastrous release.


That could be remedied by having Ashara's emotions lead her to the dark side after the Sith Inquisitor's disappearance and five years of war with Zakuul. Have her show up with red Sith eyes and other physical signs of dark side corruption, doing something appropriately dark-sided like force choking to death a defeated and surrendered Zakuul knight, or torturing one of Zakuul's soldiers for information with force lightning.


Just give light side Outlanders (regardless of class) an opportunity to redeem her and turn her back towards the light.


That would probably make most players of both DS and LS Inquisitors happy.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty sure it has to be guss, all the jedi girls are romanceable so cant be them, and truly i think Lord Scourge is far to important to reduce to an Alliance Alert Recruit.


Maybe that's false hope but there is an argument to be made he knows the emperor better than anyone and is the most 'powerful' companion in the game


will be incredibly disappointing if he becomes a sideshow, especially when you consider the love Scorpio is getting

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  • 3 weeks later...
Also remember the email from Jreely, Blizz's crewjawa after recruiting Blizz. Jreely says he is going to steal the power core from the 'scary Sith lady's' holo-box, and ask's the Big Boss to cover for him.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe (or at least, hope) that the only non-romanceable character they will reintroduce via a chapter rather than an Alliance Alert will be Lord Scourge. They really haven't done anything with him since post-class story, especially in regard to Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor.


I absolutely agree with you. I was really disappointed when I found out that only romance companions have some sort of interaction with the player character during the events of SoR. I just find it hard to believe that neither Revan, nor Vitiate would even acknowledge him and vice versa.

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