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Damage Meters


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Welfare isn't bad, it's the people that purposefully abuse it by having 16 kids to collect more money. Or the woman that made millions off McDonalds because there wasn't a disclaimer stating the coffee was hot; does that mean the legal system should be abolished because she worked the system?


People will always abuse systems for unintended purposes. You can't avoid that; doesn't mean the system is wrong. What you can do is ignore them and make use of the system for your and your group/guild's benefit.


Did you read the case with that woman and McDonald's? she spilled her coffee and got 2nd degree burns as a result. The coffee in this case was way above just "hot". Just saying, McDonalds was at fault not her.

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I feel the need to bump this thread once again, I fully support individual damage meters. From a person who wants to see what dps they are throwing out, this is a great compromise. My theory behind it is some guilds/friends want to compare dps/healing/tps, but they have no way of doing it. Turning it into an INDIVIDUAL meter eliminates others being able to see what you are throwing out in an ops/FP, but allows you to compare with friends and guildies if you so choose. I hope this suggestion sticks :) and that this topic can be revived from the dead.
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Stuff like this just results in the game becoming more hostile towards new players and people who aren't interested in min/max, which the game doesn't need. Being made to group with others is (usually) bad enough as is without giving that one kid something else to screech about.
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Stuff like this just results in the game becoming more hostile towards new players and people who aren't interested in min/max, which the game doesn't need. Being made to group with others is (usually) bad enough as is without giving that one kid something else to screech about.


Well like I said, it could be a PERSONAL damage/healer/tanking meter, so no one else can see what you are doing.

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I'd like to see my healing breakdown like I used to view during/after WoW raids. A lot of good information in meters.


Beyond that, people who carry their own weight have every right to desire a tool that gives them a means of grouping with people who aren't useless.


This is also for OP, it just seems to me that you two are the kind that piss and moan when one person in the group just didn't know what they were doing. It's players like you that ruin games, "oh that sniper didn't do the amount of DPS I wanted him to do, therefore I'm not going to group with them again." " Man I quit this group, because you guys all suck. I'm the best player there is." That is the attitude you are showing you have. If it's not then maybe you should change your outlook on other players, if you want to play with players that are to your deluded "standard" go play the failing game known as WoW.

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Stuff like this just results in the game becoming more hostile towards new players and people who aren't interested in min/max, which the game doesn't need. Being made to group with others is (usually) bad enough as is without giving that one kid something else to screech about.


The game doesn't become more hostile due to things like this. If the players with that mentality are already there they'll just as easily find some other reason to moan at you instead. For example not wearing gear to their liking, not having the gear to show you've done a certain raid before or not, etc.


The only thing it may do is relocate the "reason" used to moan.




Personally I'm all in favor of damage meters, threat meters and heal meters to be implemented. It allows for a much more on the fly adaptation to possible issues.


Not reaching required DPS? See if it's an overall issue, as in all need to push a little harder. See if it's a singleplayer issue, have a quick talk on rotation to see if they're missing something or not. Etcetera.


Having too much DPS, reaching phase switches during inconvenient moments due to it? Simply check which of the DPS are doing the highest to have them chill out a bit more during the fight.


Aggro issues? Instantly see whether a tank isn't pulling sufficiently, or whether a DPS manages to pull off insane threat levels and could do well with a guard to tone it down a bit.


Healing/shielding insufficient? See if it's a single healer thing. See if a healer is perhaps overhealing too much which causes running out of force, etc.




Currently if running into an issue such as this where you run into a bit of a hurdle but just can't place your finger on it why, you need people to upload combat logs or transfer them to a raid leader, etc. It takes a lot of extra time, which could have been instantly visible ingame.

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I must admit that my initial reaction, and I'm not trying to be hostile here, is that people who don't want (damage|healing|threat) meters have been yelled at in other games for not pulling their weight and don't want to have that happen again. To me, and again I'm not trying to be hostile just expressing my views, this is the mindset of a person who wants to be carried through content.


When trying to push content, and I don't care whether its story-mode EV or hard-mode TFB, the leader of a group needs this information. Its really as simple as that. As the leader you work out a strategy and you expect your people to execute it. What if it fails then? What broke down? Was it too little DPS? Did someone stand in a reticle? Did the tank take more damage then expected? Was a healer healing the wrong person? Was your strategy just bad?


None of those questions can be answered without comprehensive logs of some sort. Having to kludge this information with tools like MOX is....ok, but its not enough.


If you don't want to turn on logging, even if there's a toggle to let your logs be shared or not, great, don't share with people. But for those of us that are trying to push ourselves, that are trying to push our groups to do better, the lack of these tools is just a kick in the balls, and demoralizing to boot.

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Consolations were offered in a Personal Parse Log that You and or Your Guild could work out what you were doing.


More than enough for you to work out what you want if you put your time into your Parser.


It's bad enough that people have not taken the time to learn the base mechanics of how aggro works in this game and you want to make it worse for "Oooh, My dps was so epeen" because you then (if you actually learn the true mechanics) abuse the mechanics in fights. And you really should learn and understand those mechanics which were spelled out previously.


So no. No loss of the focus of a game for "only one" addon that becomes 200 or more that tell you rage timers, when to get out of the fire, when to attack with this and then that ability, when to move here then there. You may as well just add the "I WIN" button and let the computer do it all for you as you are just a robot following commands that a computer or monkey could do just as well.

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