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Downtime Funtime


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Off course, as a matter of customer service it would have been nice and fair (at least) if all subscribers would have been granted an amount of cartel coins for the inconvinience they've gotten due to this update which isn't their fault.

And what would this have costed you / Bioware? Absolutely nothing! It's just digital currency which isn't even worth real money or can't be traded for real money. I'm a bit disappointed as a subscriber since day 1!! So just give all subscribers eligible for chapter 10 their fair share of cartel coins in compensation for their lost of time which they aren't responsible of. 1200 cc (at least) for each subscriber sounds as a reasonable compensation!

The game went f2p. So It WILL cost them ALOT since a fair share of their revenue comes from the cartel store. If they did that a lot of items would end up on the GTN which in turn would reduce the demand for CM purchases thereby reducing profit. It would also devalue the in-game currency so the new schematics, mk-9 kits and augments would be attained by a lot more people quicker than projected. They could however give a free start at 60 to F2p players with access to the first 3 chapters and give subs a special reward with a grant of in game comms since subbed players tend to be more pvp or Pve endgame focused. Subs would get a better benefit from comms where f2p would get a better benefit of being able to get into endgame faster and they would get likely be drawn into subbing or purchasing the remaining chapters thereby increasing the potential for profit.

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Hey folks,


So, here we are together enjoying some server downtime. Let's have a little fun. As many of you know, the unstable lightsaber is a thing that is coming out today and I am very excited for it (along with Chapter X of course). In its honor, what do you say I give away some Cartel Coins while we wait.


I have done this game once before but let's revisit the rules. First, each time I post I will add some codes that you can redeem for Cartel Coins. Only the first person who snags them will get the coins so be quick! Second, I will ask random questions. First to answer the question, I will PM them a code.


I will wait a few minutes, gather your friends, let the Cartel Coins rain.




GG BW while only a small part of the population comes to the forums least BW could of done was sent a email with ccoin to every sub email that had early access and some to those that did not

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Thanks all at BW


Other games have/had In-Game-Support and European (French / German / Italian) Community Managers:

We in Europe don't have anything like that from BW, not even a comment in time, not to talk about your idiotic piece of giveaways (I get more out of the coupon of my breakfast cereals). Not to mention that the support in game sucks since 3.x... People with knowledge cost to much? -> See also: Devs


Devs: Yeah they made a bunch of bu****it, but who is responsible? Financial and other Managers and at least the Production Manager, the ones who give orders! If I tell the Dev only crap about the futuree product, I get crap out.

So get the Production and the Quality Manager Manager fired, not the Devs. Would be a start, since they did not learn from the last 4 incidents, they will surely never learn. Remember: Fish starts stinking at the head...


You can't possibly say you tested the patch beforehand. Then you stop the servers because AN issue (untold what) COULD arise. YOu start the servers a working day later and there are STILL issues (crafting etc)? Why not start the servers at 4.0.4 so people can play and say openly: We have to test a day or some longer?

If a car repair puts 4 flat tires on your car and say it SHOULD run now, but you better not drive, then pump up 2 of them and say, but now youre free to go, here is the bill, what would you think? This is the same...


I don't give anything on 10 or 1000 cartel coins, I just want you to do the job you are paid for and start thinking before! the next patch.


Worst thing: I can put a few harsh words in here and: No one who makes decisions will ever read it.

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Yeah BW you should have tested the patch cause what ever you did ****ed over the crafting system and got rid of our schematics, especially armormech, I had all schematics i could get since the launch of this game and schematics you cant even get anymore. Thanks to you all not testing it prior to the launch date of this, you all have basically screwed over your player base big time.
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Many people were hyped and got back into the game due to this movie coming out - period. As a result your sub numbers reached the highest peak for these 2 last years. Yet you missed the chance to show that you can do better than you did in the past. So frustrating, your attitude is pathetic the least. Don't rush content unless it's been tested for at least 2 weeks by players on a PTS and this copy/paste game, what can I say.


In the end of the day, us Europeans lost 1 day of early access since all this testing process goes into EU prime time.


Oh and the tip of the iceberg, your customer service? Are your droids there really functioning or are they out of service. I swear I have a ticket there for a week and I've heard of friends having tickets there waiting for three months lol.

Edited by zaknaphein
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Many people were hyped and got back into the game due to this movie coming out - period. As a result your sub numbers reached the highest peak for these 2 last years. Yet you missed the chance to show that you can do better than you did in the past. So frustrating, your attitude is pathetic the least. Don't rush content unless it's been tested for at least 2 weeks by players on a PTS and this copy/paste game, what can I say.


In the end of the day, us Europeans lost 1 day of early access since all this testing process goes into EU prime time.


Oh and the tip of the iceberg, your customer service? Are your droids there really functioning or are they out of service. I swear I have a ticket there for a week and I've heard of friends having tickets there waiting for three months lol.

A week? Expect to wait a lot longer for your ticket to be answered. :(

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I get rid of that BiTraider ****. Now I could download the patch morte than 50kpbs. It went for 3mbps, witch is the normal for my connection. It did last for one minute and went down. When I try to download it at cable connection, it gets me an 310 error.


I have lost one entire day of early acess. And probably will lost even more if this f*** 310 error doesn't get fixed.



Edited by Mobiousren
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The name of this post should be changed. Nothing was fun about the down time. Coins were thrown out to try and appease the wave of comments but were only obtained by those with insane luck/internet speed. You owe those who were expecting 2 days of early access just that, or some sort of inconvenience gift (especially those on euro servers). Hopefully you learn your lesson before next month.
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The name of this post should be changed. Nothing was fun about the down time. Coins were thrown out to try and appease the wave of comments but were only obtained by those with insane luck/internet speed. You owe those who were expecting 2 days of early access just that, or some sort of inconvenience gift (especially those on euro servers). Hopefully you learn your lesson before next month.


Yeah! How dare they allow their ISP that they have no control over be a major part of the problem!


Wait what?


I'm too sick now to even HK. Take a chill pill dude. Don't have one? Use a chill strip. It goes on your tongue and dissolves in your mouth. Chiiiiil.

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I'm still getting an error but I have no idea if its the same error as everyone else is getting. All I know is i'v been getting this error for the past 5 days now. I'm guessing its my computer but I don't know anymore. ( Error = This application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again. )
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