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Can't download 4.1


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Oh, you're the lucky ones! I'm stuck on the main assets for the last 2 hours, getting Network Error 310, and downloading at a steady pace of 32 kb/sec.. I have to pause, and resume, and pause, and resume again..


I am a patient man, but this is plain ridiculous.


My dear BioWare, when you decide to pull off a 4 GB Patch, either put it for pre-download in order to keep the strain from the patching server, or break it in smaller patches on a weekly basis instead of this.. Will be a lot easier for people to download that way, and everything will remain inactive anyway, until the final release...

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*nod* This is becoming an issue. They really need to learn how to roll out pre-patching a few weeks ahead of time if they want this "headstart" stuff to mean anything. Heck, even if they didn't do "headstart" on content programs... this is still just blatantly silly. Ah well, see everyone in a few days. :D
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Had the same issue with client 193. I sometimes use a VPN. So I paused the download. Made sure SWTOR was added to both the private and public network in the windows firewall. Logged into my VPN. Resumed download. Finished without further issue. Got to the server screen. :D but servers are still down. :(


If you have a VPN, give it a go. Best of luck.

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