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Agent in love...Agents, the light side, and Kalio


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Well, such fun its been..I decided I'd e had quite sufficient of cryptic studios and their empty your pockets Trek MMO..(I've a life time sub there) I went subbed tp SWTOR which I've played on and off since it launched as a F2P account..


But here was this new expansion and major patch and I'd never done an imperial agent...


I'm a light side sorta player...and I dived right in with getting the job done while doing my best to curb some of the more nasty excesses of the Sith Empire....and for some reason.. I really started liking Kaliyo.. so much so.. that I started my agent over from scratch just to romance that gal right...


And Kaliyo...she's a whole lot more then a crazed anarchist. I find her to be rather insightful, pragmatic, with a fond love of mayhem... especially against tyrants of any stripe... The girl does have a conscience..... and a hell of a temper...she is going to be like... well, we'll see.. My character married her... kinda sorta... and that letter from her after I started the out lander story line.. ohhh boy...


Kaliyo's charm is her apparent unpredictability. Her mercurial temperament.. ... funny how when I listen to her I always hear a sub text.. she's always challenging your point of view.. making you test your assumptions. The gal is a galaxy glass genius in her own right... I suppose we should all be very happy she didn't take up physics.....


I figured out early on the Kaliyo presents a total facade to the world. Little if any is specifically false in any way, but its a screen behind which she hides herself from the world. As the agent I got inside of her head, and her heart. She allowed her self to love... and to trust. I'd like to think she's been doing this avenging crusade since my apparent death. If nothing else a fine excuse for a favored old hobby of hers.. and yea..I hear she did learn a few things from me. There were definite clues to all of this in the letter that she sent accusing me of getting killed just to break up with her. Typical over the top Kaliyo. But like everything else about her, there is a sub text.. and a statement of faith. The letter its self is the statement.


I've missed her. And I've been dragging Scorpio about with me since I connected with her. Scorpio has likely keep me safe if for no other reason the to be able to observe what happens when Kaliyo and I get together again.

And speaking of, Kaliyo's been staging a gorilla insurgency on Zakuul for how long? And Scorpio never mentioned anything about it? Lady of Sorrows Information broker.. and, well. Now why would Scorpio not tell me about Kaliyo being not only alive, but on Zakuul? Are they working together still? It wouldn't surprise me. I might actually get a little upset with Scorpio. Having Agent upset with one has proven to be historically a "Bad Thing"


Now if I can just keep Kaliyo from breaking anything I want to keep intact.. you know, like Zakuul, the galaxy, civilization as we know it, and more specifically, my ribs..( getting a little touchy about collecting center of mass shots from the force, and light saber blades. I don't need any more holes added with knives and blaster fire.. its feeling a little tender just thinking about it...)


But yea, I think I fell a little in love with Kaliyo. I thinks its the best character romance story of the game, light side or dark (Though I'm guessing about the dark side relationship...I keep thinking Mickey, and Mallory from Natural Born Killers for some reason...)


The light side Agent, and Kaliyo both hide out in the open pretty much the same way. And strange as it seems, what Keeper told me so long ago still hold true..And Agent is still Imperial Intelligence, even if Imperial Intelligence no longer officially or unofficially exists. I guess its a light side thing. (*shrugs*) And Kaliyo knows it. I like to think its one of the things she appreciates about me.


Now to go off and force myself back into the real world and Go To Sleep. SWToR will be there in the morning!

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Yeah. My first agent was a female (did you know that female agents get the earliest Black Screen of Carnal Knowledge of anyone?) and I suspended her on Balmorra to start a Rattataki male to romance Kaliyo. I'm currently steeling myself to level him from 50 to 60 (I don't like Ilum. I'm not fond of Makeb, although *someone* should do it Imp-side. I'm not sure I really want to watch Ziost do its thing for a third time.) so he can go through KotFE. Somehow, I can't see him romancing any of the targets among the KotFE crew, so resuming Kaliyo it has to be...


The targets:

* Lana. A Sith. His experience of the Sith is summed up in one word: bullies.

* Theron. The Man From SIS. No. Just no. (Or did you not do Chapter Two?)

* Koth. Not Koth, thanks. He's really, really annoying, and Krallak's straight anyway.(1)


(1) I know, I know, my Commando girl married Aric, snogged Theron, then went with Lana, but that was a special case, and wasn't because I ever, ever thought of her as bi.


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My husband just did the agent story for the first time, finally, and really enjoyed the Kaliyo romance too. It was his first full dark side character and I think she made the journey much smoother for him, lol.


I hope I can get him to play a light side femagent too someday, it feels very different than a dark agent. And Vector is an intriguing love interest. <3

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I liked Kaliyo as an interesting and unusual companion for an Agent, but I just can't see her as being anything but a liability for any sort of organized resistance. I just feel like if she got an order she didn't agree with, she'd just go blow something up and ruin carefully laid plans without a care.


Plus there's the whole thing where I just honestly don't trust her. I really want to see this next chapter to see how she's developed as a character, because this will make or break whether or not I'm going to bring her back.

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I just feel like if she got an order she didn't agree with, she'd just go blow something up and ruin carefully laid plans without a care.


I always felt like that too, like she was the writer's pet character and shoe-horned into the story. Romancing her is the only excuse I can come up with for an agent wanting to keep her around. She's just not trustworthy.


That said, I like Kaliyo too, she's fun and turbulent and I don't always feel like I have to kiss her butt all the time. And apparently the romance with her was well written. (Oh plus I nicked her jacket - the one with the pink lapels. Looks better on me.)

Edited by grania
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