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Hello guys, I was curious about Bergren Colony and how everything flow's, as the Bastion server is slowly dying.

I need to ask about how the Warzone Pop's are and how often do guilds do Operation run's? Also, is there any world pvp? Me and a friend are looking into this server and do love to RP, but we do like to pvp too, but the PVP servers are barely just alive, and people rarely do NiM operations on bastion, which is sad. So is there anyone that can answer my questions? Thanks and have a great day.

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After having played on this server over the last 2 months here is what I can tell you


1. WZ pops are decent. Not good, but not dead slow either unless you play during the Western sleep hours. The quality of competition in the WZ's is a different matter as usually you will get a team full of PVE geared players or others who just don't play their classes very well. Regstars are a dime a dozen here. This is definitely true for pubside moreso than impside, where Impside has at least one guild with good players (Krayt Supremacy). Pubside I can't name any


2. Operations you have a better time doing imp also. From observation and word of mouth no guild on the server is capable of clearing Nightmare except for, again, Krayt Supremacy. Pubside raiding was a joke and again no guilds stand out there as being capable of anything more than the at-least-its-not-faceroll Hard Modes (SV, DP, DF etc). PUG Ops are usually last boss lockouts by the same people all the time


tl;dr unless you join the only competent guild on the server (Krayt Supremacy), just go to harbinger or if you truly want an rp server just go to Ebon Hawk

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Hey Arbitteer, as a mostly pubside player who has been on BC since 1.2 I can tell you that we're also struggling in all of the above as well, but not nearly to that degree. Generally speaking the majority of our hardcore pvp and raiding community has dispersed elsewhere, but there remain pockets of decent, helpful guilds who actively do content and we have a group of players promoting open world pvp and guild-collaborative ops.


Generally endgame pvp queues are decent, and come prime playing hours there will be 2-4 matches going simultaneously most evenings and more on weekends. More often than not the warzones are one-sided with impside pre-made groups facerolling Rep pugs, but you'll find an occasional Pub team come in and clean house again. Ranked is not a common occurrence whatsoever, but many players will come out of the woodwork for a few rounds when prompted by the community.


As for raiding, I'll admit I'm not nearly as in tune for Imperial side. From my experience there, pugs tend to run more smoothly compared to Pubside, but have not found much interest in their raid groups. I do know Domination and Krayt are in active progression, but that's as far as my knowledge extends there. Pubside has a loose connection of good players that collaborate for "pug" HM runs, and I'm involved in a raid team with members representing several older guilds that has reconvened for on-level HM/NiM runs. We've currently cleared all but Revan, M/B and Cora in hardmode and started dabbling in NiM again this week. So no, pubside is not the "joke" the guy above portrays it, but you do have to know where you're looking if you want a successful experience. If you're looking for some type of raiding community here, I'd look for members from Fights Well, Paragons (my guild), or Muder of Crows.


Happy hunting. Hope to see you around!

Edited by Trogusaurus
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I've personally que'd with 3 fellow paragons scrubs and dominated over pretty much every imp side "premade" there is, krayt included. so point number 1 is garbage. As to point number 2 there are many more hm/nim capable raiders pub side than 2nd poster VERY small viewpoint since most pubs dont constatly boast through gen chat or the forums. Edited by TankCCMBH
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Don't be misleading.


Inquiring about the guilds in question (Fights Well, Paragons, Murder of Crows) does not change what I said above. From what I was told neither of those guilds even went beyond 7/10 Pre-4.0 and Trogusaurus himself just stated that they are still at that level of progression. In what raiding community is that level of progression NOT a joke? Revan was nerfed and significantly outgeared in 4.0, still haven't killed it? Do you know that you're probably the only server in the game that hadn't cleared it? (Before Krayt did it). The guy mentioned Nightmare raids. I would think he wants groups/guilds that can clear them or successfully prog in them. There are no Nightmare-capable guilds on the Republic Side. Period. The few people I have seen with Nightmare titles and achievements got them in 3.0 when they were cake and even then their achievements were noticeably missing the ones that actually required a half a brain like Nightmare Council and Brontes. The only guild with raiders worth their salt is Krayt Supremacy on the Imperial Side (And true to that, they're the only ones that have killed Revan and have players with legit nightmare experience) Any half competent group can farm the Hard Mode Operations (7/10 Rav/ToS included). Don't be misleading. If he is looking for Nightmare raids, there is only one place to go (Krayt Supremacy) otherwise he should NOT come to this server


As for PvP, if there's so much domination going on for pubside why are the leaderboards so significantly skewed to favor imps? Maybe you mean pubs "dominate" in regs with pre-made groups but no one really cares about what happens in regs now do they?


Sorry if I offended but I was just a bit surprised. You all don't seriously believe that going 7/10 is good "progression", do you? There is a reason why this server lost so many of it's top raiding guilds. The players that stayed aren't all of a sudden "Good Raiders" because they're the best of the rest. Again, don't be misleading

Edited by Avalauren
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First of all, don't get so turned off by Avalauren's analysis of this server. It's a fairly small community as compared to the likes of harby or shadowlands so I'm sure you're aware of all that entails. World pvp doesn't happen often because this is an RP server and we have to manually flag ourselves but it does happen occasionally, there's a /warzone channel that sometimes has people trying to organize world pvp. Regular warzone pops also happen frequently during peak hours for 65s, lowbies and midbies are hit or miss. SM Operations happen daily if that's your thing, HM/NiM content, depending on the op can be pugged but there are also a few guilds who could use consistent good raiders. The issue my guild currently has with raiding is that we never have enough people available on our roster so we consistently have to pug 1 or 2 people; it's a bit difficult to progress whatever counts as difficult content when you're constantly training other people or getting acquainted with an unvetted member.


As an aside, progression is different for different people, this game is fairly casual with no new ops on the horizon so honestly myself and others don't feel so pressured to clear anything faster, there are no world first achievements anyway. So no, I won't be able to link any pre 3.0 achievements because I started playing this game when the last patch of Ziost happened, and only started swtor raiding with 4.0 in case anyone's elitism is wondering.


Out of curiosity, what have you done, Avalauren, in the two months that you've been on BC to help the community that you are so ready to pass off as a joke?

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I've personally que'd with 3 fellow paragons scrubs and dominated over pretty much every imp side "premade" there is, krayt included. so point number 1 is garbage. As to point number 2 there are many more hm/nim capable raiders pub side than 2nd poster VERY small viewpoint since most pubs dont constatly boast through gen chat or the forums.


Eh...I don't want to start any storms here but we've (TKS) easily have the strongest PvP game impside. Only premades so far to put us into any corners in regs were Dead Eagles, and even they need at least 8 to put us in any position of stress. There's no 4.0 NiM capable raiders on Pubside that I know of, and nobody's voiced any clears so far. 3.0 HMs and NiMs maybe, but nobody's 4.0 capable Pubside.

TL;DR - Go impside. :rak_03:

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Don't be misleading.


Inquiring about the guilds in question (Fights Well, Paragons, Murder of Crows) does not change what I said above. From what I was told neither of those guilds even went beyond 7/10 Pre-4.0 and Trogusaurus himself just stated that they are still at that level of progression. In what raiding community is that level of progression NOT a joke? Revan was nerfed and significantly outgeared in 4.0, still haven't killed it? Do you know that you're probably the only server in the game that hadn't cleared it? (Before Krayt did it). The guy mentioned Nightmare raids. I would think he wants groups/guilds that can clear them or successfully prog in them. There are no Nightmare-capable guilds on the Republic Side. Period. The few people I have seen with Nightmare titles and achievements got them in 3.0 when they were cake and even then their achievements were noticeably missing the ones that actually required a half a brain like Nightmare Council and Brontes. The only guild with raiders worth their salt is Krayt Supremacy on the Imperial Side (And true to that, they're the only ones that have killed Revan and have players with legit nightmare experience) Any half competent group can farm the Hard Mode Operations (7/10 Rav/ToS included). Don't be misleading. If he is looking for Nightmare raids, there is only one place to go (Krayt Supremacy) otherwise he should NOT come to this server


As for PvP, if there's so much domination going on for pubside why are the leaderboards so significantly skewed to favor imps? Maybe you mean pubs "dominate" in regs with pre-made groups but no one really cares about what happens in regs now do they?


Sorry if I offended but I was just a bit surprised. You all don't seriously believe that going 7/10 is good "progression", do you? There is a reason why this server lost so many of it's top raiding guilds. The players that stayed aren't all of a sudden "Good Raiders" because they're the best of the rest. Again, don't be misleading


Quite frankly, your statement is littered with a perplexing mix of elitist garbage and utter ignorance. Whether you personally feel we are a "legitimate" raid group is irrelevant. The OP takes an interest in roleplay and asked about the possibility of decent pvp and progression raiding, so I gave an accurate answer. If he wanted a hardcore experience, anyone and their mother knows where to go.


While we're on the topic of recency and guilds, this Krayt "Supremacy" you champion has only existed about as long as you have on this server, and is a new marriage of Dendarii Merc Fleet, Synovian Empire (also a somewhat recent late 2.x startup guild), and a conglomeration of other former pubside raiders. Their team that cleared Revan consisted mostly of former DWBI players (who had left the server just prior to their own 3.x Revan clear and recently returned). but aside from them I argue that the meat of the guild is around what you see on the rest of the server. My guidies and the friends we raid with share a mix of new and vet players, some of whom also carry their own at-level NiM Brontes/Kephess kills. I'm certainly not attempting to compare groups here and I don't feel any desire to bloat our ability to clear content beyond what it is, but to say absolutely *nothing* is happening outside Krayt is an asinine misstatement.


No, Begeren is not Harbinger or Red Eclipse. We are well aware of what constitutes a "good" level of progression in an organized PvE server community. But the OP is asking about our small server for his own reasons, and I'm inclined to say that decent, grass-roots groups still exist here and are reconvening to clear old content again. As Quarky said above, availability is a big issue for a lot of guilds on this server, especially since late 2.x with much of the community tunneling to Harby or Shadowlands. It directly ties into why pubside lacks a Revan clear, and why more guilds have recently begun to collaborate to clear content together.


As for this alleged pubside domination I apparently claimed, more often than not Ranked *won't* pop unless prompted by the community, which I stated before. That said, it can and does happen, and outcomes vary like any other server. As for Regs (the bread and butter of PvP), I would really like to contest the idea that nobody cares about the quality of queue pops and competitive matches. It's what most people do here, and both modes carry different allures to them. Regs appeal to players looking for a fun-but-competitive experience, nothing wrong with that.


If you are so fixated on the upper echelons of the SW:TOR gaming experience, what exactly are you doing on Begeren anyway? I'm sure such a mighty forum warrior has better things to do than deride this RP server he clearly understands so well of its lack of elite players and activity. So unless you actually have something of constructive value to inform the OP about this server you claim such profound authority over, I'd implore you to table your bullsh*t armchair criticisms of our server's community and perhaps participate in something to help assuage the situation. Arbitteer and his friend are more than welcome to give things a shot here and decide for themselves.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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Quite frankly, your statement is littered with a perplexing mix of elitist garbage and utter ignorance. Whether you personally feel we are a "legitimate" raid group is irrelevant. The OP takes an interest in roleplay and asked about the possibility of decent pvp and progression raiding, so I gave an accurate answer. If he wanted a hardcore experience, anyone and their mother knows where to go.


I've been around long enough to see what pubside BC has to offer and my statements are accurate. Instead of taking offense to brutal honesty, how about proving it wrong with a relevant kill? (Nightmare clear or HM Revan or Cora). Otherwise it just looks like you're arguing for sake of arguing but we know the truth and I'm definitely NOT the only person here who sees this for what it is.


OP was specific when he mentioned NiM raiding. No one asks for a NiM group and means a group that just pulls NIM bosses. ANY group can do that


While we're on the topic of recency and guilds, this Krayt "Supremacy" you champion has only existed about as long as you have on this server, and is a new marriage of Dendarii Merc Fleet, Synovian Empire (also a somewhat recent late 2.x startup guild), and a conglomeration of other former pubside raiders. Their team that cleared Revan consisted mostly of former DWBI players (who had left the server just prior to their own 3.x Revan clear and recently returned). but aside from them I argue that the meat of the guild is around what you see on the rest of the server


I'm not saying every player in said guild is the best the server has to offer but their top players clearly are, and they actually have the means to show it


But I was wrong. There's at least one other imp guild with players with relevant clears. It appears to be a troll guild with a bunch of Kylo Ren clones (Renception) which could just be alts from another guild but they don't appear to run ops anyway, just pvp. Domination also has a few good players at the top


Republic Side maybe has 1 or 2 players who transferred to the server with relevant clears. The choice is clear: Roll impside or go to a different server if you want good raiding


My guidies and the friends we raid with share a mix of new and vet players, some of whom also carry their own at-level NiM Brontes/Kephess kills. I'm certainly not attempting to compare groups here and I don't feel any desire to bloat our ability to clear content beyond what it is, but to say absolutely *nothing* is happening outside Krayt is an asinine misstatement.


Accurate if you're a nimraider looking for a nim group. Looking for SM or faceroll HM's to farm gear endlessly (Incl. 7/10 Rav/TOS)? It's sort of fine. Outside the 3 guilds you mentioned who else is even DOING 7/10? Maybe you aren't aware of life outside of BC but 3 guilds 7/10 and none of them beyond that is laughably bad, doubly so with nerfs and overgearing. That's NOT indicative of strong raiders. It's unapologetically bad. There's no merit in going 7/10 and arguing you have a strong raiding group. No moral victories in being the best of the rest when the rest can't even GO 7/10


The faster you face that reality and do something about it, the faster the republic side stops being a joke


No, Begeren is not Harbinger or Red Eclipse. We are well aware of what constitutes a "good" level of progression in an organized PvE server community.


BC doesnt have it's own standards for what makes a strong group just because all the strong groups left months ago. The standards are universal. Top guilds clear relevant content shortly after release . Good guilds do it later, let's say a few months after release. Decent guilds are still counting how many bosses they haven't killed long past the edge of relevance for the content. No one would take a 7/10 guild seriously at this point on any server, even with the exodus of top raiding guilds from the game.


Server designation is no excuse. Ebon Hawk, the only other RP/PVE server outside of BC for NA, had THREE 10/10 guilds in 3.0. Tons of guilds that cleared NiM DF and DP at level, a couple of them when it was Nim powered. They also killed Revan post-4.0 nearly 4 months ago. The PvP servers were generally low pop in 3.0 yet Hates You (POT5) and Failure (Bastion) represented well and got relevant kills before they transferred to Shadowlands and Harb respectively due to their servers dying


The only excuse for not clearing content is the players themselves. You and your raid group should take that personally


It directly ties into why pubside lacks a Revan clear, and why more guilds have recently begun to collaborate to clear content together.


It's about building something that works. You seem to care about progressing in content otherwise you wouldn't be arguing with me now. I've seen members of each guild you mentioned harassing others for being noobs or bads and not being able to clear content. Ironic isn't it? Clear a few faceroll HMs and suddenly you're hot stuff harassing players who have trouble doing that then call players who criticise you for not actually accomplishing anything noteworthy bullies who don't have anything constructive to say for the server


Swallow the red pill fellas. Spend less time waving your epeen around to casuals who can't tell a good raid group from a bad one and actually put together a strong team to clear challenging content and we wouldn't be having this discussion


If you are so fixated on the upper echelons of the SW:TOR gaming experience, what exactly are you doing on Begeren anyway? I'm sure such a mighty forum warrior has better things to do than deride this RP server he clearly understands so well of its lack of elite players and activity. So unless you actually have something of constructive value to inform the OP about this server you claim such profound authority over, I'd implore you to table your bullsh*t armchair criticisms of our server's community and perhaps participate in something to help assuage the situation. Arbitteer and his friend are more than welcome to give things a shot here and decide for themselves.


I addressed the OPs concerns honestly. I don't have any friends here I'm afraid of upsetting by calling them out for not being as good as they think they are like you do. You're really upset and defensive about the content of my posts for obvious reasons, but I don't have to pat anyone or any guild on the back or mislead someone looking for something into believing this server has it. Who cares if it's an RP server? Maybe I came here to RP and in doing so noticed that aside from the few guilds I mentioned there is no strong raiding on the server.

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I think OP got more than he bargained for. :o

Here's my comments without advocating for any guild.


1) WZ pops

I don't now about during the day as I don't play at that time, but 65 pops happen frequently later hours of the afternoon/evening, say b/w 4 and 12 pm pst. I'm sure Harb/Shadowlands has insta pops, but in my experience playing here, never had to wait long.


2) How often do guilds do operation runs?

I can't really answer this as I don't know how other guilds do this. I believe some guilds have a set time that they'll start looking for people in guild for the gf of the day, and if they don't have the people they'll pug them. You'd have to have reps from guilds tell you what they do.


3) World pvp

It isn't thing unless its organized, which has happened and is really fun. Spontaneous world pvp doesn't happen unless a) its Gree or b) a guild is going after a commander and a guild from the other faction finds out and tries to stop them.


4) NiM operations

Not sure if you were asking after this or not, but I can give an answer. NiM is something that would be a guild to guild basis. No one will seriously pug NiM on the server as the pool of people capable is too small. B/w gear, raid awareness and mechanics, guilds will stick with their own members. Since 4.0 dropped, SM is 80% of what pugs are looking for. The last 20% is pugs going for HM Ev/Kp, and maybe the occasional yolo of some other HM. If you want NiM content on BC, you'll have to seek it through a guild.



Also, as the great and terrible Canin once said: "This is Begeren Colony. This server THRIVES off drama."

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Congratulations for again adding absolutely nothing relevant nor constructive to the poster's question. I find it odd you seriously go out of your way to dissect every iota of my statements just for the sake of being right, then turning around and telling me I'm inflating this argument. Better yet, you call out members in my guild for berating others yet what exactly are you doing now? Right, you've not outwardly thrown an ad hom, but instead have craftily found ways to dance around the obvious message "you think you're tough shi*t and I'm going to set things straight" under the guise of simply "being brutally honest". I cannot answer for other peoples' behavior in my own guild, but recognize said issue has been identified and is being dealt with in private. The OP did indeed inquire about NiM specifically, and I am arguing that it did indeed happen pubside and that the potential still exists. I'll end assumptions here about what he is seeking, but if he is looking for a community to both RP and find supplemental raid/pvp to partake in, BC is not the lost cause you are portraying it to be. Simply because you have not seen us or other groups that have come before in action DOES NOT qualify you to sit here and tell us we're bad based on our "achievement credentials" alone.


Please recognize that waltzing into a new server, gracing us all with your presence for two months and acting like an authority figure on all things "good" is not going to make you many friends, and frankly, that notion is full of sh*t. You might even have a valid point, but acting as an end all-be all, regardless to one's own merit, is destructive to efforts attempting to change the current state of a situation and deters people from actually trying. I don't know what your business is on BC, but nothing you have said thusfar indicates any level of desire to improve the current state of the server aside from a whimsical "try harder". We actually are, and kindly ask that - again, until you have something constructive to contribute, kindly show yourself the door. We'll even trade you for Arbitteer.


- -


As an aside OP, I apologize for going off-base of the thread. Tyber above me pretty succinctly summarizes what you can expect on BC, so I'll just drop that egg here. I do hope you find a good home should you choose to move, and we hope to see you around.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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Congratulations for again adding absolutely nothing relevant nor constructive to the poster's question.


Most of my post was direct responding to you. Sort of like, most of THIS post of yours (and the one before it) was a direct response to me. When you respond to someone, these things happen. It's part of why it's called a reply. Don't make hypocritical points, lest you forgot it all draws back to my direct response to the OP about what this server has to offer


I find it odd you seriously go out of your way to dissect every iota of my statements just for the sake of being right, then turning around and telling me I'm inflating this argument. Better yet, you call out members in my guild for berating others yet what exactly are you doing now? Right, you've not outwardly thrown an ad hom, but instead have craftily found ways to dance around the obvious message "you think you're tough shi*t and I'm going to set things straight" under the guise of simply "being brutally honest". I cannot answer for other peoples' behavior in my own guild, but recognize said issue has been identified and is being dealt with in private. The OP did indeed inquire about NiM specifically, and I am arguing that it did indeed happen pubside and that the potential still exists. I'll end assumptions here about what he is seeking, but if he is looking for a community to both RP and find supplemental raid/pvp to partake in, BC is not the lost cause you are portraying it to be. Simply because you have not seen us or other groups that have come before in action DOES NOT qualify you to sit here and tell us we're bad based on our "achievement credentials" alone.


You're mistaken. The point isn't to knock you off your pedestal; I don't care. The point was to tell the OP in no uncertain terms that if he wants NiM raiding (Or objectively good play) go impside or a different server. Point blank period. You disagreed. I'm not talking about guilds that used to be here, the OP is transferring. Those guilds aren't going to reappear to run him through NiMs. So for the here and now, there are no nim guilds/groups pubside. The furthest progressed groups are 7/10 in Rav/TOS HM. You can fluff it up how you want to make it sound more impressive than it is or make excuses until you run out of 'em, but what you can't do is say it's wrong


Achievement credentals? A raid group is validated based on what they actually clear. You would probably laugh at the idea of a Galactic Lounge prog group stalling on HM EV or SM Underlurker. Yet it's bullying and not constructive if I find it a joke the best your group can do is 7/10 with no relevant NiM clear. How are you "good" with nothing to show for it? Do you just wipe on purpose? Otherwise what are you basing your being good off of, a dummy parse? Running dailies?


/hypocrisy pls


Please recognize that waltzing into a new server, gracing us all with your presence for two months and acting like an authority figure on all things "good" is not going to make you many friends, and frankly, that notion is full of sh*t. You might even have a valid point, but acting as an end all-be all, regardless to one's own merit, is destructive to efforts attempting to change the current state of a situation and deters people from actually trying. I don't know what your business is on BC, but nothing you have said thusfar indicates any level of desire to improve the current state of the server aside from a whimsical "try harder". We actually are, and kindly ask that - again, until you have something constructive to contribute, kindly show yourself the door. We'll even trade you for Arbitteer.


I think what's hilarious here is that you're pretending as if you speak for the server and also, ironically, pretending to be an "authority figure". I said before I don't care about making friends. I'm here by request and the person who invited me is well in the know of the state of BC. If people want help or need it I am always willing to share what I know, but I don't believe in pats on the back for a job badly done. So "try harder" is the best approach and if you find doing that isn't good enough then maybe you need to get some new players in your group


I really don't see why my original post is inaccurate or if it should be changed. If you want good raiding on THIS particular server, go impside. It's also more populated and has more PvP pops. If you don't want to restrict yourself to one faction and maybe 2 guilds for NIM capable raiding then just go to a different server (Ebon Hawk if you value RP though there are quite a lot of RP guilds on the PvE servers as well, which are the most populated)

Edited by Avalauren
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Most of my post was direct responding to you. Sort of like, most of THIS post of yours (and the one before it) was a direct response to me. When you respond to someone, these things happen. It's part of why it's called a reply. Don't make hypocritical points, lest you forgot it all draws back to my direct response to the OP about what this server has to offer




You're mistaken. The point isn't to knock you off your pedestal; I don't care. The point was to tell the OP in no uncertain terms that if he wants NiM raiding (Or objectively good play) go impside or a different server. Point blank period. You disagreed. I'm not talking about guilds that used to be here, the OP is transferring. Those guilds aren't going to reappear to run him through NiMs. So for the here and now, there are no nim guilds/groups pubside. The furthest progressed groups are 7/10 in Rav/TOS HM. You can fluff it up how you want to make it sound more impressive than it is or make excuses until you run out of 'em, but what you can't do is say it's wrong


Achievement credentals? A raid group is validated based on what they actually clear. You would probably laugh at the idea of a Galactic Lounge prog group stalling on HM EV or SM Underlurker. Yet it's bullying and not constructive if I find it a joke the best your group can do is 7/10 with no relevant NiM clear. How are you "good" with nothing to show for it? Do you just wipe on purpose? Otherwise what are you basing your being good off of, a dummy parse? Running dailies?


/hypocrisy pls




I think what's hilarious here is that you're pretending as if you speak for the server and also, ironically, pretending to be an "authority figure". I said before I don't care about making friends. I'm here by request and the person who invited me is well in the know of the state of BC. If people want help or need it I am always willing to share what I know, but I don't believe in pats on the back for a job badly done. So "try harder" is the best approach and if you find doing that isn't good enough then maybe you need to get some new players in your group


I really don't see why my original post is inaccurate or if it should be changed. If you want good raiding on THIS particular server, go impside. It's also more populated and has more PvP pops. If you don't want to restrict yourself to one faction and maybe 2 guilds for NIM capable raiding then just go to a different server (Ebon Hawk if you value RP though there are quite a lot of RP guilds on the PvE servers as well, which are the most populated)


Frankly this conversation is going nowhere fast. Nowhere did I claim monopoly over server skill, and it was indeed YOU who singled my group to dissect out from my original post. I simply pointed out that my raid group (among others on either side) is active and contains members of varying degrees of experience looking to (and are) clearing content some have or have not yet completed. I am not laughing about other peoples' attempts at content that they may or may not clear. That is their business, and if they wish to get involved and collaborate with us and others, great. If the OP wishes to join us and try things out, let him. But don't you f*cking waltz into this server for more than a wink, dismiss us all as irrelevant bads without any prior context whatsoever, and actively discourage people from entering this raiding community. I honestly could care less what you think of me or the people in the community. It's the fact that you sit here and go out of your way to shoot down something potentially good (that, again, you know *nothing* about) that I have a serious problem with.


At this point, I honestly don't feel I have a choice in partly speaking for the community when I see someone like you come in and try to tear what little there is down even further. Honestly, I'm guilty as charged for feeling I know a bit more about BC than a person who's been on it for 9 weeks and has been supplied with secondhand information to try and prove a point. People like YOU are part of the problem that began the eventual first decline this server saw in raiding activity, and why it continues to struggle. We are attempting to recruit people and build up a decent base of players, and yet you are deterring exactly that. You claim to offer advice to a rebuilding community, yet here you are on the forums calling the efforts of the entirety of pubside and partly impside raiding "laughable" and "pointless". You bet I'm going to fight this.

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Frankly this conversation is going nowhere fast.

Gee, I wonder why. :confused:


To the OP,

I've been on BC since its genesis. It's never, ever been the top dog in the raiding community. Anyone who tries to make it seem as such is delusional and shouldn't be listened to. Mila's right in saying that if you want a guild that is even slightly NiM capable and not still stuck in HMs, Impside @ <The Krayt Supremacy> is the place to go. While the pubside raiding community on BC has population, you won't be able to find a guild with fully complete HM or NiM experience. If that's what you're looking for in raiding, then, to put it bluntly, pubside isn't for you. BC's RP community is strong..from what I've seen. (Both on Pubside and Impside)


In short, I'd recommend BC as a server for RP and like...some PvP stuff. For the HM/NiM PvE you should consider BC Impside, or another server.

But don't you f*cking waltz into this server for more than a wink, dismiss us all as irrelevant bads without any prior context whatsoever, and actively discourage people from entering this raiding community. I honestly don't feel I have a choice in partly speaking for the community when I see someone like you come in and try to tear what little there is down even further.You bet I'm going to fight this.

And now to you, good sir.

It doesn't take someone being here forever to see that BC has laughable raid clears pubside. I'm glad you enjoy defending "what little this server has", but that doesn't mean dismissing anyone who tells you the truth about your faction as an elitist hater, or whatever you said.

People like YOU are part of the problem that began the eventual first decline this server saw in raiding activity. We are attempting to recruit people and yet here you are deterring exactly that. You claim to offer advice to a rebuilding community, yet here you are on the forums calling the efforts of the entirety of pubside and partly impside raiding "laughable" and "pointless".

Didn't you say something about throwing AdHoms earlier? I'd advise you stop your pointless blathering about a subject you can't possibly defend. If you want to prove that Pubside BC can do 4.0 stuff, that's great. Just don't let the HM EVs and KPs that you manage to clear get to your head when you try to talk about downing actual content.



BC Drama Queen Packs Everywhere :rak_03:

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When and where exactly did I attempt to paint BC as a top community, Packs? Spoiler alert: I didn't. Simply because you didn't hear about or weren't involved in a community that is and has the capacity to continue advancing doesn't mean it isn't happening.


I am not throwing ad homs. He claimed our efforts were a laugh, and I retorted that he is helping what has caused the community to remain in its current iteration. Also, to the point that you've been here "since it's genesis", have you not left and returned several times yourself to seek greener raiding pastures in the past?

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It's really unfortunate that this thread is devolving the way it is, I hope that if the OP does end up coming to BC with his buddy that he realizes this is a small sample of the community and if he is looking to do NiM content, we're actually looking for a more permanent ranged dps. NiM is definitely not puggable on this server and there are newbletts like myself seeing it for the first time. Whatever, we had to pug a tank and a healer and managed to kill NiM Z&T /shrug I really don't care if you laugh at me because I only started seriously raiding in 4.0 (really though, anyone reading, wtb rdps pls) just please send that attitude elsewhere. Also does HM Monolith not count as difficult anymore? I still want that mount but if killing it doesn't add to my e-peen why bother, right?


Sigh, It's hard enough trying to get people excited to actually try this content without having to deal with more experienced raiders tearing them down. I'd honestly be a little more inclined to flaunt my leet deeps to lend some credibility but I main an assassin in pve because I hate myself.

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My first paragraph wasn't referring to you, Trogus. It was to the OP. And I've always been in the group "leading the charge" for this server's progression (Including the 3/10 Pubside's missing, mind you.) While I've left for Shadowlands and Harbinger on a few of my characters for progression, I've always come back to BC after the content becomes irrelevant to get the server first clears. :D


I'd classify what you were doing as an AdHom.


Also... why is everyone so toxic to the people who actually have clears coming back and trying to help the raiding community..? You say the ones who leave are at fault, but then you're all toxic and mean to the ones who come back to help. :confused: I'm trying my hardest to make TKS's raid teams strong and healthy. I'd be open to helping out anyone pubside as well. Whatever, BC is as BC does. And BC does drama very well.

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My first paragraph wasn't referring to you, Trogus. It was to the OP. And I've always been in the group "leading the charge" for this server's progression (Including the 3/10 Pubside's missing, mind you.) While I've left for Shadowlands and Harbinger on a few of my characters for progression, I've always come back to BC after the content becomes irrelevant to get the server first clears. :D


I'd classify what you were doing as an AdHom.


Also... why is everyone so toxic to the people who actually have clears coming back and trying to help the raiding community..? You say the ones who leave are at fault, but then you're all toxic and mean to the ones who come back to help. :confused: I'm trying my hardest to make TKS's raid teams strong and healthy. I'd be open to helping out anyone pubside as well. Whatever, BC is as BC does. And BC does drama very well.


Yet oddly enough, you quoted me whilst responding to another person. I think that gives me some level ground to address it. I'm well aware of what you do, and it's kind of amusing to picture you actually helping people outside your clique. If I'm spouting ad homs now, then how exactly does your friend there not qualify in attacking straw men he created about this supposed image I shed my group's light in? The point isn't being toxic to people who have cleared content, in fact I rarely say much on the forums if at all. Good for them, they cleared it. However there is a very distinct difference between being good and being good while directly rubbing it in peoples' faces or shooting down groups trying to get started (yes, spamming and repeatedly linking newly cleared content for several hours straight in custom chat channels while proudly declaring everyone else on BC are "sh*tters" qualifies here). That's generally bad form and you are well aware of it.

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To OP's question, there are attempts with different guilds and raid groups on both factions looking to clear HM/NiM content. I've been on BC since the server merges from Lord Ieldis, and have been raiding legitimately with various different groups in intervals (took several breaks from the game due to RL and gasp, other games) clearing content on level (like NiM Kephess and Brontes). And yes, while pub side has witness a decline in raiders since 3.0, there are potential new raiders and groups who strives to do harder content outside of SM ops and HM EV/KP. As for pvp, I can not answer your question on it, since I've stopped pvping consistently since the announcements of the end of ranked warzones.


Also, Avalauren and Imslash, your responses aren't helping to OP's question. Nitpicking and twisting people's arguments and poisoning potential raiders on BC isn't the way to go to foster a healthy NiM-ready raiding community on both factions.

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*Observes roaring pyre that was a simple question.* Gotta love the cross faction team work. :rak_03:


OP has probably left so long ago his dust trail has settled.


Edit: Dammit Packs, now I gotta make the website presentable.

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