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The Fallen Knight


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Lol the Shock Drum incident threw me off as I thought the Jedi was the Consular due to Nadia but if the Shock Drum was involved I guess it was the JK. Did Nadia join her?


The chapter began with Nadia, who then helped Jaesa, but was then called to help Master Kiwicks (...Did I spell her name wrong? Its Kira's old master). Remember, Nadia specifically mentions near the begining that 1. Her master is a man (Though my JK is female...) and 2. Is not with her anymore

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The chapter began with Nadia, who then helped Jaesa, but was then called to help Master Kiwicks (...Did I spell her name wrong? Its Kira's old master). Remember, Nadia specifically mentions near the begining that 1. Her master is a man (Though my JK is female...) and 2. Is not with her anymore


Oooh! Okay now it's clicking. Yes mis-spelling Kiwiiks' name threw me off and had me thinking perhaps you'd made your own Jedi in her liking and named her Kwicks, duh! My mistake lol, that's what I get for reading stuff at "5 hours way past bedtime". :p

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Oooh! Okay now it's clicking. Yes mis-spelling Kiwiiks' name threw me off and had me thinking perhaps you'd made your own Jedi in her liking and named her Kwicks, duh! My mistake lol, that's what I get for reading stuff at "5 hours way past bedtime". :p


Funny thing, my JK is a female Togruta who looks very simmilar to Kiwiiks :D

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Chapter 6: Support


The ride back to Odessen was one of awkward silence. Dragous purposely situated himself on the opposite end of the available sitting area, facing away from Senya with closed eye and stiff posture, his leg crossed over his knee as he leaned against the walls of the hollow ship. As soon as they had boarded he made it very obvious that he didn’t want to be disturbed.


“Did a Knight choke you too hard?” But Senya didn’t really consider small wants when it got in the way of her duty (Especially when the way in question was rather rude). When the Zabrak didn’t respond, Senya repeated the question, aiming the thrash his goal of ignoring her prods.


Dragous finally gave a sigh after the woman repeated the question for a fifth time (Along with an expectant sigh of disappointment only a mother could produce), still refusing to open his eyes. He simply muttered a simple “Huh?”


Senya mimicked his sitting position, though keeping her body language open. “You keep scratching your neck with the most uncomfortable expression, you almost look like you were being choked or drowned” Her eyes narrowed, hoping to see a subtle reaction from the emotion-driven Sith.


“I do?” He questioned, before his hand moved up to scratch his neck again without a thought. Looking down at his hand, Dragous shook his head. My body is acting without consent? I really am too stressed… Years of training was supposed to have allowed him to guide his movements easily, aside from when he was in combat and he allowed the nature of his species primal need for bloodshed to flow into the battle. While he had grown to quell the Zabrak thirst for battle, allowing it to lead for a while stopped the urges out of combat. “Maybe I’m developing claustrophobia…”


“The Mighty Wrath, ravager of worlds, scourge of Zakuul. Defeated by long hallways” The older woman giggled at the prospect, emphasizing her words with both her voice and hand gestures. “Amusing thought”


Dragous continued to keep a stone hard gaze at the adjacent wall. “You make fun of everyone else’s fears?”


“Yes. Tis the point of comedy, to make light of bad situations, to help those fears”


The Zabrak was tempted to turn his gaze on Senya, but kept his cynical look to the wall. A haunting chill rose up through his stomach at the thought of looking at Senya. “Oh, really? I can’t wait to make a bucket list I’ve been holding in about your children. I call it the Tyrants and the abomination of a family tree that bred them”


“Arcann and Vaylin weren’t always like that, you know” She seemed to take no obvious offense to his comment.


“I’m sure they were adorable babies until Vitiate got his hands wrapped around their necks” He didn’t want to hear about Arcann and Vaylin from Senya, the less reason he had to avoid killing the two insane children, the better.






“They had a brother, Thexan. Arcann’s twin” Senya’s chin rose, tilting her head to look up with a small smile at the memories.


He recalled Thexan’s name from passing conversations on Zakuul, and of course from Senya’s regretful reiteration back on Odessen. “So you’ve told me”


“He was such a good boy, his love for his siblings was rivalled by none. Honest, honourable, loyal… He would have made a fine ruler. Before... He fell” She expected tears to distort her vision, but all that came was a tone of strong regret. “Arcann was always brash and envious, he was always in Thexan’s shadow. The boy would never let go of his jealousy, no matter how much he loved his brother he always had something to prove”


“He was at least determined…”


Maybe that’s why he and Vaylin became so close, despite their spats.




“Oh look, a hair!” She smiled down lovingly at the small girl in her arms, who struggled uncomfortably at the confinements of her mother’s embrace. “A late development, and I was going to save on so much shampoo” It was a small strand running down the little girl’s cheek, soon brushed softly by the gloved thumb of the mother. “And it’s brown, just like your mother’s. Isn’t that great?”


After a few more moments of the child almost growling at the mother, Senya rolled her eyes and let the out of the embrace and placed her back on the floor. “There you go, Cranky” The small girl stretched her arms out as if to demonstrate her space freedom, now smiling. “I swear you’re hate hugs even more than your brother”


The five year old Vaylin seemed to ignore the woman’s words, instead turning to face the door with a wide grin, sprinting towards it. Metal panels slid open to reveal two tired looking boys, identical in look aside from their clothes. One in white and god, another in black and gold. Both looked equally exhausted.


Thexan didn’t have the energy to react to the small girl that charged into him, wrapping her tiny arms around his waist. “Texan!” She still could not pronounce his name right.


“You two are back so soon? I thought you would be in the arena for at least a week” Senya moved over with a first aid box in hand, bruises littering their bodies. It wasn’t a surprise, this had become a routine by now.


“Father sent us away” Thexan seemed almost relieved to say it, his twin brother on the other hand.


“Because you told him I was weak!” Arcann reached over to dig his finger into Thexan’s chest, almost growling.


The other brother gave Arcann and almost apologetic look “You were in trouble. If I hadn’t stepped in…”


“I would have been fine, I don’t need your help!” The boy’s raised voice made Thexan flinch, pushing his mother away before stomping across the room towards the other side. He also didn’t enjoy hugs. “And I don’t need medical help either”


Vaylin tugged at her brother’s robe, distracting I from breathing out a sigh. “Did you bring me any prezzies?”


The Angered prince looked over to Vaylin with a simple scowl “You’re such a spoiled brat”


“You don’t have prezzies”


Thexan shook his head “Neither do I, sorry. Father didn’t give us time to pick anything up” The little girl frowned, her green eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms. In response Thexan smiled at his sister, patting her shoulder (She had screamed the last time he ruffled her hair). “Next time, though, I promise”


“What did you do to deserve anything?” Vaylin didn’t both looking to Arcann as he huffed, causing a sigh for Senya. She would say Arcann was just in a mood if he wasn’t always in a mood. “If you can’t defend yourself on the battlefield, you only deserve the dirt”


“I can move stuff… And I don’t touch it” Before Arcann could reply the girl plodded forward towards the table, though as she rushed she lost her balance and instantly felt face-first to the floor. Arcann didn’t bother to hide his amusement. “Shuddup!” Her little fist slammed into the floor, however instead of hearing a soft pillow of a hit to the ground, the other three people in the room felt a wave of force radiate from her fist. A force that sent the table in front of her flying.


“Vaylin!” Senya cried out with a mix of concern and scolding, the five year old only blinking in surprise at her sudden outburst, before breaking out into a wide smirk.


“That’s allot of force power… And you’re only five” Thexan exclaimed in surprise, his eyes glued to what he had thought would be an extremely heavy table for the five year old. It reminded Senya of all the objects Vaylin had moved when the girl was just a undeveloped soon-born in her womb.


Arcann had lost his amused stare, now holding a stern glare. He looked almost hurt at Vaylin’s actions. “Of course…” He grumbled under his breath, stomping past the smirking Vaylin, heading towards the door. “You are his favourite after all”


“Arcann!” Senya called, her firm words falling on deaf ears as Arcann pushed past his brother and stormed out. “Arcan-.. Damnit.” She moved to follow the boy, but Thexan came to stop her.


“I’ll go after him, Mother. I don’t think coddling will do any good” The boy moved over to a storage container, kneeling down to open in and procuring a pile of spare parts that Senya could swear looked like saber parts.


“What are those for?”


Thexan attempted to hide the parts with his robe, pushing on past Senya with cough. “Secret project me and Arcann have been working on, should cheer him up!” Before disappearing out the door.


The worrying Mother called out ‘’Don’t do anything dangerous!” before the door closed, leaving her to sigh. She didn’t want to leave this all to Thexan, but he knew more about Arcann then anything else.


“Is Arcann mad at me?” The words came as a whisper, Senya barley hearing them. Her gaze turned to her daughter, Vaylin was playing with the carpet, pulling her hood up to cover her eyes.


“No, dear. He’s mad at himself… His Father expects much of him…”




“So, he was already an ambitious child with the anger management of a Rancor even back then?” Dragous stated dryly after Senya fell into silence.


“Valkorion gave him a lot to live up to, pushed him to many expectations…. Many exectations he just couldn’t meet” Another sigh. Another regret.


“At least Vaylin sounds… Saner”


“It was before Valkorion sought to completely lock away her mind” The woman imply shrugged, having come to terms with this many years prior. Though it helped to relive the better memories. “So, what happened to you?”


He gave a snort, his fingers crushing against his palm to make a fist. He realised what she was doing. Trade one sad story for my own, it would be rude to decline… “I went with Darth Marr to stand before the man who betrayed us all. The abomination that devoured Ziost. And in a flash, my life dwindled before my eyes. Now, I‘m only known as a foreigner to even the people who I used to fight for. Empire. Republic. None of it matters anymore. My skin still looks five years younger, but when I look into the mirror, my eyes, my bones. They could feel it. Someone had stolen five years of my life, years that I had a right to enjoy or despise at my leisure”




“My crew went their separate ways, they have lives now. Even if I knew how to find them, I can’t go and force them back into mine” Dragous slammed his fist into the wall behind him. “Zakuul has taken everything from me”


“Arcann took everything from you, Zakuul are just following what they believe is the right way” The shuttle shook, they had entered Odessen’s atmosphere. Soon, they would land.


Dragous fell back into silent brooding, his eyes now closed again. The message was clear to Senya, who continued to stare at the man, frowning. “Sometimes I forget that you’re not just the Outlander”




An orchestra of metal footsteps echoed throughout the empty halls of Denerim station, the legion of Zakuul Knights marching through lit up the previously dead space with activity. Leading the march at the helm as Arcann, keeping on a stone cold expression and stared ahead. Vaylin walked next to him with an aura of complete confusion, glancing back over at the army of Knights at their rear, though a little giddy at the thought of striking down the one that dared to fall behind.


“Brother, I don’t see why we need to bring the Knights. We already know that this station only holds refugees. Defenceless… Innocent… Precious Refugees” She wondered if Arcann was going to order another mass slaughter, but she wouldn’t get her hopes up.


Her brother didn’t break stride nor his staring contest with space. “These Knights represent all of Zakuul’s qualities. Protection. Pride. Honour” A smug tone radiated off of his words, his hands coming forward to slam together. “And most of all, for the Inquisitor, they represent our strength and our confidence. They are only half as formidable as us”


A snort and an ear shattering laugh “Half? You wound me with such a pitiful comparison”


“You get the idea” They rounded the corner towards what Arcann had assumed was the bridge. Stations have bridges... I think. With a simple flick of his wrist, the Knights began to pool out in single file lines beside him, marching ahead of him towards a door. If anything was to attack, the first to fall victim would not be the Emperor.


The Knights took position of either side of the door, their weapons at the ready as the machinery inside the door churned, pulling the two metal sides apart at a slow pace. The knights aimed their staffs at the door, awaiting a greeting of either violence or appeasement.


When the door finally opened and the bright lights of the room poured out of the ‘crack’, hitting Arcann dead in the face, there was no resistance. Jedi and armoured agent’s alike had fallen to their knees, their heads bowed in respect, a submissive stance.


At the front of the surrendering group was the familiar white plates of the Inquisitor himself, down on his hands and knees, his visor aimed directly at the ground. The symbol of the large serpent, Zildrog, twisted through his metal skin.


“Inquisitor, you still breathe” Arcann commented, still surprised that such an old fossil was still able to live to this day. He was my Father’s advisor… Maybe he shared the secrets of immortality.


“My Immortal Emperor, Arcann. Supreme Overlord and vigilant protector of Zakuul” The Inquisitor was respectful, never moving from his low stance. He was only to stand when Arcann requested it. “When I had heard news of your father’s demise and the frequent attacks on the throne, I was afraid another legend had been taken from us. I was most fortunate to have been found by you”


I’m really enjoying those adjectives. The Emperor would of smiled smugly down at the man if anyone would be able to see it, instead he took a slow and drawn out walk around the room, his gaze sweeping over the kneeling jedi and the small pile of corpses in the corner. “You’re responsible for these?”


“Yes, my Emperor” These jedi creatures were using this station to house convicts on the run from the righteous justice of Zakuul” Respectful. Loyal. A silver tongue. Yes, Arcann could tell that this was the same Inquisitor from when he was only a boy. “Some of the jedi have seen the errors of their ways and seek to remake themselves at my side, I have given them a second chance to better themselves”


“You find the enemy’s asset and make it your own?”


“A resource should never be wasted”


“You were exiled for high crimes unknown to all but a dead monarch” Arcann stood in front of the man now, raising his hand. The Inquistor rose to a kneeling position. “But whatever crimes you committed, I am ready to absolve you of them. Zakuul is under attack, an Outlander threatens to break the peace we have created for the galaxy, abusing unnatural processes that you are the expert on.”


“If Zakuul yearns for the return of its loyal Inquisitor, I am ready to come out of exile and back into service”


“Rise, Inquisitor” And rise he did, brandishing his weapon for the Emperor to see, a gesture of loyalty. “You have much to do”


“I will enjoy helping you destroy this Outlander. Piece by piece. Nothing will steal him from your wrath, not even the forbidden arts he practises” With a nod from Arcann, the Inquisitor turned to his agents, raising his arms to address them all. “Shadow Leigon, prepare to exact the will of ZAKUUL! No one will be spared from our judgement”




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I wonder what those reasons for the Inquisitor's exile were, a man like that can't have been up to any good. He seems scarier right now than Arcann and his temper tantrums.


I loved the way you played out Senya's memory of her children when they were still little, that was really well done.

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I wonder what those reasons for the Inquisitor's exile were, a man like that can't have been up to any good. He seems scarier right now than Arcann and his temper tantrums.



What has he done that's scary? I havn't really done his screwed up parts yet...


I loved the way you played out Senya's memory of her children when they were still little, that was really well done.


Did you notice that it was set around that one scene in the trailer?

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What has he done that's scary? I havn't really done his screwed up parts yet...


The manner in which he's described and addressed. And if he was previously exiled.. I mean did Vitiate/korion exile him or another? Either way it begs the question what he could have done then and what he could do now. And his introduction a few chapters ago made him sound like a man with a dark purpose.


Did you notice that it was set around that one scene in the trailer?

I did, that's why I liked it. The way you incorporated the scene and Senya's in-game reminiscing into your own description of the memory.

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The manner in which he's described and addressed. And if he was previously exiled.. I mean did Vitiate/korion exile him or another?


Valkorion exiled him, as stated by Arcann he was Valkorions advisor/High Justice.


Either way it begs the question what he could have done then and what he could do now. And his introduction a few chapters ago made him sound like a man with a dark purpose.


He could just be a very misunderstood, innocent bystander! :D

And I'll let you speculate why he was exiled in the first place.


I did, that's why I liked it. The way you incorporated the scene and Senya's in-game reminiscing into your own description of the memory.


I hope Bioware released Arcann and Vaylin's ages soon, would help set up the timeline here...

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I'm sorry, I just realized that I read chapter five and left no feedback. I enjoyed your portrayal of Nadia, very in character I thought. It was great seeing Jaesa in action as well, and I liked the scene between the two girls when they met up. I think though, it's Willsaam, not Williams, but that's just me being a nitpick. :o


Chapter six, I also really enjoyed, and I have to agree with Jenny about the flashback scene where we saw Valkorian's children. Vaylin was a handful even then lol. Prezzies indeed :D Though I am curious about what sorts of things Thexxan would bring for her.


Good stuff! Thanks for the reads :D I am slowly getting caught up, as I said in my pm to you, with my father in law passing on Tuesday night, I've just fallen behind with everything, including my own story, which I haven't started yet for this week, just haven't felt up to it. So, my update will be late this week. I'm hoping to have it up for early next week.

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I'm sorry, I just realized that I read chapter five and left no feedback.


Pfft, like I care. I mean... It's not like I hang onto your every word because your Avatar reminds me of my in game (Now dead) mount, Snuffles! Either way, no big deal :D


with my father in law passing on Tuesday night, I've just fallen behind with everything,

Yeah, sorry about that. You do well and... cope, I recommend ice cream, numb s the brain that drains the pain away... With all the feeling of your muscles.

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Pfft, like I care. I mean... It's not like I hang onto your every word because your Avatar reminds me of my in game (Now dead) mount, Snuffles! Either way, no big deal :D



Yeah, sorry about that. You do well and... cope, I recommend ice cream, numb s the brain that drains the pain away... With all the feeling of your muscles.


Poor Snuffles. I will hold up my avatar proudly in Snuffle's memory. :) And thank you, it sounds like good advice. In all honesty I've been quite the slacker since Tuesday. Anyways, I don't want to commandeer your thread. Just wanted to say that I loved the chapters and apologize for slacking. :)


Sorry to hear about your father in law Luna, take it easy and hugs! :)


((((((((you)))))))) Thanks Jenny <3

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Chapter 7: Deception of the Mind



“The Eternal Throne, how long have I deserted these halls?” The Inquisitor’s silver tone invaded the grand corridors of the Capital Ship, the crimson visor flooded his gaze over the various Knights of Zakuul that littered the walls like paintings. The Knights stood at the ready to defend their Empire, loyalty at its finniest. “It feels like an eternity since I had the privilege of standing before the Eternal Throne. Once again, I feel compelled to assure you of how honoured I am to be welcomed back, my Emperor”


Arcann knew not to take the empty compliments to heart, he knew himself that at most the Inquisitor knew that there was a very thin layer of ice for him to stand on. But the Emperor didn’t care if the Inquisitor took to building up the boy with compliments, as long he helped Arcann secure victory over the Outlander and Valkorian, there would only be rewards.


Though the Ex-Prince reminded himself to stay on his toes around the Inquisitor, the man in question was helping him, but for how long? Arcann doubted that the Inquisitor’s exile was only for a small crime. “I am the Emperor now, I must do what I can to save my people. And I’m sure your sentence far outweighs your crime”


The Inquisitor kept his arms behind his back, eloquent, but being unable to see any of his facial features, it looked akin to a scheming pose. “Yes, while on saddening circumstances. I am most glad that you were finally able to ascend to the throne”


“You were hoping?”


“I mean no offence to your father, nor to your brother” It was hard to tell if that voice was actually apologetic. “But back before my exile, when I bore witness to your childhood. It was obvious that you were made for that throne. Valkorian was a figure head more then a ruler, he pondered and became the face of Zakuul. He could leash Knights like dogs, but he’d never know what command to speak” Finally they entered the source of command across the entire Eternal Fleet, the Throne room. No Knights were in sight, none were allowed to enter the room. “Your brother Thexan was too… sympathetic. Too hesitant, too lenient. But watching you both grow, I could see that you were a ruler. You had the determination of a storm, a will of iron. You were willing to sacrifice, to do what must be done for your people and accept the consequences”


“Sacrifice…” Arcann came to a stop with his limbs shaking, the Inquisitor took his place a few inches away from Arcann. He could tell that he might have touched a nerve. “A man can have anything… If he is willing to sacrifice”


“Have I offended you, my Emperor?”


A metal hand curled into a fist, the Emperor’s muscles tensing up as the same phrase repeated in his mind. “No time should be wasted with dead men” The scene of his nightmares played out before him again. “Do you know why I personally sought you out, Inquisitor?” He shook his head, stepping over Thexan’s corpse.


“I assume you wished to lend me your ear, so I may lend you my advice like I did for your father”


The brother’s eyes were wide, staring up at the fleeing Emperor.


I require…” Thexan grabbed ahold of his brother’s ankle, another hand reaching up to tug on the man’s robe. He pleaded. “I…” He begged for help, but the smoke began to swallow him. “NO!” Arcann twisted his head to glare down at the pleading man, but he was gone. He was gone... Gone…

“You’re better than this”


“…I require your expertise” The monarch stumbled to his throne, every step heavier than the last. The hands would still be there… Always there. Dragging him down.


If Arcann had physically been reacting to ‘Thexan’, the Inquisitor didn’t show any sort of acknowledgment of his break down. Nor even a hint that Arcann had been screaming at a hallucination. Hallucination… That’s all it is. It holds no power over me.


“Valkorian still makes his presence known” The snake-like edge to his voice returned, with the Knights outside the room, the two could finally drop the act of false-respect for the late Emperor. “Yes, I know of his prolonged life”


The Emperor narrowed his eyes on the man, leaning back on HIS throne with a metal fist caressing the arms. “You’ve been in exile for years… How could you possibly know about Father’s survival?”


A small low chuckle escaped the man, who approached the throne at a snail’s pace. His crimson stare locked on Arcann. “Believe me, Emperor. If Valkorian had died, I would have known it to be. No, he’s not dead. He lingers in the galaxy, desperately clinging to his pathetic declaration of immortality”


Arcann supposed in his mind that the reply made sense, he had heard of various Sith being able to feel the death of Darth Marr. “I see, but he’s doing worse than surviving. He’s helping the outlander ascend to the throne”


The Inquisitor’s chuckles were cut short in what Arcann could tell was a growl. “An Outlander? On the throne? Valkorian was never one for tradition, but… Bringing the ones who seek to destroy our great culture, and allowing them to seek such privilege as a ruler!? Disgusting”


“Good, you’re motivated. Father takes on an incorporeal form, hiding away inside the Outlander and dragging him away from Death’s embrace” The ruler grinned at the obvious anger from the otherwise calm Inquisitor. “As long as he and Outlander are allowed to roam, our Empire remains in jeopardy. All the power of even the Eternal fleet means nothing if Father regains the throne”


“We will not let this treachery go without consequence, Valkorian cannot hide from his crimes” The Inquistors weapon was removed from his back as the man strode forward. “But worry not, my Emperor. Valkorion has allowed me to witness his secrets. His strengths…” The blade came down on the bridge that connected the throne to the entrance, the blade pushed the panel of metal down causing the bridge to produce two streams of electricity to envelop both the bridge and Throne. Shielding the two. “… and how they may be exploited” With a slash of his blade as the saber side ignited, the Inquisitor ran his weapon through the cloak of electricity, the streams now channelling into his blade and directly into his armour. Before long Arcann started to wonder how much pain the man was putting himself through for this little show of faith, before the Inquisitor pushed out his arms in a wide arch, the electricity blasting out around him like one huge shockwave that only narrowly avoided Arcann and the throne.


What threw Arcann off of responding was as the blast of electricity faded from the room, whispers set of in the back of his mind. The begging continued, his brother sat in front of him yet again. And the smoke… There was smoke. “ENOUGH... I understand”


The voices stopped and everything seemed to return back to the silent Throne room. The Inquisitor went back to his chuckles, fortunately for him nothing in the room seemed damaged from his light show.


“Fear, my Emperor. Fear. Everyone has it” Their glares locked, there was no denying that the Inquisitor was staring directly into his eyes. “And it will make them fall better than any mere blade”


The Inquisitor turned with a silent farewell, Arcann glaring at the man’s back. He slammed his metal fist down on the arm, almost startling the Inquisitor. “And Inquisitor.” Armoured footsteps ceased for the moment. “You shall never speak of Thexan in that way EVER again. As long as you understand that, you have my permission to leave. Weaken the Outlander’s Alliance. Failure will be treated without mercy from both the Outlander… And me”


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Another excellent addition, that Inquisitor sure knows how to kiss as.s.


Well, you can go far in the food chain when you know how to massage a good ego :D


Enjoyed the sight of Arcann being tormented by thoughts of Thexan too, serves him right :o

Yeah, hard to feel sorry for the guy tat destroys 5 planets just to get to one person :D


Also, what do you think of the Inquisitor in this chapter?

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Really enjoying your take on the story Code. I too am enjoying the idea that Thexan's memory is affecting Arkann. :)


Well, the story of KOFTE already shows that Arcann is still in mourning, and since this is Star Wars I find it hard to believe he isn't getting ''YA KILLED ME!" mind screws :D


Also, what do you think of the Inquisitor in this chapter?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 8: Unsure Future




“We need to talk” Lana’s usually bored and official tone was laced with concern as she strode into his ‘office’, urging the issue that Dragous already knew about. It was a shame, he had just gotten the chance to sit down with a drink.


“Can’t this wait?” The Sith practically moaned, slumping in his chair as he locked eyes with Lana. She would not take no for an answer. “I’ve only just got back, we can talk about more missions later”


“This isn’t about missions and you know it, Wrath. Senya told me that you’ve been acting strange” It felt odd to hear his old title again, after so long of people smothering him with the label of ‘Outlander’.


“I made one joke about her bloodline”


Lana crossed her arm, her authoritative tone still in place. “Where did you go after you took down the shield bunker?”




“Wrath.” Her eyes narrowed into a scolding gaze, her already red cheeks stretching against her cheek bones. Dragous knew he could end this right, he just had to commander her to leave the room and she would back down immediately.


That was Lana’s problem, blind loyalty. It’s what allowed Darth Arkus to evade her suspicions back during the Revanite crisis, she wouldn’t dare ever question her superiors, only follow their every word. It took the inquisitive crimson eyes of Cypher Nine noticing something was odd for her to start building up evidence. “Please, Wrath. Above all else, my duty is to check your emotional health”


Dragous sighed yet again, he refused to pull rank over something so trivial. “I went to an Oasis”




“When I was the apprentice of Darth Baras, I was sent to Tatooine to find the master of a padawan I was hunting” He paused for a moment, briefly muttering Tatooine under his breath again. He loved saying Tatooine. “I was led to an Oasis guarded by San People, within I faced a vision that guided me to the person I was looking for. I returned to it today, hoping that maybe it could give me another vision, to tell me where I should go next. But I didn’t get a vision…”


“I hardly see why that’s a reason to act so coldly towards Senya” She sat across from his couch by the table, her scolding glare softening to a concerned gaze.


“When I went for a vision, I was met only with a nightmare” The floor started looking very intriguing, as well as every particle of metal that formed it. “Odessen was in ruins. I saw… You, and Senya. Dead. Then Theron appeared, calling people to fire at someone out of my view. Then I woke up” He neglected the small details of who left the corpses and the voice that ripped him from his nightmare. Lana did not seem to notice.


“Dead?” Her question came as more of a hoarse assessment, her fingertips digging into er knees at the thought. “How…How were we killed?” At first Dragous didn’t actually want to share the gory details, but he felt like I was something that she should know if prodded.


“Senya was strangled, you were… impaled, with a blade of sorts judging by the wound. Not a saber” The woman’s expression only grew grimmer at the words. It’s just a possibility, it doesn’t mean anything. Death was always a possibility.


“It must be a sign, from destiny” Lana uttered to Dragous’s annoyance.


The Zabrak leaned forward in his seat with a glare “Don’t start with this ‘Destiny’ nonsense again”


“Nonsense? You yourself just stated that the oasis already gave you a vision that proved true beforehand” A quick and authoritive retort, ever since Koth had drilled that destiny belief into her head, she had become much more arrogant towards the alliances chance of success. With her, every victory was ‘just as destiny planned’. Which really began to piss Dragous off. Nothing more disrespectful then giving a concept the credit instead of the person.


“Through the force we glimpse possibilities, Lana. Not certainties. The one who takes them as such are only met with disappointment”


“You would know, wouldn’t you?” Dragous was thankful that he had gotten used to Valkorion’s sudden appearances, no longer jumping at the mere presence of his voice. “You foresaw your demise many times and yet you still stood triumphant over your Master”


“I know you do not believe in it, but this only further proves my point. It was destiny that allowed you to find that Master back on Tatooine, it was destiny that led us to the Gravestone. Now it is destiny that is trying to warn you… Warn you of-”


“Lana! Neither you nor Senya are dying. No matter what the force states” He slammed his fist on the table, frowning as he attempted to ignore the dead monarch behind him.


“Destiny is not mere inevitability, it is the current that will drown you unless you are strong enough to act. My previous Wrath made the mistake of using that current as a crutch, he has suffered greatly for it”

That final sentence was what surprised the Zabrak, causing him to literally turn towards Valkorion. Over all the time Valkorion had communicated with the Sith he had never mentioned Dragous’s predecessor. “Valkorion has joined the conversation, I guess”


Dragous knew the tales of THE Lord Scourge in full detail, he remembered being told the shivering ghost stories of the Emperor’s most loyal and powerful servant. The Souless incarnation of pure rage that stalked the Empire, leaving the footsteps of the Emperor in his wake.


If he wasn’t in the middle of a conversation with his advisor and his greatest enemy, he might of smiled as the thoughts triggered the memory of his father’s disapproving look when the little Zabrak had proclaimed his determination to meet such a mighty Sith one day. “For your sake, my son. I hope you never give that Thing a reason to meet you”

From public knowledge, the only thing Dragous knew of certainty of his predecessor is that he betrayed the Empire and went to the republic with the Hero of Typhon. The Zabrak made a mental note to himself to look up any indication of Lord Scourge’s current fate.


“He’s laughing at us, like usual” Dragous shrugged, Lana visibly uncomfortable with the ghost of her ex-boss in the room.


“Ah, Lana Beniko. The prime example of wasted potential. Lost without command to follow, a leader to bow to, and a better to cling to. Without those she is simply a blind servant, already drowning. I wouldn’t get her hopes up, by far she is the most likely loss to occur, but not the one we will ever care for” A voice that slivered into Dragous’s ears, causing him to cringe slightly. “A pathetic creature observe. I’m surprised you don’t take insult to her delusions of being a Sith. She’s bound by more chains then any slave she claims to be above”


It felt awkward to hear the criticisms of another while they sit only a few metres ahead of you, unable to hear it. “I don’t think he’s a fan of you”


Lana only blinked in confusion, wondering if she really wanted to know what words were being spoken of her. “Look, we’re obviously not going to agree on this. But at least we know to be vigilant. And to expect something devastating in the coming days”




Lana let out a sigh of relief before standing up, awkwardly placing a hand on Dragous’s shoulders. She was not used to consoling people. “I hope you know I do not do this to be a bother, Wrath. The five years since your capture have not been kind. The Grand Champion left with his crew, Darth Nox was murdered right on the steps of Dromound Kass by Arcann. And Cypher Nine travelled alone to Wild Space to disappear. The Empire was crumbling once again, but this time none of our heroes were there to heed the call”


Dragous could only imagine how betrayed she must of felt throughout those years, wondering if their symbols of hope had all abandoned them. “I suppose I should count myself lucky to not endure those years of hell”


“It is best not to play the game of ‘My life’s worst then yours’, it will only depress us even further“ A smirk. That was a first for Lana.


“Fine, fine. Now, can you leave me to rest for once or should I expect Theron to bust in a moment with another mission?”


“Theron’s too preoccupied to hand out any missions at the moment, he is on Zakuul with the Major”


“Zakkul? Why are they returning to the enemy planet? That’s kind of risky”


“They’re meeting a possible ally, a… resourceful destructor of Zakuulian property”


“A terrorist”


“Yes, she has revealed that she might have some critical information on the Spire. So, Theron and the Major have gone to meet with her”


“In the middle of Zakuul?”


“I’m sure they’ll be fine. They’ve set up a quiet and inactive spot to meet, the mission will be over soon enough. They’re good at being inconspicuous”



The abandoned rocket tram threatened to rip off Sheif’s ears as the flaming vehicle exploded, throwing it up into the air and forcing it down to skid along the tracks. Only a few metres away from the two squatting ‘Rebels’. “I think the Senators on Courasant could hear that!” Cried the SIS agent.


“Cover’s is still cover, Shan. Now move your arse!” The Ex-Major charged forward away from the ensuing gunfire, a barrage of laser shots flying past his shoulder as he made his dash towards the fallen tram.


The Agent followed right behind him, his smaller and non-military frame allowing him to more easily avoid the storm of gunfire from the Sky Troopers around them. “How did she attract so much attention!?”


“What? You thought that a terrorist called ‘FIREBRAND’ would be quiet? You idiots are boring me real fast” The sultry and conniving voice of ‘Firebrand’ (Who sounded like she was close to smoking one too many cigarettes) filled their ears as the woman slid down beside them, dragging a Sky Trooper head with her.


“We expected less guns in our faces, this meeting was supposed to be quick and simple” A droid charged at them, but was only met with the rocket powered punch from Firebrand all while Theron talked. “What did you do to piss these guys off!?”


“Well, I was bored and didn’t feel like waiting for you guys. And I was in the mood for some chaos, so I decided to… Relocate a few Sky Troopers… With explosives” She laughed at her own ‘joke’ and took aim at another Sky Trooper. There weren’t that many left, but still enough to cause a lot of problems. “But don’t get all sweaty over it, I’m planning something big for Zakuul. You in?”


“Do we have a choice?”


“Not if you want that info on the spire”


Sheif unclipped a thermal detonator from his belt and pressed his back against the tram, lobbing the small ball of destruction over their cover and towards the Troopers. “Do we at least get a full explanation on what this plan is?”


“Going in blind is the fun part! Besides, you owe me after showing me up those few months back. People are still talking about what your alliance did to those factories when you busted out the Outlander. Impressive, but I don’t like someone stealing my gig” The tram threatened to fall over and flatten them as the explosion from the detonator shook the room.


Theron at this point had reached into the depths of his jacket to pull out his holocom, switching the device to project a small holographic Koth on screen. “Hey, Koth. How are things on your end?”


“Well, good news, these security stations are dropping like flies. Bad news, Sky Troopers are starting to swarm us. You need to get out of there before the back up security realises that the Alliance is here” The pilot fired at something off screen, quickly darting out of view to avoid a bolt flying through the air.


“I’m sure you, Forex and HK-51 can handle it” Sheif ducked back behind cover to yell that over to the holocom.


“Oh, those two are having the time of their lives!” Only Koth’s hair was visible on the holocom now, groaning his words.


“You sound annoyed…”


Koth looked into the holocom and snorted “Annoyed? More like afraid. I don’t know which one of them is more terrifying!”


Beside him suddenly appeared HK-51 himself, caressing his precious new sniper rifle that Sheif was sure he did not come to Zakuul with. “Suggestion: If my methods are too extreme for you, Organic co-pilot, might I suggest that we blind you so you won’t have to witness me at the peak of effectiveness. Statement: It would be most preferable for the Sky Troopers to not see you evacuate your bowels”


Before Koth could reply to the droid, another robotic tone was heard in the distance. A booming voice fuelled with propaganda. “Stand down, Imperial scum. Your flimsy bodies will make for an excellent hill to plant the glorious flag of the Republic on. The wilful freedom of the Republic shall be chanted in the streets your blood floods through”


“He does know that we’re fighting Zakuul, right?” The confused and scared pilot asked Sheif.


“Zakuul, Imperial. All scum dies the same!” Forex cried from out of view, a small explosion following as the droid let out a rocket.


Theron turned to share a sheepish look with Sheif “Forex is just… passionate about his work”


Koth simply sighed, muttering “As long as he remembers who to shoot at…” before shutting off the holocom. Allowing Theron to share the sigh before looking towards the thinning line of Sky Troopers.


“I just hope Qyzen, Blizz and the others are doing better at their part of the plan”


The plan was a simple contingency in case Firebrand managed to draw attention to herself, with so many Sky Troopers patrolling Zakuul there was no way the Alliance would be able to stay on the planet for long without being killed off. To counter this, the plan was that various Alliance Soldiers would conduct quick gorrila attacks on Zakuul to draw in the Sky Troopers and Knights while using the under city as an easy hiding spot to duck behind. These strike would be nowhere near effective as damage, but they would probably lead the Sky Troopers in the wrong direction.


As Firebrand finished off the last Sky Trooper spewing from the collapsed hallways of the train, Sheif came up to her with his rifle still raised. “You could of gotten us all killed”


The woman merely rolled her eyes at the soldier. “Oh, spare me the ridicule, Farm Boy. It was just some fun. Now, we can focus on the fun part”


“We came to make you an ally, but if you purposely and recklessly put my people in peril again for the sake of it-”


“You’ll dismiss me with your pea-shooter? Yeah, yeah. I know all about your knucklehead squad, famous for killing off it’s own more than the Sith do. Killing traitors is all you’re good for” The Major stayed silent, and from behind his helmet Firebrand really couldn’t tell if he was glaring at her or just lost for words. “Anyway, we’re going to go cause Zakuul some problems”




“How does blowing up a hole so deep it’ll take old Arcann months to fill?”



And that's the chapter. What did ya think?


Also, next chapter 'Chapter 9: The Men in Black'. I think you'll love it Jenny, Balkar has not been forgotten,

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Great chapter Code :D I loved the conversation, and in particular Valkorian, you do his voice very well. I also found his assessment of Lana interesting as well. And of course the mentions of Scourge (soulless! 'Thing!') :D Loved it!

In the seventh line down, there is a bit of typo 'commander her', no biggy, but figured you'd want to fix that, considering that everything else is spot on. :)


I'll be looking forward to seeing Balkar too...I'll just go over and sit by Jenny. :D

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Great chapter Code :D I loved the conversation, and in particular Valkorian, you do his voice very well. I also found his assessment of Lana interesting as well.

What can I say? I know how to talk like a try hard jerk who reads too much poetry! Also, no comment on Koth's troubls with Hk and M1-4x? :D


And of course the mentions of Scourge (soulless! 'Thing!') :D Loved it!

Don't get too angry at Dragous's father, not everyone is in love with the Emperor's chosen murderer :D


In the seventh line down, there is a bit of typo 'commander her', no biggy, but figured you'd want to fix that, considering that everything else is spot on. :)

Pfft... That's just.. uh... ****. See, you were distracting me, by... existing. SHAME ON YOU!


I'll be looking forward to seeing Balkar too...I'll just go over and sit by Jenny. :D

You guys have a waiting room?

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And that's the chapter. What did ya think?

"He loved saying Tatooine." Someone's channeling a certain yummy spy there! ;) And I do like Lana's concern and the fact she calls him Wrath rather than Outlander.. I'm still on the fence about that title myself.


Mm obviously I grinned big time at the mere mention of Lord Scourge and I very much enjoyed this line..

“Destiny is not mere inevitability, it is the current that will drown you unless you are strong enough to act. My previous Wrath made the mistake of using that current as a crutch, he has suffered greatly for it”

Don't know if that's in-game or books or if you made it up but if you made it up, it's quite beautiful. Very well written part there.


I also enjoyed the brief mention of the other Imperial classes and what happened to them in your version of KotFE, nice touch.


And hey look, Sheif's back! HK-51 made me laugh too and I like that you put several of the recruits/Alliance alert guys in there along with the mission for Kaliyo. Very good chapter overall!


Also, next chapter 'Chapter 9: The Men in Black'. I think you'll love it Jenny, Balkar has not been forgotten,


Yayness!! Moar Balkar's always a good thing, right?


I'll be looking forward to seeing Balkar too...I'll just go over and sit by Jenny. :D

You guys have a waiting room?

Damn straight we do with all kinds of snacks and goodies to keep us entertained until the next Chapter! ;)

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"He loved saying Tatooine." Someone's channeling a certain yummy spy there! ;) And I do like Lana's concern and the fact she calls him Wrath rather than Outlander.. I'm still on the fence about that title myself.


I'm glad somone caught that reference...

Lana is all about the titles :D



Mm obviously I grinned big time at the mere mention of Lord Scourge and I very much enjoyed this line..

“Destiny is not mere inevitability, it is the current that will drown you unless you are strong enough to act. My previous Wrath made the mistake of using that current as a crutch, he has suffered greatly for it”

Don't know if that's in-game or books or if you made it up but if you made it up, it's quite beautiful. Very well written part there.


I made up the line itself, it was a reference to the fact that Lord Scourge placed his entire life, career and the people's around him on one mere vision that he knew could possibly never come to fruition. And I do have to get the quick mention of Scourge in there, Dragous is.. a bit of a fan boy as as a child.


I also enjoyed the brief mention of the other Imperial classes and what happened to them in your version of KotFE, nice touch.


I intend to go more into their fate later.


And hey look, Sheif's back! HK-51 made me laugh too and I like that you put several of the recruits/Alliance alert guys in there along with the mission for Kaliyo. Very good chapter overall!


The alliance have to do something aside from sitting on their arses and moaning about not having enough credits all day! Might as well save Sheif the trouble of planting the damn bombs and getting the security down.


Damn straight we do with all kinds of snacks and goodies to keep us entertained until the next Chapter! ;)

When did this become a thing? :D

Edited by Codedrago
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  • 6 months later...

Chapter 9: Eyes of the Hunter



It was a bad idea, it was a risky idea and it might very well get him killed. But like Theron used to say ‘A shot in the dark is better these a blade in the back’, well, at least Jonas thought that was what Theron used to say. Shan didn’t get to say much when Jonas continued to tease him about his family history. Too busy always replying “For the last time, Balkar. No, I do not think Darth Marr could secretly be a lost cousin. My blood line is weird, but not THAT weird”


Some might find it immature. They would be right, but when you’re going between missions that require you to abuse your brain it’s good to act like idiots for once. Oh how Jonas wished he could be back in the slopes, trading jabs at the ‘Bucketheads’ with Theron while Knights stalked past. But no, he had to be wandering to a random outpost on some jungle planet to give the Men in Black a registered history on Mr Big Red Wrath himself under threat of humiliation.


As he leaned back against the elevator that shot skywards towards it’s destination, he lamented on how only the strangest of occurrences surrounded his life. Helping the Republic track down criminals, stumbles upon the Republic’s top squad defecting. Doing background checks on Senators, one of them’s an imperial spy. Ordering Theron a drink, suddenly finding him a nice hole to hide in because of cultists. And now he’s giving history lessons to more bucketheads.


That was the strangest part of this whole ordeal. Theta didn’t ask for alliance reports, Theron Shan’s databanks, Odessen’s location or even intel on where to set a trap for the Outlander. They just wanted a full background check on him. With how much they already know about him and his connections, Jonas found it hard to believe they just didn’t think Balkar knew that much of value. What’s their angle? And more importantly, what’s going to keep them from disposing of me?


When he had returned to the safehouse after the encounter, it had been completely ransacked. Jonas guessing that it was supposed to be a warning to him. Searching through the data available there only showed that the ‘Men in Black’ had taken a copy of his file, the terminal however showed that the person to take the copy was one of his superiors, which could only mean they’re good impersonators or that the SIS had another leak. The Hunter and Ardun Koth situation was enough.


The elevator door opened to reveal Theta with his arm extended, Jonas now staring down the barrel of a gun. “Welcome, Mr Balkar”


“Do you greet all your house guests like this?” Balkar shot towards the metal man, only giving the gun a slightly annoyed look. The agent had stared down the barrel of a gun enough times to simply take these life or death situations as a simple inconvenience, though in those times he always knew he had people watching his back; this time he didn’t even have old Ironballs Shan.


“You would be our first, unless you count the corpses”


“This place is overdue for an interior decorator then, maybe some flowers to make it look less… Homicidal. You know, spruce the place up” While Jonas continued in his quest to grate on the Metal Man’s nerves, Theta had roughly slapped on some rather constrictive handcuffs didn’t take long to grow uncomfortable. “Would it kill you to be, I don’t know, civil?”


Theta gave what Balkar assumed was a blank stare beneath the helmet “Yes.” Before walking back over towards the other end of the hallway, his back completely turned away from Jonas. Is he seriously just depending on these cuffs to keep me here? The operative seemed to have given no more care to keeping the SIS agent as a non-threat, which was either highly suspicious or incompetent.


“If you wish to attempt an escape, you may do so. Just remember that I can take the data you hold from your corpse”


“That’s assuming that I haven't in any way tried to deceive you”


“I know.” No further input was given, Theta just continued his confident stride; and Jonas followed. Yeah, he probably has defences in place just in case I try to run. Trying to leg it won’t mean anything if I don’t know anything about the facility.


Balkar didn’t like it but he would have to play the role of the good little prisoner for a while longer, until an opening to exploit was revealed.




A battalion of jedi and republic soldiers either dead or defected. A whole station lost to an unknown enemy. And now strapped into a ship full of terrified refugees who have probably just lost family members. Today was not a good day for Nadia Grell.


The girl sat in the cockpit of the average sized shuttle, bolting through the dark sea of space and hoping to the force that there were no asteroid belts in this sector or the galaxy. Yes, she had spent some of her childhood passing the tests for the basics of piloting, but that was it; if there was anything requiring much more manoeuvrability she wouldn’t have much luck.


But that wasn’t the worst of it, before she had even sat down in the pilot’s chair with the galaxy map besides her, it was immediately apparent with one look at the controls to see that the shuttle was not in the best of shape. Some of the console had been ripped apart, the buttons were stiff and she was pretty sure that someone had spilt a full cantina all over the controls.


“Just stay calm Nadia, you have to get these people home safely. A jedi’s life is one of adversity, a true jedi never allows it to get to them…” Her mutters did nothing to calm her as she still continued to freak out silently on the outside.


This made it quite the surprise when Jaesa entered the cockpit and took a seat besides Nadia, a grim demeanour enveloping her face. “Bad news. I was checking the ship's engines, turns out we lost some of our fuel tanks in our escape from Denerim”


Alright, now was the time to panic. “How much...How much do we have left?’’ Her voice shook slightly, the only thoughts that plagued her were those that continue to remind her of the responsibility that had been thrust upon her.


“Are you okay?”


Innocent refugees, their lives hanging in the balance.


“To be blunt, Nadia. I’m terrified in those confrontations, so many possibilities of failure. Even a jedi isn’t free of fear”




“But if I ever showed that fear on the battlefield… Then I would've betrayed the trust of all who follow me. Who are they to look to if their leader is in doubt? We cannot let our fear show, when it shows, it can take control. It can spread. It could even take a life”


And she refused to let them down, Jaesa included. “I’m fine, how much do we have left?” She spoke with much more false confidence, a smile plastered on her face.


Jaesa face Nadia with a regretful look, her finger coming up to tap against her cheek inquisitively. “I’m not an expert, but I don’t think we even have enough to make it out of the system. We need to land soon and… Hope for the best”


“And if we can’t find any fuel?”


‘’Hope for the best.”




“Inquisitor?” The booming metallic tone of the young Prince cut through the Inquisitor’s focus almost immediately, making Krugar himself wonder if the Prince could shake the entire ship if the boy attempted to yell.


Instantly, the Inquisitor stood at attention with his head bowed towards his Emperor. “My Emperor! Is something the matter?”


The two currently stood inside the large dusty room within the Throne that the Inquisitor had made his temporary office, crates were piled up in various unstable stacks around the room, with the contents of some spilling out onto the floor. Tomes, datapads and artifacts as far as the eye could see.


Arcann towered over the Inquisitor from the doorway, the metal covering half his face making it impossible to see his look as anything other than a glare. “Your eyes seemed to find the wall very interesting”


“Ah, I see the problem. I must of looked like quite the unusual sight” His hands slipped behind his back, returning to his usual regal and subservient stance.


“You were always quite the unusual sight” Arcann stated bluntly, a jab of which the Inquisitor seemed to display no offence to. “Mother always thought you were an unnerving individual to be around. From your strange armour, to your silver tongue” And Arcann supposed that the fact that the Inquisitor was exiled in the first place didn’t help the man’s image.


“Hmpf, you seemed to have grown less vulgar in your descriptions of me since your childhood days” With a wave of Arcann’s hand the Inquisitor moved across the room in his usual stiff manner, sorting different objects on a table in the centre of the room. “What was it that you used to call me? Ugly as a Bantha’s backside with the spine of a mouse?”


Arcann shook his head, now was not the time to reminisce on the days of his youth. Back when Thexan and mother were still by his side. “You’ve still yet to explain why the wall was of such interest”


“It’s quite simple, I was overseeing the progress of my agents. They’re currently interrogating an SIS spy”


“Overseeing… By staring at a wall?”


“My agents are all… Unique assets. You could say that each of them are connected to me, like a web of information. If I choose to I can devote my effort to traversing that web, but as you can see; It’s something that requires more than a wave of my hands. It was something I learned from your… Father”


“Father?” At first Arcann felt angered by the mention of Valkorian, but that soon turned into surprise when he noticed that the Inquisitor's hand had seemingly grabbed ahold of the table, the man’s grip increasing as he gave a bitter response.


“Yes… I learned many things from that… Man.”


If the Emperor could produce an evil grin (Specifically an evil one!), he would've attempted to. The Inquisitor did know of his Father’s secrets, and seemed more motivated to take Valkorian down then Arcann had even expected. Good, he’d need that. “So, you have some sort of hold on your agent’s minds?”


“You could say” The voice of the man seemed almost grateful for the change of subject, and the chance to explain. “I have a leash on them, one of which I only tighten when their freedom threatens my goals. Currently, I’m devoting my resources to finding out more about key figures in the Republic and Empire. Seven specific ones which I think could prove valuable in finding insight into Valkorian and his plans” After a passing glance over the rest of the crates the Inquisitor added. “Ah, and I’ve taken the liberty of having some of the contents of Valkoria- I mean, your vault shipped over here. Items of which even Valkorian saw fit to make his trophies could show us a lot of things”


“You’ve been productive…” It’s obvious that the Inquisitor has been waiting for this chance long before I released him from his exile. Arcann marched over towards the Inquisitor’s table and slammed his hand down on the table, speaking clearly. “Though I don’t appreciate you taking from MY vault without even approaching me for permission”


The Inquisitor immediately froze in place, immediately realising his mistake. He had undermined Arcann’s authority. “Apologies, my Emperor! I just assumed that you wouldn’t mind, considering the motives behind taking them. But I can see now that I’ve treated your title like a dirty dish rag… Again, I apologise”


For a moment Arcann considered striking the man with a good bolt or two to teach the man his place, but the man’s voice carried something surprising. Not sarcastic, nor did the plea sound like a simple cry for safety. The Inquisitor seemed genuinely sorry for what he had done. “Just remember your position. I have enough troubles dealing with these terrorists destroying my empire. I do not need the waste time on a servant getting too ambitious”


“Of course, my Emperor!”


“Carry on with your research and come to me the moment you find something of interest”



Admittedly, I'm not a fan of this chapter. In fact, I think this is one of the worse, but I wanted to get it out before this thread died and the necrophiliacs raid it. :D

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