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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed.

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OK, a little something to pass the time:


what should each companion have as their "Theme Song"?


only list 1 companion/song combo per post.


Lets blow this thread up!


I'll go first: HK-55 =



interesting idea... Mako = does this include all companions? Mako =

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.



another hour? well back to LoL until then

Edited by jacobpgarrett
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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Yeah okay.... SURE!

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the real question is how long will the servers STAY online when they come back up again (if they come back up again :D).


And the next question, when will be maintenance for the hotfix of the patch.


...and the hotfix of the hotfix of the patch...



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You know you can stop giving EA your money any time you want right? You choose to subscribe to this game and have continued to subscribe after the many times that issues have happened.


Your right and as of this one I have done exactly that. However that doesn't make there theft of countless thousands of peoples cash right dose it. Under any othere working environment the takeing of money for services not provided would be theft

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.



blah blah blah same **** as always cant be bothered to fix it now so we are going home with your money is what you need to say not this blah **** over and over **** off until you have the servers up and you have 30 mins to bring them up or your in the ****

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




within one hour.... fifteen hours later... will be done within one hour....

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Thank you for the update and all that you are doing to keep us informed. Some of us appreciate that you're striving to push out a complete, clean update with as few bugs as possible.

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Nah, you don´t look... Not today, not for so long...

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Thanks for the updates Eric.

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The longer a MMORPG is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a MMORPG has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with MMORPGs. Problems WILL happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like Perfect World and WoW go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, Bioware WILL give you the time back in either subscription hours or Cartel Coins. Early Access and Full Access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled NOW, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.


Taking all that into consideration, and all of it is well founded logic. You would think extra emphasis would be placed on TESTING before you drop it into production. And when I say testing, I don't mean the "early access" beta testing that they force subscribers to do and then pretend it's a benefit.


I mean actual in house honest to God smoke testing and system testing. Then drop it on the PTS as a production grade patch even if you have a select group of beta testers who can hammer at it that you can test (not the hack job elite guilds who discover exploits and hold on to them until production release).


Instead we have an entire team dedicated to producing cartel market junk (which ironically is the most solid code they tend to put out with the fewest critical bugs).


Sounds like this problem was pretty obvious once they dropped it into production. How does something so glaring obvious making through even the most basic of system testing? The answer, because they don't do even the most basic of system testing.


Hence why they're so generous with the "early access" to subscribers. Why pay people to test their code and find their mistakes when they can get loyal paying customers to do it for them?

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