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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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I believe he was referring to 3D graphical, not text based, could be wrong.


He was talking about sitting around a table using dice, so I guess he wasn't talking 3d graphical, unless you count a little figurine and a hand drawn map as 3d graphical

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•Players can no longer toggle off the “Dusted with Snowflakes” buff that is received when hit with a Snowball.


Well thank god!!!! I was wondering when all your effort would be placed into that. Thank goodness you didn't waste time on say oh...pvp junk...or HERO engine optimization...or...a new War Zone.


That kinda pisses me off, actually. I hate the snowball crap every year and always click off that crap because I don't want my full NM equipped Mercenary to have sparkles and snowflakes falling around him. He's a mercenary, he kills people...he's not in the cast of the Nutcracker FFS.

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redneck actually go back to the 1930's a disputes in West Virginia. A large group of unionized miners marched south , to pressure the mine owners there to allow their miners to become unionized. To identify themselves, the miners all wore red bandannas around their necks. Publicity with the battles and court cases created the term red-necks, and at that time they were viewed as the good guys in the conflict.


Why is it considered bad now?

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redneck actually go back to the 1930's a disputes in West Virginia. A large group of unionized miners marched south , to pressure the mine owners there to allow their miners to become unionized. To identify themselves, the miners all wore red bandannas around their necks. Publicity with the battles and court cases created the term red-necks, and at that time they were viewed as the good guys in the conflict.


at that time? lol

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It is racist. It specifically refers to skin color in a degrading manner. Racist.


Race =/= Skin Colour


Why are all of these political arguments even happening? Like, this is the forum for a video game about space and stuff, based off of a movie franchise about space and stuff. Sure, the prequels had a lot of political stuff, but that hardly makes any of this relevant

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redneck actually go back to the 1930's a disputes in West Virginia. A large group of unionized miners marched south , to pressure the mine owners there to allow their miners to become unionized. To identify themselves, the miners all wore red bandannas around their necks. Publicity with the battles and court cases created the term red-necks, and at that time they were viewed as the good guys in the conflict.


90 year old history is irrelevant. If you use the term "redneck" in a derogatory manner about a specific group of people, it's just like any other racist slur.

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Hey folks,


The team has isolated the issue, which was an unfinished Alliance Alert Mission was available. This Mission could potentially cause serious issues with a character. We are working on a solution, but have no ETA available at this time.


We apologize for the extended downtime. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them.




this is far beyond ridiculous.

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Darn, 6 hour delay. That's no small run over. You'd think someone would be smart enough to far OVER estimate how long it's going to take so if they come up early everyone is happy. It would also avoid all this anger.
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That kinda pisses me off, actually. I hate the snowball crap every year and always click off that crap because I don't want my full NM equipped Mercenary to have sparkles and snowflakes falling around him. He's a mercenary, he kills people...he's not in the cast of the Nutcracker FFS.


Well then just dont get hit with snowballs, if you dont want your merc to have fun once in awhile dont.

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lol hes being sarcastic you fool... demoRAT get it? wow...


Then if he is going to try and use sarcasm, he may want to do it right...like republiCANTS, or another very popular one where you replace the A with a U.


He is probably just mad he couldnt make the Trump rally anyways. He skipped it to play 4.1 and now he is mad..

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Its not as if very many if any of you got a sub just so that you could get early access. so that being said be glad that they were even trying to give it to you. they could have just as easily made it game wide from word go. for those of you crying about the "value of the time that you have lost due to this." stop and imagine the amount that the game is losing because of it.


get some perspective and chill


Preach it!


All this QQ. If you think this is bad, go to WoW on major content update day.

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