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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




So The European Player lost the First Day of Two Days Early Access :(:mad:

That's really Sad, we all can not play but it's not fair -.-

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




Wait, what? After a lot of issues with patching after swtor launched you did set up a test server back in 2012. Where did it go?

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Hey Eric!! I wonder if there are codes for Hoverchairs "Mounts" and if they are, are you giving them!? Anyways good job on what you're doing! I appreciate it!! Well it is being late for me and I wonder if you will give more codes before I go to sleep??


Good Job man.

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




It's a trap!


Run away! Run away!

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Obviously I really wanted to play the new chapter and the new alerts today, but there's nothing to be done. I appreciate that they're trying to work it out and hope there are no problems in the future.


And for those who said they PAID for the early access, we all know that's ********, that was supposed to be one of the many perks of being a sub, just suck it up and wait like everybody else instead of wasting your time and energy getting mad at BW.

Peace out

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




Cheer! Keep up the great work!

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Better Roll back to 4.04.


Then isolate and patch the Problem on internal Test-Servers, and patch the Live-Servers only if you cannot find anything internally.


And all Bonues will start on the Day where Chapter 10 starts. (Headstart and stuff)

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




No offense Eric, but this is what amazes me - don't you have an server with comparable (and up to date) hardware & software to test things on so you can fleece out any issues the introduction on a server might bring? I realize that the packed software won't reveal all potential bugs on PCs etc, but another server with an similar setup should... :/

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.





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People were expecting, not unreasonably, to be able to play the new chapter today. Looks like a lot won't be and day one of the paid for early access will be a bust for them (mainly EU, I believe). So, I'd say they have every right to complain and even vigorously request some form of recompense for lost time.


How many people have been puttering about on their computers or game consoles, but constantly checking back here or on Twitter to see if the game is playable again? Technically doing something else, but really just wasting the time while hoping this game get up and running quickly.


I've seen a few "you're not an IT professional, you have no idea what it takes to patch/fix the game" posts. Of course most of the people here have no idea, but the IT professionals responsible for the game do know, it's their job to know, it's also their job to make sure their work actually works when going live. Isn't it?

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What the hell is some of you people's problem? It's a mistake. Maybe a Rookie mistake yes but a mistake. It is human to make mistakes. I'm sure they will repay us somehow. Maybe not in money but maybe limited equipment or something like that. Trust the people makin this game. It's an awesome game and one mistake shouldn't ruin that. I am sure to play it when it gets back up. If you don't think it's fair your money got lost just because you lost one of the 2 days infront of others to the new chapter. Too bad. Think about all the other feature. As a subscriber you can change your appearance. As a subscriber you get 500 coins each month. As a subscriber you get a free lvl 60 token (Which is 2000 coins with lowered price in the market.) And i can keep going. One mistake. And your money is lost? If you subscribed just to get the new chapter 2 days earlier than others so you can tell about it. Then you are an idiot. Don't be a subscriber just for such small things. Do it for it all or don't.


And no i'm not workin for bioware. I am a player who has waited just as patience for the new chapter as you. Yes is sucks. I got sad too god dammit! But beginnin to bully the person makin the game? Sayin that they just get paid anyway? No they don't. Boss get's angry, Overtimes hour on your own bill because you made the mistake. Lowered trustworthy. Loneliness and outsorted just because one mistake. Keep it together. They probably have it worse than you. So what you loose a day or two on the new chapter? Think about all the hours they have to spend fixin the problem. You can go do something else. They can't. It is what they do for a livin. Workin on these games we all enjoys. We can just start a new game or something we haven't played in a while. They have to work hard and long hours just to get the game up and runnin again.


All i'm sayin is. Show some respect and don't judge them so easily. It's human to make mistakes. Otherwise we wouldn't learn from it. So SHOW SOME RESPECT!


Quote this if you agree!


YESS!!! THIS!!! VERY much so!

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.



Can we download the patch at least or should we wait?

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