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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.





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Think of it this way, the wait will be less for Chapter 10 the longer they muck around with fixing the server....


As for down time. I started with WoW in 2005, then EQ2 a few years later, then LOTRO probably 5 years ago. Not a one of them didn't fall flat on their face at least once during a major update/patch. One was even down 3 days - I wonder how many subs they lost with that one.


I would, however, give real money to have a camera with sound in the war room for this debacle.

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




Thanks for the update Eric maybe Ill get to watch a few scenes before work, fingers crossed :D

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In times like these, the 30 second delay between reporting players who advertise their referal links in here is way too long.


Set it to 1 or 2 seconds so we can keep more of an even stride with them, please. :)


Interesting. So that is not allowed? What about the people that put it in their sigs?

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If you cant reliably deliver updates (there was a similar issue back in november) then please set another time for those patches. You America guys allways forget about the rest of the world. In europe its primetime and it really sucks you punch us allways in the face and only care about making patchtimes us friendly.


Its becoming ridiculous, on patchday europeans allways lose a day woth of gaming. ALLWAYS.


WHATEVER .... Your not the only ones who deal with it...take the whine and go else where.

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To all those complaining about the extended downtime, and the effect it apparently is having on their lives:


I pulled this out of the EULA, which you all agreed to when you installed and launched the game.


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.



I'm not saying that I'm happy with the extended downtime, but if EA/Bioware decided that this wasn't worth their time anymore, they are fully within their rights to close up shop and walk away without any of us getting anything back. Be grateful that they are still working so hard on this game that we all so obviously like, and enjoy playing.


Also, a little respect for their hard work would be much appreciated at EA/Bioware. Not many of us, if any of us, could do what they are doing, and have been doing for years now.


Props to you guys at EA/Bioware for your hard work and the game you have produced for us thus far.

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




You can apologize all you want it still doesn't make it square with us subscribers. EA/Bioware owes us for a lost early access day.

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.



OK, I'll chug the wine anyway, but I'll stay up for a bit.

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.




Good, I can wait to play the new Stuff! :)

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Hey folks,


The team has isolated the issue, which was an unfinished Alliance Alert Mission was available. This Mission could potentially cause serious issues with a character. We are working on a solution, but have no ETA available at this time.


We apologize for the extended downtime. I will continue to pass on updates as I have them.




Any updates please????

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I love how people are saying "don't they use a test server?" or have similar opinions/ideas.


1. These people are smarter than you.

2. If you did actual game developing, you would know there is a difference in test / real world.

3. It's a game. I pay for it too. Out of all the game updates I have seen, this one is the only one that has screwed up.


Things happen. That's what happens in life. Luckily they caught it before people really started playing.


If you are that unhappy, unsub. Stop with the I deserve instant gratification. You don't.


Thanks Bioware.


just got my masters in video game designing less than 3 years ago and yes theres a difference but only a small one not a 1-2 day downtime type of difference

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