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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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I kind of feel bad for the employees. They probably worked pretty hard to get this thing ready and now this is happening. If you look at the time it's almost 8pm PST which means they haven't gone home yet. They are missing dinner while we complain that a video game is down. It sucks for everyone. I hope we get compensated, sure; but I really hope that THEY get compensated.


Not intending to come across exceptionally pissy, but you do realize it's their JOB, right? My Dad used to do computer GFX for a major media sports carrier, and we often didn't see him for DAYS, especially right before a big event. And yes, even so things some times went wrong- and several times he was afraid he might get fired as a result. If you screw up the implementation, you stick around until it's fixed. It's what you get paid for, and what your customers are paying for.

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Well, BW, and everybody else who says "Every MMO has problems"...you're not okay in your heads. Problems shouldn't be treated like that. It's PROBLEMS, gosh darn it!

And the there's solution for this "extended maintenance time" problem: multiply scheduled time for maintenance by 2. Then at least you'll have some extra time to check if everything works fine, to try to repair everything NOT working fine and if you're done earlier, then it'd be such a surprise to suddenly say "oh, guys, we're done sooner than expected', and everyone will applaud you! Purrfect, isn't it?


BTW, http://www.swtor.com/r/MbRTwG, if you don't mind. Thanks!


You sir/m'am do not know how computers work.

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Cows go Moo just fyi


This whole thread is very entertaining. I work in the gaming industry and can tell you that the whole team at Bioware are working their butts off. The process of launching major patches is a pain and debugging every possible issue even with extensive QA is hard. While I agree that just in a form of good faith and appreciation it would be nice for them to give out some coins or something as it costs them nothing. There is really no need for this much hate. I'd also love to have been playing today, but stuff happens and I'm glad the team is actually working to resolve the issue and not just saying **** it.


nah debugging isn't hard I have made scripts for games and programmed countless others this whole delay was a pure lack of trying but your right about them working their butts off now if they did it in the first place we wouldn't be here

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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




well **** happens. Im okay if you send me one of those 2400cc keys you gave away in the other thread, because i was waiting here till you report back and got nothing. Kinda unfair

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What bothers me (and probably not me), will we get something for that, already, 5 hours delay from announced maintenance schedule and waiting? I'm sub, and probably many here too, and we actually paying for this time.


Or "Sorry and appreciation for patience" is all?

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Thanks Eric for the hard work and tell the team we appreciate it. I understand that when this happens you are probably less happy than we are and on top of that you have to listen to people who just want to complain. To the Europe guy - hey you knew this was a US based game when you got it -- get over yourself - if a game was based in Europe I would not expect special treatment. Its day time here and lots of us did not get to play you are not being persecuted lol - to the others who are jones-in over the game being down I say this learn a little patience and grow up - abusing the game techs and giving them a harder time than they are already having is NOT cool!! Again Eric thanks and thanks to those working hard to fix the issue
:)well said
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Being honest here,


I dont know why the silly me is still having a subscription.. Dont get me wrong,i LOVE SWTOR but ..shouldnt a game supposed to be entertaining,relaxing (This stuff) ?! The last days (Bugs,glitches,downtime blabla) made me mad from time to time. If this continues im not quite sure if this is the right for someone who just wants to "cool down" from a hard day at work.. Havent got much time to play Games,if i invest my time into MMO´kinda games,it should be worth it.. Dont know if anyone gets me there ..

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Cows go Moo just fyi


This whole thread is very entertaining. I work in the gaming industry and can tell you that the whole team at Bioware are working their butts off. The process of launching major patches is a pain and debugging every possible issue even with extensive QA is hard. While I agree that just in a form of good faith and appreciation it would be nice for them to give out some coins or something as it costs them nothing. There is really no need for this much hate. I'd also love to have been playing today, but stuff happens and I'm glad the team is actually working to resolve the issue and not just saying **** it.


Yeah. Unfortunately, few people know this...

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ITS A GAME, it happens deal with im on the euro server and been watiing ages to get on. I dont care im a sub and cant get one as there more important things in life rather than moaning at a punch of people u dont know whom trying to get us all back on. So why dont go have a coffee and chill out.
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Alright folks, it as almost an hour later. I checked in with the team and unfortunately I don't have a ton of new information to report. We are still very actively testing solutions in an effort to get the servers online as soon as possible.


I will check back in an hour and pass on any and all updates that I have. We apologize again for the unexpected additional downtime!




Keep doing an amazing job for an amazing game.

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