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The Coalition vs. Revan


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So here's a thought: if we do the [solo] version of the Yavin story, we help the Empire and Republic work together to form a coalition that storms the temple and paves the way for us to defeat Revan.


Let's look at this for a moment. I'm watching the cutscene and there are clearly ground troops moving into the temple. They didn't blow up the ziggurat--sure they shot a few bombs at it in the cutscene, but it did little to no damage.


No, the soldiers went in there, killed Malapharr, Sword Squadron, Underlurker, the Revanite Commanders....forced Revan to retreat and then destroyed the Sacrificial Sphere.


Who are these guys? We see a few generic troops and droids go in, but not Marr or Satele. I see a few possible options:


1) Superior numbers cannon fodder just overwhelms Revan and his forces.


2) Superior numbers defeats Malapharr, Sword Squadron, Underlurker and Commanders, and the bombing on the temple destroys the Sacrificial Sphere.


But there's a third option that KotFE brings to the table with its revelation that all 8 class stories happen concurrently:


3) The other 7 classes you don't play form the bulk of the raid team that goes in and clears Temple of Sacrifice


Let me explain: We've always known that in broad strokes the events you play in each class story happen in other class stories. We know the Emperor dies, we know the Children are revealed, that The Bastion is captured and reclaimed, etc. But the game has been fairly careful to avoid putting a player character in those events. "A Jedi Strike Team" defeated the Emperor when you see the transmission. Not "The Hero of Tython defeated the Emperor". Mako and Kaliyo don't specifically mention their PCs when they cross over into other player stories. For a while, there was this illusion where if you ignored the other players running around, you were the only hero in the narrative.


then KOTFE happened


It shows in the Alliance members' codex entries that the 7 classes you DIDN'T play also exist, and had their adventures. They then mysteriously disappear during the 5 year skip. That implies that these NPC versions of the player class exist in your player's timeline and have been having their adventures similar to how they would if you were playing them. This gets weird when it comes to Hutt Cartel, Revan, and Ziost since these are all the same story. Yet if these other 7 classes were there, what were they doing?


Apparently we have our answer. Doing the raid so we don't have to


What if I did the raid version? They did the Spirit of Cooperation missions


If this theory is true, where were the other 7 heroes during Hutt Cartel and Ziost? Or is it possible that they didn't participate in these missions, and that the other 7 stopped after act 3?


What do you think?

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