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The Chance Cube - EAware's last chance to milk the playerbase?


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It's been done to minimize CM development. This way they can make the staff cuts they want to and keep people buying crap.


I hope it backfires on them, but only time will tell...people buy stupid **** all the time.


The success or failure of this is 100% in our hands.


Very true TUX I think EA/BW banks on people's stupidity and lack of self-control and ultimately if people stopped buying fluffy things they would stop putting those things on the cartel market.


shocking that typical bw white knights charged right into this thread guns blazin!


They are always ready, ever willing to take whatever their overlords decide to shove down their zombie minds. :rak_03:

Edited by squirrelballz
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I wasn't defending anything, I merely said that if you don't want to buy it, don't. No one is holding you ransom for it.


After your comment, I'm more worried about you, though. Pagy, what we had was beautiful, and I'll never forget it, but, Dude, you've got to move on. I thought we already had closure on this, but I guess I was mistaken, and for that I'm sorry. If I led you on, that wasn't my intention.

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After your comment, I'm more worried about you, though. Pagy, what we had was beautiful, and I'll never forget it, but, Dude, you've got to move on. I thought we already had closure on this, but I guess I was mistaken, and for that I'm sorry. If I led you on, that wasn't my intention.


I'm sorry but that got really weird and creepy fast I can only imagine how cheesy your conversations must be. :p

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Very true TUX I think EA/BW banks on people stupidity and lack of self-control and ultimately if people stopped buying fluffy things they would stop putting those things on the cartel market.

They DO! And tbh, they're wise to...I would too if I were in their position. I wish I sold something people were so willing to pay for frivolously.

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I wasn't defending anything, I merely said that if you don't want to buy it, don't. No one is holding you ransom for it.


After your comment, I'm more worried about you, though. Pagy, what we had was beautiful, and I'll never forget it, but, Dude, you've got to move on. I thought we already had closure on this, but I guess I was mistaken, and for that I'm sorry. If I led you on, that wasn't my intention.

for the last 6 months, you do realize that you swoop in and defend bioware regardless of the subject, regardless of what bioware is doing?


you literally swoop in within minutes and basically make the same post a dozen times in the thread?


it's quite entertaining.


it's like a teenager defending some girl he has a crush on.

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Yea people who like the game, how dare they!


You realize you can still like a game while disagreeing about stupid things the development and EA/BW do right? I'm here to tell you it's ok that you don't have to live in absolutes you can take the good with the bad. Not liking something about the game doesn't make you the devil that some fanboys portray people to be and they know who they are. :D

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Yea people who like the game, how dare they!

Do they?


I like the game, but I think these new chance cubes are a huge mistake that will reduce Bioware's income off CM packs. I'm perfectly fine with Bioware making extra coin off people willingly giving them extra $...but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to defend a bad change.


So I gotta ask...do they really "like the game" or do they just like confrontation? Drama? See, I don't think they do it to "defend" the game at all...I think they do it for other reasons.

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for the last 6 months, you do realize that you swoop in and defend bioware regardless of the subject, regardless of what bioware is doing?


you literally swoop in within minutes and basically make the same post a dozen times in the thread?


it's quite entertaining.


it's like a teenager defending some girl he has a crush on.


And you swoop in right behind and call me a White Knight like my own little entourage. Kinda like some little teenager stalking a pop star (Yes, I compared myself to a pop star for that one - I'd like to think I look like a slightly older Ed Sheeran). I'm starting to feel a little smothered. I kinda need my own space, right now. It's not you, it's me.

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Yea people who like the game, how dare they!
i like the game too. so do the people that complain.


they complain because they want things to change so desperately. they care enough to say something about it.


what doesn't help anyone, are players that swoop in to try to deride and defame anyone with legitimate concerns and hope to share their reasons for leaving in hopes that they are one day addressed. on top of that, defending bioware despite obvious mistakes doesnt help any of us.

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Do they?


I like the game, but I think these new chance cubes are a huge mistake that will reduce Bioware's income off CM packs. I'm perfectly fine with Bioware making extra coin off people willingly giving them extra $...but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to defend a bad change.


So I gotta ask...do they really "like the game" or do they just like confrontation? Drama? See, I don't think they do it to "defend" the game at all...I think they do it for other reasons.


I like to think those that just defend BW all the time probably feel like this:


Ignorance is Bliss



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You're right, I'm a White Knight, I'm sorry. It's just that we live on this Earth for such a short time, I don't want to waste part of that time hating on something for no reason. And I was wrong, that dress didn't make it look like you had a tiny package. Edited by CrazyCT
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Yea people who like the game, how dare they!

You can like the game and be critically vocal against changes, especially ones that are obviously s****d and scream greed.


But now EAware is also makes unneeded and unnecessary changes on top of not developing any content for both PvP'ers and PvE'ers. For starters, why don't they focus on things that are actually broken? Like the bugs in is game, especially some that have still been here since launch. It's been over 4 years now.

Edited by ColorfulCaiques
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You can like the game. and be critically vocal against changes, especially ones that are obviously s****d and scream greed


Your post from yesterday:

Heck this MMO is trash even for the casuals. Not enough story/singleplayer content for the casuals, and not enough endgame/MMO content for the MMO gamers and hardcore/competitive gamers.


I'm confused

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Your post from yesterday:

Heck this MMO is trash even for the casuals. Not enough story/singleplayer content for the casuals, and not enough endgame/MMO content for the MMO gamers and hardcore/competitive gamers.


I'm confused

Well it's true... The MMO players like me haven't even been getting a hair of content for over a year now. It's times like these where I actually wish we were in the position we were around 2 years ago when it was the PvP'ers not getting almost any content and it was mainly the PvE'ers getting content.


Now the devs decide that it's a good time to focus on the singleplayer gamers? Why wasn't this avenue focused on during development? Why now? Why alienate the already fractured and small pool of MMO players they have been able to hold onto since 2012?

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Your post from yesterday:

Heck this MMO is trash even for the casuals. Not enough story/singleplayer content for the casuals, and not enough endgame/MMO content for the MMO gamers and hardcore/competitive gamers.


I'm confused


Well I disagree about the game being trash, I personally like it otherwise I wouldn't be here. However, I don't disagree with colorful when he says that there has been a lack of endgame content for a long time. We all know EA/BW has the money to actually make it but they choose not to that makes people in general not happy.

Edited by squirrelballz
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Well I disagree about the game being trash, I personally like it otherwise I wouldn't be here. However, I don't disagree with colorful when he says that there has been a lack of endgame content for a long time. We all know EA/BW has the money to actually make it but they choose not to that makes people in general not happy.

I wouldn't be here either if I didn't like the game. I do, but EAware is really trying my patience with these god-awful dev decisions. Virtually all my friends don't even play anymore, and within the past year they were only playing very casually.


I guess it's better to rephrase what I said and I mean the amount of development going to the MMO players on every front is trash. :l

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