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GSF / classic Star Wars ship equivalents


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Greetings all,

I'm not sure if this has already been covered before, but I've heard some new players recently make the complaint that the ships in GSF don't look very 'Star Warsy'. When looking at the default starter ships, I can see where they're coming from (I'm looking at you Rycer). However, when you go through all of the playable ships in the game, there are actually ships that parallel most of the classic Star Wars fighters. This is the list that I've come up with:



X-Wing = Clarion (particularly with quad lasers and power drive)

Y-Wing = Quarrel (specifically with barrel roll for real Y-Wing looking engines)

A-Wing = Flashfire

B-Wing = Sledgehammer

Z-95 Headhunter (as it appeared in The Clone Wars series) = Novadrive



Tie Fighter = Sting

Tie Bomber = Razorwire

Tie Interceptor = Blackbolt


Let me know if I missed anything, or there might be better options. It's also worth noting that most of these ships actually fill more or less the same roles as their classic counterparts (using X-wing vs Tie Fighter as a reference of course).



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Then of course you have the Imperial scout ships, which mimic the spherical cockpit and solar panels of the classic TIE fighters. For these I would go with:


TIE Fighter = Blackbolt

TIE Interceptor = Bloodmark

TIE Advanced = Sting

TIE Bomber = Legion/Razorwire (sorta)



Tie Fighter = Sting

Tie Bomber = Razorwire

Tie Interceptor = Blackbolt

EDIT: somehow missed these when I read the first post, but I feel my comparisons are still valid.

Edited by jmjeffw
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I always thought of the Clarion as the equivalent of the ARC-170 Starfighter:






And yeah the Novadive (Not Novadrive... geez you people should know this) looks like the Z-95 Headhunter.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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