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Corellia datacron bug?


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Hi all


I'm referring to the one in the Labour Valley - Central Workforce Habitation - the one with the crane ride.


I've now tried 5 or 6 times to jump onto the moving arm and each time I get teleported back to the starting pipe. I've varied my jump angles but doesn't seem to matter - I can land on the arm and then get zapped straight back to the start point. Anyone come across this / have any ideas how to get past this?


Incidentally on another Corellia datacron - the one where you have to run around the side of the building on the edging the same thing happened twice too, although I solved that by staying on the very edge.

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Hi all


I'm referring to the one in the Labour Valley - Central Workforce Habitation - the one with the crane ride.


I've now tried 5 or 6 times to jump onto the moving arm and each time I get teleported back to the starting pipe. I've varied my jump angles but doesn't seem to matter - I can land on the arm and then get zapped straight back to the start point. Anyone come across this / have any ideas how to get past this?


Incidentally on another Corellia datacron - the one where you have to run around the side of the building on the edging the same thing happened twice too, although I solved that by staying on the very edge.


I did correlia datacrons just last night. No problems.


It's just you.

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This has been happening since day 1 and it's not the only place in the game where it happens.

It's not even the only place it can happen when going after this datacron.


Don't stand so close to the vertical part of the elevator.

The game gets confused about your location where the two models meet so it warps you back to the beginning.

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Ok, here's what worked for me on this datacron. Wait for the elevator to go all the way down, and instead of jumping for one of the small ledges, jump on top of the main bar above them. Then, when you're well-above the crate, jump down to it.


Tried everything to use the ledges and the hatred was strong in me. And then... there it was... lol.

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