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Solo player trying to get into ops.


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This is why the operations player base has dwindled to the point where Bioware deems it not worth the investment. Most people are insufferable jerks in operations, you even see these kind of attitudes in flashpoints sometimes.

They turned Fleet and the started planets into Operations? When did that happen?!?! You can change out operations in KevinQCowart's quote for any action in the game... Including standing around in fleet :)


I do hope the devs are paying attention to this thread, because they've already given us the solution. That last fight during SoR, they made a solo mode OP. If I'm trying to do ANYTHING in SM, the last thing I wanna do is spoil that story by watching a video. I STILL don't know how the Dread Masters storyline ends because I'm not gonna watch a video. I wanna be surprised. But if the only way to find out means I have to deal with the "spaaaacccebarrrr!", "your gear isn't uber augmented", "achievement credit report check" or "stop playing and go study how to play" attitudes and egos....then I'll never see it.

So there you go....devs give us more of the solo mode OP's. (At least the ones that are directly tied into other player stories like Makeb, Dreadmasters, etc.) I don't care about set bonuses in optimized gear...I'm doing fine in this combination of 216/220 I've accumulated while building my alliance. But I would like to know how the stories end.

Solo operation??? You are calling the Revan fight a solo Operation??? You can quite literally just watch it go by with zero actions on your part. That makes it an un-rendered cut scene at worst, a fight at best, not an operation.


Sadly, people in the game can be complete jerks, not all of them are. Not every group lead is a space bar junkie or demands achievements.

Lets not forget, you can always create the group yourself... Then you set the rules...

Edited by FlyingUsPoo
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So there you go....devs give us more of the solo mode OP's. (At least the ones that are directly tied into other player stories like Makeb, Dreadmasters, etc.)

Sadly, the devs seem to think otherwise:

For us, it is important that all of the our content, group content included, ties into the storyline of Fallen Empire and connects to your character’s story.

I also would like it if they had story for the story players, and separate operations for the operations players because it's clear that there are different player types who don't want to be forced to play something they don't like.

But BioWare only wants to develop operations that tie into the story, which means they will anger the story players, unless they develop a separate solo version. (which costs additional resources)

Edited by Jerba
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....Solo operation??? You are calling the Revan fight a solo Operation??? You can quite literally just watch it go by with zero actions on your part. That makes it an un-rendered cut scene at worst, a fight at best, not an operation.


Well....it gave me an option to form an OPs group or run it solo....So....yea.... I'd call it an OP. ;) And while you might enjoy standing around and letting everyone else fight, I actually participated. I had lots of fun running around like "I'll save you Lana!" with the epic music playing in the background. I didn't tell myself to spacebar not once. :D I died several times b4 I figured out the patterns, tactics, and stuff but it was fun. SoR is actually my favorite expansion to date (followed a close 2nd by KotFE) because of that final fight. :D


Sadly, people in the game can be complete jerks, not all of them are. Not every group lead is a space bar junkie or demands achievements.

Lets not forget, you can always create the group yourself... Then you set the rules...


You know I'm actually tempted to try this weekend just to see what kinda response I'd get. Lol I can see it now....


"OP's group forming for DP/DF. SM run, 1st timers welcome, not gonna spacebar anything, must have at minimum full 198 gear. Bring a light snack & a roll of tissue for all the wipes we'll likely have...this might take a while." :D

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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I do hope the devs are paying attention to this thread, because they've already given us the solution. That last fight during SoR, they made a solo mode OP. If I'm trying to do ANYTHING in SM, the last thing I wanna do is spoil that story by watching a video. I STILL don't know how the Dread Masters storyline ends because I'm not gonna watch a video. I wanna be surprised. But if the only way to find out means I have to deal with the "spaaaacccebarrrr!", "your gear isn't uber augmented", "achievement credit report check" or "stop playing and go study how to play" attitudes and egos....then I'll never see it.


So there you go....devs give us more of the solo mode OP's. (At least the ones that are directly tied into other player stories like Makeb, Dreadmasters, etc.) I don't care about set bonuses in optimized gear...I'm doing fine in this combination of 216/220 I've accumulated while building my alliance. But I would like to know how the stories end.


videos won't spoil it. there's not much in the cutscenes inside the ops, most of the story stuff is before and after them.

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Set bonuses are highly overrated in my personal opinion...


The real value of set bonus gear is the better stat distribution, not the bonus itself.


The drops from HM FP are sometimes better stat distribution than the crystal gear.


Well that is your opinion, although I disagree. What you are actually talking about is Min/Maxing your gear.


You pull the better enhancements for MK-2 off gear and put them in your Set gear. Also you want to replace any lettered mods or enhancements ASAP.

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This is true of any MMO which has an end game like this Your enjoyment of that end game will depend greatly upon the people you surround yourself with. So my advice is find a nice friendly guild to join. That's a little easier said than done but it's REALLY worth doing.
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Just did SnV via GF. Mentioned that it is my first time but I've watched video of all bosses. We went in and killed everything. I died only few times: fell through a hole (pay attention!) and when group wiped at Styrak few times.


Bridge Boss FTW!!!

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Just did SnV via GF. Mentioned that it is my first time but I've watched video of all bosses. We went in and killed everything. I died only few times: fell through a hole (pay attention!) and when group wiped at Styrak few times.


much better than jumping down because someone just gave away the information about the secret datacron.

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Another fun one is to park one of those big speedboat speeders on the edge of the gap, so folks new to the op don't see it and you can laugh as they plough forward and fall straight down the hole.


(The jokers in my guild often try that one. They didn't get me on my first run, though. Their giggling in TS tipped me off that they were up to something.)

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ToS SM is arguably the hardest SM option available. Before Kotfe, most pug groups required an Underlurker kill achievement because lesser players could easily cause that op to fall apart during that fight.


In other words, ToS is horrible for a first time OP - just a few weeks ago I joined a pug at commanders, and they hit enrage. To give perspective, the only fight easier than that is the first one against Mal.


My very first Op was a lvl 50 EC when I was level 60, so there wasn't a lot of handholding needed and everyone was really nice about it and the only reason I died once was in the minefield not understanding the mechanic of diffusing.


But for Ravs/ToS the biggest challenge was getting a group just to let me in without the achievement. Once I got them I basically ran them exclusively as they were the only ones with worthwhile gear at the time.


Now Post 4.0 a lot of folks aren't even taking the time to learn the character before jumping into operations. Most of the people doing SM ops are newer as there isnt a lot of motivation to run sm ops when HM EV/KP is probably about the same difficulty (if not actually easier) as Ravs/TOS SM and yet yields 220+.

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I do hope the devs are paying attention to this thread, because they've already given us the solution. That last fight during SoR, they made a solo mode OP. If I'm trying to do ANYTHING in SM, the last thing I wanna do is spoil that story by watching a video. I STILL don't know how the Dread Masters storyline ends because I'm not gonna watch a video. I wanna be surprised. But if the only way to find out means I have to deal with the "spaaaacccebarrrr!", "your gear isn't uber augmented", "achievement credit report check" or "stop playing and go study how to play" attitudes and egos....then I'll never see it.


So there you go....devs give us more of the solo mode OP's. (At least the ones that are directly tied into other player stories like Makeb, Dreadmasters, etc.) I don't care about set bonuses in optimized gear...I'm doing fine in this combination of 216/220 I've accumulated while building my alliance. But I would like to know how the stories end.


Newsflash buddy! You only know how it starts. You think Section X and Oricon is the Dread Master story arc? You're wrong. From EC to DP the operations are the story arc and the fights tell you the story. Not the 30 sec cutscenes where random boss tells you how you'll die. I'll asure you. One day when you'll do DF and DP you'll have one question. Where is Styrak? Than you'll realize that you missed the whole story arc.

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Red Eclipse


What side/character etc?


Knowing tactics/having achievements doesn't matter for SM, what really matters though is the willingness to listen i.e. pressing buttons, burning down specific targets etc.


Most SM bosses don't impose strict mechanics and can generally be carried through especially after 4.0 nerfs to certain mechanics. Only a few bosses require particular players to step up and save the group from a potential wipe i.e. EC minefield, the only other factor is DPS checks which are incredibly low in SM plus bolster gives you stats equivalent to full 216.

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Most comfortable way: use some of your easily-earned credits and pay for the ops run. SM ones, I think, shouldn't cost beyond 100 mil. Go through all the operations, enjoy the visuals, beat the bosses in one go, never do it again. :)
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I feel bad for you. Never ever question your personality based on ingame exp. You should be glad you are not trying to group for PvP 😊 This game mode is allways competative and ppl who want to win in any case get nervous and play. Too bad you are not on my server I also play solo for same reasons I would be glad to team up with you.


But I will try explain their reaction. Every raid or OP is harder with a pug group. If you dont know what to do you will wipe them and slow them down. Some bossess have complicated tactics that are hard to explain. And even if you know tactics you can make a mistake. You know that phase and mechanic but you have never seen it and you womt realise it until is too late. This is why they dont bother.


Dont let that bother you! Next time do some more reading and lie to them. Thew would not know if you are doung well that you are a newbie and wont look down on you. This is what I do because it is too hard to find a group willing to explain and introduce you to ops

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That is just his usual rant, dont bother. But if people think they are ever going to do solo operations, man you really do have a bitter pill to swallow.


Yea he's right. I've been saying the same things since before launch.... My usual rants generally include "I play for story" & "I play mostly solo". Don't worry....I'm the ONLY one who plays that way, and the devs would NEVER listen to a "solo story player".....oh wait... :rolleyes:;)


Newsflash buddy! You only know how it starts. You think Section X and Oricon is the Dread Master story arc? You're wrong. From EC to DP the operations are the story arc and the fights tell you the story. Not the 30 sec cutscenes where random boss tells you how you'll die. I'll asure you. One day when you'll do DF and DP you'll have one question. Where is Styrak? Than you'll realize that you missed the whole story arc.


Really? So y'all telling me the fights tell the story, but watching the fights won't spoil the story. :confused: ooooooooooo...k


It's all good tho... I really should thank you Vegas. Because if I gotta go thru more than DF/DP to see what happens (I don't even know what EC is..lol ), I'm not interested anymore. I'm not about to spend the little gaming time I have studying guides & trying to form groups for content I'm only slightly curious about. I'll just play one of my 30+ alts & ignore the Dreadmasters storyline from here on out. :cool:


OP....good luck bro!


*drops mic and bows out of thread

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Most comfortable way: use some of your easily-earned credits and pay for the ops run. SM ones, I think, shouldn't cost beyond 100 mil. Go through all the operations, enjoy the visuals, beat the bosses in one go, never do it again. :)


Do you mean 100 mil to go through all ops or just one because if it's the latter, that is insane. If I were feeling particularly lazy, had no skill to speak of and was inexplicably rich then maybe.


In fact no, this is something I would never do; that is allowing myself to be carried through while the rest of the team sit back and laugh at the sucker willing to pay them for the privilege of taking part in content meant for everyone.


Some people have messaged me or asked about my characters in the thread. I messaged you all back but for future, my main three characters (that I feel comfortable playing at high level) are:


Mahliya (infiltration shadow)

Zaffri (combat sentinel)

Kal'tsan (carnage marauder)


I also have a deception assassin almost at 65 that I'd be happy to play as well.


Send me an in-game mail as I sometimes miss whispers unless you spam me which I don't mind if you're trying to get my attention and I'm being ignorant :)

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Most comfortable way: use some of your easily-earned credits and pay for the ops run. SM ones, I think, shouldn't cost beyond 100 mil. Go through all the operations, enjoy the visuals, beat the bosses in one go, never do it again. :)

Paying for an Ops run is like paying for sex: both sound wholly dissatisfying and I would never do either one.

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Instead of queuing for a random group and hoping for the best, it will likely work better to hang out in fleet and look for LFM post in chat. That way they need you as much as you need them.


Especially if it's one of the simple old OPS, I'd bet most groups would take an inexperienced DPS, assuming they are minimally competent and willing to learn, vs sitting around for another 10 minutes spamming chat.

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It's all good tho... I really should thank you Vegas. Because if I gotta go thru more than DF/DP to see what happens (I don't even know what EC is..lol ), I'm not interested anymore. I'm not about to spend the little gaming time I have studying guides & trying to form groups for content I'm only slightly curious about. I'll just play one of my 30+ alts & ignore the Dreadmasters storyline from here on out. :cool:


OP....good luck bro!


*drops mic and bows out of thread


Man, don't be such a quitter. I've played through the entire Dread Masters story line and I've never read a damn guide in my life. Do you know what? Despite all this fear and confusion that seems to be hovering over Ops like a cloud, they are actually a lot of FUN! You don't need to swot up for them like they are school exams, Story Mode Ops are pretty easy on the beginner (except perhaps for the newest two). You just need to make friends with some folks who have done them, i.e. join a guild and socialize a little bit.


Paying for an Ops run is like paying for sex: both sound wholly dissatisfying and I would never do either one.


Blimey, we're through the looking glass here, people. For once I find myself in absolute agreement with Muffin.

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Man, don't be such a quitter. I've played through the entire Dread Masters story line and I've never read a damn guide in my life. Do you know what? Despite all this fear and confusion that seems to be hovering over Ops like a cloud, they are actually a lot of FUN! You don't need to swot up for them like they are school exams, Story Mode Ops are pretty easy on the beginner (except perhaps for the newest two). You just need to make friends with some folks who have done them, i.e. join a guild and socialize a little bit.


Bru.... Fyi....it's not fear, I just know "me". I don't like most people in general. I'm the first to admit that in person I'm a sarcastic, unapologetic, quick tempered, a-hole. My mentality is gorilla. And that's on a good day. I can count my "friends" on one hand and still have fingers left.


And I'm actually a guild master


"Imperial Order 66" - a guild for solo players who just want the xp bonus. Help others if you like, but we mostly leave each other alone. ;)

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Oh well, fair enough, I suppose.


Just didn't want you miss out, that's all. For quite a long time I didn't do Ops, as I didn't really have any friends in the game, and I didn't want to be "that guy" in a PUG. I too felt that a part of the game that you had to study up for, and watch videos of other people doing before you could experience it yourself just wasn't worth the trouble. But once I found the right guild and got into the swing of things, I discovered the part of the game that has truly given me my favourite moments, and the most fun I've had in SWTOR.


I hate to see other folks who are in the same position I was in, with my nose pressed against the glass, looking in but not invited to the party and missing out on all the fun. Been hanging around with the same mob for close to three years now. I think without all the fun times we've had in Ops I would have walked away from the game by now.

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