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Ctrl'z - Pure Starfighter - Levelling up without every running a mission


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Oh, I can dig this big time. Given I'm new, it's all just theory to me really, but here's a build I am going to aim for (posted here for my own reference as much as anything):


Blackbolt - Ctrl'z


It will be a long time before I've got that ship there, though. And I'm on my way to bed, so this is probably flawed. Whee!

Edited by TalonGrayson
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Oh, I can dig this big time. Given I'm new, it's all just theory to me really, but here's a build I am going to aim for (posted here for my own reference as much as anything):


Blackbolt - Ctrl'z


It will be a long time before I've got that ship there, though. And I'm on my way to bed, so this is probably flawed. Whee!


Read this. I wrote it.. it is still mostly true but I underplayed some components.


Laser Cannons are much better than Light Laser Cannons. LLC are only good at DPS in very close range on centered targets... LC cover a much higher range for a similar cone with a decent DPS and a better effective DPS at 4km.

Shield to Engine is VERY VERY VERY hard to use effectively. it can make your Blackbolt a mobility and offensive monster, but you lose all your defense. A moderate build will trade mobility or offense for defense.

Power Dive is the best engine on a Blackbolt by far.

Anything except Rocket Pods is trolly. It doesn't have the high damage, no tracking penality weapon needed to make Sabo probe effective, and Thermite is rather underwhelming.

Running EMP Field is fun when you stack Suppression, Disto and EMP on a target.. you have like 98% evasion for 6s. It's still hardly worth it. The engine/shield and system suppression isn't worth it at all. Booster Recharge is a decent choice for mobility. Targeting Telemetry is god send.

Crew wise, Suppression is amazing in 1vs1 and is good when you have another evasion CD. If you run StE, you're better with RI. If you run without TT, you're better with Wingman so you have at least a buffed accuracy.

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That's some appreciated advice right there, Ryuku-sama.


For now, it's less about build and more about: a) accumulation of req, b) accumulation of XP and of course c) accumulation of experience. But this sort of information is a useful insight for sure.

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but it should be of great use to you, if gaining requisition is a large concern.


In Domination matches, you earn as much requisition for being part of a single offensive satellite capture as you would for roughly 18-20 kills+assists. Even if you never fire a shot, by virtue of you participating in capturing satellites (flying close enough to influence their ownership) you will be earning a solid amount of requisition and helping your team. Make a point of it to watch Ops chat before the match to see if someone calls out 'go for A and B' or something similar. Hit F3 when you spawn to get max Engine Power, hold down the spacebar to boost, and head for whichever of A or C your team is going for. Be sure you're flying near the satellite while it is in the process of being captured.


For the rest of the game, make a point of it to get yourself in range of any satellite that is grey or red and blinking. Those are either neutral or under attack by your allies who are trying to capture them. Until you get better at aiming and landing shots, being around the satellites will consistently earn you requisition.


Defensive flying around a friendly satellite that is under attack (green and blinking) will also earn you requisition, even if you aren't landing shots. Just being in the vicinity helps your team retain control of the satellite, and gets you req. Not nearly as much as offensive satellite captures, but it is still a valuable act and very important to your team. Learn to stay alive while a satellite is under pressure by weaving around its structure and avoiding enemy fire. Scouts are slippery and good at this.


In TDM, do not focus on kills. Try to do at least a little damage to any target within weapons range, so that you will get an Assist on the eventual kill. Don't focus on taking down any one pilot. TAB for whoever is closest, land some shots on them, and move on. Stay alive, use cover, but land a lot of Assists and you'll earn req. Assists are worth exactly the same as Kills. If you see an enemy with very low health that is in range of you, focus on that one but don't chase. Eventually as you get better, you'll sense opportunity to blow people up... but for now, tag them and move on.


You'll earn requisition to improve your ships and hangar by focusing on those tactics.



Edited by caederon
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Maybe I'm doing something wrong...


In Domination I found quite early on that capturing and defending is far more lucrative than dogfighting, so that is my primary focus. I am using other toons to practice doing this with various ships.


However, in Team Deathmatch, I flew around tagging folk left and right, hoping for numerous assists. I tried to get as many shots on each target as possible before breaking off, taking cover, evading retaliation and repeating the process. It is possible that I was tagging pilots who didn't die during the whole match, but I was also wondering whether there is a minimum damage you need to do before tagging is considered assisting.


I haven't had a lot if time to focus on Ctrl'z yet. I think he is sitting at level 7 or so. I will post a full update at level 10. In fact, I plan to post an update at 10, 20, 30 and even 5 levels thereafter.



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If the target fighter dies somewhere then any hit you made, even if it barely dented the shield, will count as an assist.


Whether they die by another pilots weapon or Power Dive into an asteroid you'll get assist credit.

If they never die, you get nothing. (I don't expect the weapon hit percentage rewards any reqs.)

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