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training dummy decos


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ok, this needs to happen. not only would it look cool as hell to have warzone and operation training dummies in your stronghold but it would also be nice to parse your AOEs. especially when it comes to spreading DOTs across multiple targets. you guys are pretty good at responding to feedback. if you could make this a thing either in a pack or in the cartel market itself that would be awesome!
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They have done some work on making these, but have had technical problems making them work correctly, I guess how it relates to the being movable unlike the ships ones. Haven't heard anything new in a while, hopefully they haven't given up.



That doesn't make any sense. Companions are killable in duels and are hostile, the stronghold decos, and you can move them around, etc. In theory, they should work alright.

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there are countless RP (or just training) scenarios where these could be used...hell,it might be the most usefull and popular deco out there,i am the co lead in a sith guild and the main decorator...i am good at what i do..i made a training room using the skytrooper torsos as "training dummies" ,since they are used on odessan aswell + makes sense due to the wars


though a functional one would trully bring life into the room and make more training scenarios avaliable

Edited by Gguyrules
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