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Who do you think is the richest of all the playable heroes.


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Cipher Nine if



they keep the Star Cabal's Black Box. All the information/dirt on it makes it where Cipher can/heavily implies they will blackmails everyone to fund his/her endeavors.


Well the ones who they can blackmail if they try to blackmail the BH they will fail because well he is the most wanted criminal in the galaxy and really he does not care he knows there is no one who can capture and kill him and if they try well they already know the danger.


If he tries to blackmail the smuggler the same thing he does not care and has immunity from prosecution all of them by being to important and valuable for anyone to pursue him for the crimes he committed. Or to big of a danger to worth the pursuing.


You can blackmail the trooper but he killed a senator in senate hall with other senators as witness in a trial for him and he got away without issue. He is to valuable. There is no leverage over him nobody is gonna do anything he is again to valuable.


The JK on the other hand could be blackmailed after all they where brainwashed and who knows what evil deeds they did. If the the galaxy's greatest hero did horrible things it will not be good for him.


The others lets be fair 2 of them do not give a **** and its not like they hide the horrible things they do and the other one is a saint.


So why did I say this well if you can not blackmail them how do you stop someone to hire any of them to hunt you down? Lets say you blackmail the supreme chancellor how do you stop her from sending the trooper to eliminate you? You can not stop him from hunting you that means you have to choose you blackmail targets carefully.


So none of the dark council, none on the high council no supreme chancellor and no Mandalore. So you have to limit yourself to big corporation leaders and senators. You can get a good sum of money but the real ones the ones the dark council and Mandalore has with all the tribute he gets.


The sad part is the BH is doing everything for money and he will never reach the sum Chipher 9 and the smuggler reach. For them it is a secondary objective and they became richer.

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If he tries to blackmail the smuggler the same thing he does not care and has immunity from prosecution all of them by being to important and valuable for anyone to pursue him for the crimes he committed. Or to big of a danger to worth the pursuing.


No one has immunity from prosecution from the faction's leaders. Hell, the Bounty Hunter was instantly abandoned when he was framed for war crimes. You become less of an asset when you start making trouble for the people you work for, if the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter killed a Senetor in front of the senate without a good reason, they would be jailed.

The trooper gt away with it because he had evidence to back up why he did it. The senator was a traitor.

Edited by Codedrago
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No one has immunity from prosecution from the faction's leaders. Hell, the Bounty Hunter was instantly abandoned when he was framed for war crimes. You become less of an asset when you start making trouble for the people you work for, if the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter killed a Senetor in front of the senate without a good reason, they would be jailed.

The trooper gt away with it because he had evidence to back up why he did it. The senator was a traitor.


No he did not even shown the evidence he killed him and he was let go because the people in that room where afraid will be also killed.

The BH killed the supreme chancellor of the republic I do not see him jailed for that. I do not see strike team after strike team after him.

The Smuggler is a criminal that breaks the law who knows how much and yet nobody seems to give a crap to capture him.

You must understand the losses will be way bigger then the reward you try to capture the BH well you will lose thousands and still fail lets not talk about the public opinion turning against you because you can not capture a single person. Or your fellow senators or there is gonna be lower opinion on the military and the public will think their weak. Its just not worth it.

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No he did not even shown the evidence he killed him and he was let go because the people in that room where afraid will be also killed.

The BH killed the supreme chancellor of the republic I do not see him jailed for that. I do not see strike team after strike team after him.

The Smuggler is a criminal that breaks the law who knows how much and yet nobody seems to give a crap to capture him.

You must understand the losses will be way bigger then the reward you try to capture the BH well you will lose thousands and still fail lets not talk about the public opinion turning against you because you can not capture a single person. Or your fellow senators or there is gonna be lower opinion on the military and the public will think their weak. Its just not worth it.


No, they chew you out after you tell him Zian was a traitor and leave Garza to deal with you.

The BH at the time is working for Tormen, he's not making trouble for his employer, he's doing his employer's bidding. Plus the republic donot know that the BH was the cause of the Chancellor's death.

The smuggler has barley any evidence against him, especially since most of the NPC's that try to put him away are corrupt and greedy, like the officer on Taris.

You severely underestimate both the Republic and Empire while overestimating the PC.

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No, they chew you out after you tell him Zian was a traitor and leave Garza to deal with you.

The BH at the time is working for Tormen, he's not making trouble for his employer, he's doing his employer's bidding. Plus the republic donot know that the BH was the cause of the Chancellor's death.

The smuggler has barley any evidence against him, especially since most of the NPC's that try to put him away are corrupt and greedy, like the officer on Taris.

You severely underestimate both the Republic and Empire while overestimating the PC.


Big deal you killed a senator in a senate hearing and they should believe you when you tell them he is a traitor they where afraid what is so hard to believe.

So the supreme chancellor is dead and with hundreds of soldiers also dead on that ship and with a entire ship ruled by a Darth of some power who knows who killed him they do not kill him. What about the councilors when the Republic recovered Corelia could they have not told them who killed the previous chancellor? Really it was not at all a clean job what is so hard to find out who the guilty one was?

Yeah the smuggler has barely and evidence against him the problem is does the Republic really does not know about his criminal activities or they just do not care?

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Big deal you killed a senator in a senate hearing and they should believe you when you tell them he is a traitor they where afraid what is so hard to believe.

So the supreme chancellor is dead and with hundreds of soldiers also dead on that ship and with a entire ship ruled by a Darth of some power who knows who killed him they do not kill him. What about the councilors when the Republic recovered Corelia could they have not told them who killed the previous chancellor? Really it was not at all a clean job what is so hard to find out who the guilty one was?

Yeah the smuggler has barely and evidence against him the problem is does the Republic really does not know about his criminal activities or they just do not care?


You are the leader of Havoc Squad, while shocking they do have reason to beleive you wouldn't act rash if you didn't have to. And they got evidence from Garza afterwards.

The Supreme chancellor is dead, his ship under attack by Tormen and has just deleted all data on his attacker so that the BH can get away scott free no matter what he decides to do.

Saresh is corrupt and the only real thing they could pin him for is minor offences that could be justified. Especially since Saresh is the 'As long as it hurts the Empire, it's okay' kind of person. For her, what you did didn't harm the republic, so she is okay with it.


If any of these characters attempted to kill the high political figures in their factions without justification and with many knowing about it, they would be hunted down by their respective faction. This is especially made clear for the Sith Warrior by Darth Marr

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You are the leader of Havoc Squad, while shocking they do have reason to beleive you wouldn't act rash if you didn't have to. And they got evidence from Garza afterwards.

The Supreme chancellor is dead, his ship under attack by Tormen and has just deleted all data on his attacker so that the BH can get away scott free no matter what he decides to do.

Saresh is corrupt and the only real thing they could pin him for is minor offences that could be justified. Especially since Saresh is the 'As long as it hurts the Empire, it's okay' kind of person. For her, what you did didn't harm the republic, so she is okay with it.


If any of these characters attempted to kill the high political figures in their factions without justification and with many knowing about it, they would be hunted down by their respective faction. This is especially made clear for the Sith Warrior by Darth Marr

Yes but he was a senator why is the word of leader of the Havoc Squad stronger then that of a senator?

You do not get it there where events that connected us with the murder of the chancellor. Also does it not seem strange that the most wanted BH in the galaxy has his bounty taken of at the same time the chancellor is dead? Their not stupid they can complete the puzzle the CIS is quite good actually. They just did not want to lose more that is all.

Yes Saresh is Saresh but I made my point as long as you are valuable things get forgotten.

Okay what did Darth Marr said to the Sith Warrior and what was his answer. I can not believe I missed that.


Well smuggler or IA I wonder who is richer they both are stinky rich of course.

Edited by adormitul
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Yes but he was a senator why is the word of leader of the Havoc Squad stronger then that of a senator?

You do not get it there where events that connected us with the murder of the chancellor. Also does it not seem strange that the most wanted BH in the galaxy has his bounty taken of at the same time the chancellor is dead? Their not stupid they can complete the puzzle the CIS is quite good actually. They just did not want to lose more that is all.

Yes Saresh is Saresh but I made my point as long as you are valuable things get forgotten.

Okay what did Darth Marr said to the Sith Warrior and what was his answer. I can not believe I missed that.


Well smuggler or IA I wonder who is richer they both are stinky rich of course.


Because the PC (As we learn in SOR) is known for killing traitors.


Yes, it is strange. But the Chancellor removed all concrete evidence against you and told the republic of what Jun had done.


Satele Shan is valuable, but if she started slaughtering the republic's leaders, she would be hunted down by the law.


He tells the Warrior that while he may be serving the Emperor, the Council will not hesitate to punish him if he steps out of line. The Warrior simply walks out.

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Lets put it this way the HOT killed the emperor or they advertised they killed him why is he not hunted by best? Because there is a powerful faction between them and the HOT.

In case of BH its mandalore and the empire they can not even they know get to him so easy not without serious loses that they will not take because they do not care.

When the previous chancellor was killed by a certain Darth was he hunted to the ends of the galaxy no because it was not worth it.

When IA killed killed a dark council member did they killed the IA no they brainwashed him/her no you know why because because him/she was worth more alive. They considered it but you know what they chose.

The point is simple as long as you have more value then the ones you kill they close their eyes.

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Lets put it this way the HOT killed the emperor or they advertised they killed him why is he not hunted by best? Because there is a powerful faction between them and the HOT.

In case of BH its mandalore and the empire they can not even they know get to him so easy not without serious loses that they will not take because they do not care.

When the previous chancellor was killed by a certain Darth was he hunted to the ends of the galaxy no because it was not worth it.

When IA killed killed a dark council member did they killed the IA no they brainwashed him/her no you know why because because him/she was worth more alive. They considered it but you know what they chose.

The point is simple as long as you have more value then the ones you kill they close their eyes.


The Empire already tries to Kill the HOT, this is just another reason they do so, same for Tormen. Plus my point was that their OWN factions would punish them for hurting THEIR OWN faction, the opposite faction is already trying to kill them.


I do not even know what the hell you're saying in the second sentence. The BH is mandalore?


And the IA killed a Dark Council member under justifiable circumstances, which the Minister was able to use to persuade them to not kill the IA like they originally planned.


If any of the PC's went on a rampage and started killing the leaders of their factions and everyone knows about it, they would not be ignored.

Edited by Codedrago
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