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Why the harassment and toxic playerbase?


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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


It is totally unacceptable, but it is a fact of MMOs. Those types of players have always existed and always will. So what can you do to mitigate the toxicity? Use /ignore. When enough other players ignore the offending player for their offensive behavior they will no longer be able to group.


And there is a system already in place for extreme harassment. You just need PROOF like screenshots of chat.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.



I'm sorry. That is not possible. I have been told repeatedly that it is the PvP players that make this game horrible and that are abusive. Your claim of abuse based on PvE must be mistaken. Are you sure you weren't in a VoidStar or Novarre Coast WZ?


P.S. But, yeah, they aren't good at policing their game which is surprising considering how much time and effort Disney puts into protecting its IP and the experience around their IP. I would expect them to pressure EA/Bioware on this a bit.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.

why are you looking for mommy and daddy to protect you from other people? too late after you ignore them? what does that mean...some stranger that you'll never meet on the internet dresses as a space wizard calls you a name and this affects you somehow?


the game offers many tools to censor and ignore players if you choose. they are only words and if you hate free speech and other people's words so much, perhaps you'd be better off with any of a number of singleplayer games.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


How about you get a thicker skin? You might not be suited for the Internet if your feelings are hurt by some random guy on the internt.

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Well, the funny thing is it makes you wonder why these types of players are in pugs. Is it because no guilds wanted them or kicked them out? Then it makes one wonder if the good players won't do the pugs because of this which just makes these types of groups filled with only the toxic players. The result is a vicious cycle.


I don't do operations and rarely flashpoints. I'm not in a guild because the few I've joined had too much of this cancer in them. And yet a lot of the voices in game and here in the forums are angry SWTOR is becoming a solo player's mmo. Fine by me.

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Ah, the source for the thread.
to quote a very smart man, saying you're offended is nothing more than a whine.

Growing up, I was taught that words are just words and to consider the source of them. Apparently now everyone is given a participation trophy and coddled to the point where some video game strangers can actually type words that affect them.


i absolutely agree the OP should grow a thicker skin. you're not the snowflake your parents told you you were. the world is hard and the internet is even more harsh. words from strangers should be disregarded and coming here to complain about it is simply whining.

Edited by Pagy
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Interesting replies, all with the same bottom line:


"Too bad, but what you gonna do? *shrugs* "


I guess its just me who thinks its an issue.


It's just honestly something that is common on the Internet in general. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that random player XYZ raged.


I mean hell a few months ago some kid started randomly pm'ing me this random crap with the most generic insults that were so overused, that it was funny. What did I do? I turned the tables on them, and they literally had a breakdown from quite honestly, me pretty much saying, "You're bored, aren't you? :p ." I then got about 10 "SHUT UP!" from the kid, and then they added me to their ignore, and I continued to browse the GTN like I was during the whole incident, and laughed.


The thing to take from this, OP: Is that you do need to get a little less sensitive. You made a cry / whine thread on the forums to complain. It says a lot about you. Just being honest.

Edited by Eillack
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Interesting replies, all with the same bottom line:


"Too bad, but what you gonna do? *shrugs* "


I guess its just me who thinks its an issue.


I guess I wasn't clear in agreeing with you. It is an issue. It's been an issue. But not just in this game. However, what are you gonna do? Well, what can you do? It's up to the companies to come up with a way to stop this. Maybe when you enter all group stuff, chat turns off and you only have certain communication buttons available. But many will say they don't want this either. You can report them, or ignore them, but what else can be done when you have open chat?

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So, is it good, or should we do something about it?


If it's offensive, report it. Other than that, do what the rest of us do, put them in ignore. You'll never be able to stop them from saying it first. Hell, Bioware/EA wouldn't be able to stop them from saying it before it's said. They're not psychics. All you can do in this case is be reactionary.

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You should do something about it.

The only thing you can do to stop ever seeing unkind messages on the internet is to NOT use the internet.

So you should do something about it right now by turning off your pc, and reading a book about self esteem and how things people say mean nothing and should not affect you.

When someone says something offensive to me i do nothing. Nothing.

Because i dont care. :)


You cant control others. You can control yourself.

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to quote a very smart man, saying you're offended is nothing more than a whine.

Growing up, I was taught that words are just words and to consider the source of them. Apparently now everyone is given a participation trophy and coddled to the point where some video game strangers can actually type words that affect them.


i absolutely agree the OP should grow a thicker skin. you're not the snowflake your parents told you you were. the world is hard and the internet is even more harsh. words from strangers should be disregarded and coming here to complain about it is simply whining.


What you've written here does have merit, I believe. They are just words. Yet sometimes that's the only way we can communicate. Shouldn't we all try to be nice to one another? Is that so bad? And if your skin is so thick why did you have to reply to what I said? Shouldn't a true "Thick Skin" just ignore what I said too? In other words, aren't you guilty of the same thing then? Can't I tell you to grow a thicker skin?


Try to reply to this without being offensive. Give it a shot. You might find a new challenge. :) Don't accuse me or the op of being a snowflake or thin skinned. He's not new to the Internet. Neither am I. I was never treated or told I was a snowflake. Should we wonder if you were beaten as a child? 10 bucks you won't like that comment, but isn't it the same assumption you made? :)

Edited by Zerileth
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And there is a system already in place for extreme harassment. You just need PROOF like screenshots of chat.


No there aren't. What game are you talking about? There is a group of players who contineously harass me, name an shame me on chat, insult and abuse me, take advantage of multiple alts to get through /ignore. It's been going for months, i have screenshots, there are logs of them not only abusing me verbally but harassing and intentionally throwing rated pvp games. bioware cs doesn't care.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Oh, and for the record, im old enough to be the parent of most players here, and if faced with any of them in rl, id happily grab them by the ear and listened to their screaming apologies :-)


Then that incident really shouldn't have affected you at all... :confused:


Not sure what to tell you.

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What you've wrote here does have merit, I believe. They are just words. Yet sometimes that's the only way we can communicate. Shouldn't we all try to be nice to one another? Is that so bad? And if your skin is so thick why did you have to reply to what I said? Shouldn't a true "Thick Skin" just ignore what I said too? In other words, aren't you guilty of the same thing then? Can't I tell you to grow a thicker skin?


Acknowledgement is not the same as being offended.

We could be nice, sure, but some people have a shorter fuse than others and that tenth wipe might just be what sets them off.


As for the second part of the post, how is passive-aggression any better?

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What you've written here does have merit, I believe. They are just words. Yet sometimes that's the only way we can communicate. Shouldn't we all try to be nice to one another? Is that so bad?
i try not to dictate what people ought to say. i think such a philosophy is disastrous and unjust. i believe in free speech.

And if your skin is so thick why did you have to reply to what I said? Shouldn't a true "Thick Skin" just ignore what I said too? In other words, aren't you guilty of the same thing then? Can't I tell you to grow a thicker skin?
i'm having a discussion on a discussion forum. am i here stating that the OP shouldnt have the right to speak? no.

Try to reply to this with out being offensive. Give it a shot. You might find a new challenge. :) Don't accuse me or the op of being a snowflake or thin skinned. He's not new to the Internet. Neither am I. I was never treated or told I was a snowflake. Should we wonder if you were beaten as a child? 10 bucks you won't like that comment, but isn't it the same assumption you made? :)
what does "offensive" even mean?

Why am i obligated to try to dissect and infer what every individual that reads words on the internet may or may not be offended by? furthermore, why should i care? being offended by something doesnt entitle you to anything. if you choose to be bothered by something, go ahead. not sure why i need to change anything.

Edited by Pagy
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