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Returning Companions


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That's exactly how I'd want to reunite with my favorite pirate. Can't wait to get him back.


Yep. My Sorcerer is already at 65 and only just reached Makeb. No real reason to take her through KOTFE until we get word on his recruitment chapter. Only upside is I can see how the first season plays out before he shows up. But come on Bioware, where's our favorite pirate?

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I am thinking about chapter 15.


I am thinking about Mako and Andronikos. Mako are quite good with slicing technology with the Gemini frequency.

Andronikos are the pirate and a pilot.


From the Heroes trailer that I saw a ship in rolling in a asteroid field. Maybe it is Mako and Andronikos and I hope so.


I believe that these two are going to work together like Vette and Gault.


I think that we will see more double and single companions in season 2.

I believe that Kira Carsen and Lt Iresso Felix are going to return in chapter 16 Master of the Force or chapter 1 as season 2.

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I am thinking about chapter 15.


I am thinking about Mako and Andronikos. Mako are quite good with slicing technology with the Gemini frequency.

Andronikos are the pirate and a pilot.


From the Heroes trailer that I saw a ship in rolling in a asteroid field. Maybe it is Mako and Andronikos and I hope so.


I believe that these two are going to work together like Vette and Gault.


I think that we will see more double and single companions in season 2.

I believe that Kira Carsen and Lt Iresso Felix are going to return in chapter 16 Master of the Force or chapter 1 as season 2.


Heroes trailer? Where can I find that at? You may be right though. Andronikos does have a history with asteroid fields. :rolleyes:

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That looks like the default shuttle that the Outlander has been using.


It could be. Taking a second look, it might be Koth in the pilot seat. Can't imagine him not showing up in chapter 15 or 16 despite different choices made earlier in the story.

Edited by h_weber
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  • 3 weeks later...

So given where the chapters are going I don't think we'll be getting any more followers until next season. Mind you, I DO think we'll have Alliance Alerts, but I don't think we'll have any Main Characters show up for the last two chapters.


I also have to ask if everyone else noticed that Koth wasn't there at the end of the chapter if you still had him? I'm curious because the way the scene was framed made it look like he was supposed to be there.

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So given where the chapters are going I don't think we'll be getting any more followers until next season. Mind you, I DO think we'll have Alliance Alerts, but I don't think we'll have any Main Characters show up for the last two chapters.


I also have to ask if everyone else noticed that Koth wasn't there at the end of the chapter if you still had him? I'm curious because the way the scene was framed made it look like he was supposed to be there.


In the beginning of the chapter I think Lana mentions that most of the key members are on important missions already before you set off to recruit the Mandos. One example is the that Theron is on holo instead of in the War Room like usual.

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In the beginning of the chapter I think Lana mentions that most of the key members are on important missions already before you set off to recruit the Mandos. One example is the that Theron is on holo instead of in the War Room like usual.


That's what I suspected. I was only thrown off because Theron shows up at the end.

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In the beginning of the chapter I think Lana mentions that most of the key members are on important missions already before you set off to recruit the Mandos. One example is the that Theron is on holo instead of in the War Room like usual.

I laughed at Theron's comment "Except the ones that are dead"...if you killed Aric or Kaliyo

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's interesting that Lana approves of you killing one of them, but looks shocked when you do.


I think she's less shocked that you did it and more shocked at how ruthless it was/sudden.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The recent live stream gives little hope in even if we're getting these guys back at all; especially in the next release.


At this point I wouldn't mind them just having LIs intermittently show up in a resistance group or during a raid on the Eternal Empire along side another sidelined companion, like Vette and Gault did. Personally that was one of my favorite chapters. They handled the companions reunions very well and still stayed focused on the main story.

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The recent live stream gives little hope in even if we're getting these guys back at all; especially in the next release.


At this point I wouldn't mind them just having LIs intermittently show up in a resistance group or during a raid on the Eternal Empire along side another sidelined companion, like Vette and Gault did. Personally that was one of my favorite chapters. They handled the companions reunions very well and still stayed focused on the main story.


I really think since the battle of Odessen happened, we're going to see a bunch of companions we haven't seen yet come back in like Dorne(tell me she wouldn't leap at the chance for reconciliation between the Empire and Republic forces?), Mako would likely return, Jaesa, Ashara, Kira. I mean list goes on once Odessen goes down that with Republic and Imperial forces flooding into Odessen that they wouldn't come running.


But I am sure they will stick to the story.

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I really think since the battle of Odessen happened, we're going to see a bunch of companions we haven't seen yet come back in like Dorne(tell me she wouldn't leap at the chance for reconciliation between the Empire and Republic forces?), Mako would likely return, Jaesa, Ashara, Kira. I mean list goes on once Odessen goes down that with Republic and Imperial forces flooding into Odessen that they wouldn't come running.


But I am sure they will stick to the story.


Not according to this:





Here's what Charles Boyd said in the livestream, courtesy of someone else on Tumblr:


tl:dr: Don't hold your breath (in a ramble even less clear than the blathering about Operations)


Charles Boyd: “Well, I’ve definitely seen a few saying, "will I get all of them back?”, and that is impossible. There’s definitely still a lot left, and that’s on us; so I know that and it’s something that pains me literally everyday because I really want to get those companions back. I can kinda talk about this for twenty minutes straight, cos it’s something that’s really important to me, it’s a key part of the story; balancing, moving the storyline forward, feeling like you’re seeing your decisions pay off quickly, that you’re seeing results, that we’re tying off story points like: what’s the deal with Arcann, what’s the deal with Valkorion, where’s this stuff with Zakuul going - balanced with getting characters back, introducing them to people who don’t know them, reminding you of them if you hadn’t seen them in a few years, and that sort of thing.


It’s a really tough thing to balance out, and I feel like we probably didn’t quite get that balance right, at least not as best as I would have liked it last year - so we wanted to focus this year’s storyline on moving the story forward, giving pay offs, giving resolution to a lot of the things that people were really wanting to see that we felt like were stretched out a little too much last year.


So that’s really the focus of the Chapters. Now: does that mean we’ll never get any of those companions back - absolutely not, I have said many times, and dug myself deep into a hole that I will probably be murdered over it at some point - it is my intention that you will get every companion back eventually as part of the story. Because to me, that is critical, they are awesome characters, they deserve storyline reintroductions that are appropriate to them, that really give you the feeling that you miss and give you the pay off that you want getting those characters back. I wanna really do them justice. But of course there’s quite a few of them left, that’s going to take some serious time to do. We’re going to do our best as time proceeds, we’ll figure out what the best way to do that is, and we’ll keep you all posted as we go.“



Might want to listen to

starting at 42.18 where they talk about the reasons they are not bringing the companions back in the new expansion.
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So if we ever needed more proof that the devs and writers of this game are compleatly incompetent then here it is, did they initially promis us that we would get our companions back? yes, are we going to? No, and why because they couldent figure out a way in their messed up story to make it so. Here is an idea, why the **** did you take them away then?
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