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It seems like Quinn is much more popular than he used to be. (I think I remember me, and like, one other person swooning over him and that was pretty much it, heh.) This is good, this is very good. I used to worry BW would think we all wanted to shove him out the airlock. Clearly that just isn't the case. :D


Definitely not! I am such a Quinn fangirl that my IRL BF gets jealous.


Quinn is a fantastic character, the fact that he is so polarizing is just a case in point.


It's also interesting to note... now that they have the LI's synced with the story rather than influence level, he and SW don't marry until after Corellia, which makes much more sense story-wise. That way there's no wife betrayal, which really didn't make sense for Quinn's character anyway.


(There is also a little dialogue with Pierce if you have LS Jaesa that I never saw before the story pacing change.)

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So far I haven't been able to kill/get rid of any companions. I guess I'm too attached to my companions.



The option to kill or banish Aric or Kaliyo is impossible for me. I don't like Kaliyo, but the thought of killing her... can't do it. And the thought of doing it to Aric is out of the question completely. I love him too much to banish him or kill him. I don't think I could even watch the video for it.


Kaliyo is a liability. I have no problems with Kaliyo being out of the picture on any of my KOTFE class run throughs, although I probably will keep her around on one or two just for story variety. Aric on the other hand is more useful alive than dead even for DS characters.



I've seen the cut scene for Aric's death. That was pretty well done. Can't see any of my characters killing him after that....


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It's also interesting to note... now that they have the LI's synced with the story rather than influence level, he and SW don't marry until after Corellia, which makes much more sense story-wise. That way there's no wife betrayal, which really didn't make sense for Quinn's character anyway.


YES exactly. First time I did the story was years ago, and there's just something uniquely upsetting about marrying the guy, and him trying to kill you, and then getting letters about babies from him. It works out much better now.


(And btw, I could swear my husband extra-hates Quinn just because I like him so much. He never misses an opportunity to Quinn-bash. :D)

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At this point, I would just be happy if they would start giving back some of the original LI's for male characters. Here we are in ch13, and aside from Lana and the new gay romances with Koth and Theran, Vette and Kaylio are the only two LI's for male characters that have returned.


On a side note, I will say now that my smuggler has Vette as an alliance companion, I look forward to seeing what happens when his wife Risha finds her way back and see's her childhood friend Vette, (who she believed had been dead for years), is actually alive and well.

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YES exactly. First time I did the story was years ago, and there's just something uniquely upsetting about marrying the guy, and him trying to kill you, and then getting letters about babies from him. It works out much better now.


(And btw, I could swear my husband extra-hates Quinn just because I like him so much. He never misses an opportunity to Quinn-bash. :D)

Most of the guys in my guild seem to hate Quinn, most of us girls love him.

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Most of the guys in my guild seem to hate Quinn, most of us girls love him.

Most people that hate Quinn do so for good reason. Storywise, even if you are a ls sith, it makes no sense to keep someone near you that didn't just betray you, but actively tried to kill you.

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Most people that hate Quinn do so for good reason. Storywise, even if you are a ls sith, it makes no sense to keep someone near you that didn't just betray you, but actively tried to kill you.

And immediately started to try to make amends for his action.

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Most people that hate Quinn do so for good reason. Storywise, even if you are a ls sith, it makes no sense to keep someone near you that didn't just betray you, but actively tried to kill you.


He's the Starscream to our Megatron

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And immediately started to try to make amends for his action.


I understood why he betrayed my sith but that doesn't mean I would romance him or even accept him back on my ship. One of my pet peeves is when someone betrays/lies to me. He did this and for that the very least that I should have been able to do is throw him off my ship.


When you romance him and he does this that makes it's worse. He is lying to you while sleeping with you. Sorry that again should have him thrown off my ship at the very least.

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And immediately started to try to make amends for his action.


Well, you are entitled to your opinion. As for me, his "immediately starts to make amends" would be considered a ruse just to buy time to try again. He wouldn't be given the chance because if I couldn't kill him outright, he would at the very least be thrown off my ship so I don't have to worry about sleeping with one eye open waiting for his next attempt.

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Meh, my femwarrior doesn't deserve to be alone the rest of her life just because of an ill-conceived story element. We don't get two romance options like the male warrior gets, neither of which betray you. So.. nyah
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Meh, my femwarrior doesn't deserve to be alone the rest of her life just because of an ill-conceived story element. We don't get two romance options like the male warrior gets, neither of which betray you. So.. nyah

Yes you do. Lt. Pierce

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Yes you do. Sgt. Pierce


Maybe you should play the femwarrior and see what that "romance" is about. Two flirts, a lay, and that's it.


Nope. My warrior deserves a mate, and people who play femwarriors don't deserve a lesser story experience just because our option is questionable. Why not just let us enjoy what we got? Quinn's romance, by itself, is pretty f'ing sublime.

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Maybe you should play the femwarrior and see what that "romance" is about. Two flirts, a lay, and that's it.


Nope. My warrior deserves a mate, and people who play femwarriors don't deserve a lesser story experience just because our option is questionable. Why not just let us enjoy what we got? Quinn's romance, by itself, is pretty f'ing sublime.


If by "sublime" you mean "office sexual harassment" then yes.

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If by "sublime" you mean "office sexual harassment" then yes.


You can play it as pretty much sexual harrassment if you like, but you don't have to. It's completely possible to back down as soon as Quinn tells you he's uncomfortable with your flirting, and then, when he comes to you with the "I need to transfer because thoughts of you are starting to distract me from my work", you can answer with pretty much "if that's what you really want, though I'm sad to see you go". He changes his mind about the transfer and the romance continues.

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Pierce is something you shove out the airlock, not a romance..


It's funny to me how much you hate that guy :D I'm like, completely indifferent toward Pierce. Just out of curiosity, what bothers you about him?

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It's funny to me how much you hate that guy :D I'm like, completely indifferent toward Pierce. Just out of curiosity, what bothers you about him?

He's crude and doesn't really deserve any respect since he's not above sleeping his way to the top. Unlike Quinn, who wants to EARN his way there. Plus, Pierce is ugly as hell!

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Pierce is something you shove out the airlock, not a romance..


Ouch. I like Pierce. Mhmmmhmmm.


I wonder when is Andronikos coming back. It would be nice for my SI to find Andronikos somewhere on Zakuul trying to get revenge for taking his Lady Sith away from him. He is all broken and stuff. Wants to see Arcann's head cut by sword he gave me as a gift!

I can't wait for Ashara. Wish her face had some corruption. She has turned to Dark Side but not completely. Just a little. I would not like her to go crazy Dark Side Deranged Savage Fallen Jedi. I am not a fan of those. Maybe teamed up with Khem (:() to find my magnificence since she felt through Force Darth Noxerious Awesomeness is still alive and kicking. Unlike most of the people, I like Ashara. : >

Oh, it would be nice, upon Quinn's return, to have an option for Pierce to kill him (for those people who dislike him).

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