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The origins of Rey and her force powers


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This is from a post I posted I another thread.


Rey is Kylo's sister. Heres why.


-First JJ Abrams wants everyone to think she is Luke's daughter. Just like he wanted everyone to think Finn was a jedi.


-Second, Luke is a jedi, thus forbidden to marry. This code has been broken before, but you also have to consider if Luke was trying to rebuild the jedi order would he really break the code of the jedi?


-Third, in the expanded universe (which is not canon) Jaysen Solo aka Ben Solo had a sister who eventually killed him.


All of this builds up to my theory on how Rey ended up on Jaku.


Kylo Ren had an interest in his ancestory particularly Darth Vader, his grandfather. Which probably led him to somehow obtaining Vaders mask, either on his own or through Snoke. But as we all know Sith relics have a corrupting power on the mind and Ben solo was seduced by the dark side. At the same time, Rey was a youngling training at the jedi temple Luke built Kylo attacked it and killed all of the jedi but he could not force himself to kill his sister. Instead he takes her to Jaku and leaves her there hoping she stays out of the way as he continues his quest to finish what Vader started. Which is probably why he struggles so much with the light side in episode 7, and why killing Han was his only hope at redemption for his act of compassion


This is also probably why he was so interested in the girl from Jaku, and why instead of killing her on Maz Kanata's cantina he takes her with him. And because Rey was already trained as a youngling, why she already knows how to fight and use the force. Kylo probably mind wiped her when he dropped Rey off on Jaku. In her awakening she probably starts to remember these things.


As for Han and Leiya not recognizing Rey as their daughter, they probably thought she had died in the attack on the Jedi temple. Also Rey was probably very young when they last saw her. But you can sense a fatherly bond with Rey and Han toward the end of the film, and Kylo even senses Rey has a fatherly attachment to Han.


At this point I'm fairly confident Rey is Kylos sister. I can't wait to find out for sure in the next movie

Edited by chosonman
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Han and Leia just kind of forgot they had a daughter....



Sorry, not buying it. She is going to have much more complexity to her origin than everyone having a memory lapse.


When they think their daughter is dead is not the same as forgetting they had one.

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Sigh. No.


-Fans want to think Rey is Luke's daughter, JJ had little to do with it but is most likely enjoying how the fans are going on about it.


-The Jedi Order and all of it's rules don't exist. Luke was barely a Jedi anyway and is the only one. There is no rule against marrying or having children (which you can do without getting married, shocker!), the order just frowned upon emotional attachments. And lets not forget Yoda's last words to Luke that tells him to teach others but also infers for him to pass on his strong with the force genes.


-In the EU the first children of the Solo's were twins, Jacen and Jaina. Rey and Ben have a 10 year age difference, so that kind of kills that. Then there's Han and Leia not even mentioning a lost daughter while discussing the loss of Ben and what the pain of that did to them, how they coped with it.



Look I know all the fans out there are so dead set on Rey being of Skywalker blood but there are a lot of other powerful force users throughout the SW history (canon or not). If she is a Skywalker by what has been shown she is most likely Luke's but there is a great chance she isn't related at all (which at this point I really hope she isn't, just to see the crying).

Edited by mudmobile
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Sigh. No.


-Fans want to think Rey is Luke's daughter, JJ had little to do with it but is most likely enjoying how the fans are going on about it.


-The Jedi Order and all of it's rules don't exist. Luke was barely a Jedi anyway and is the only one. There is no rule against marrying or having children (which you can do without getting married, shocker!), the order just frowned upon emotional attachments. And lets not forget Yoda's last words to Luke that tells him to teach others but also infers for him to pass on his strong with the force genes.


-In the EU the first children of the Solo's were twins, Jacen and Jaina. Rey and Ben have a 10 year age difference, so that kind of kills that. Then there's Han and Leia not even mentioning a lost daughter while discussing the loss of Ben and what the pain of that did to them, how they coped with it.



Look I know all the fans out there are so dead set on Rey being of Skywalker blood but there are a lot of other powerful force users throughout the SW history (canon or not). If she is a Skywalker by what has been shown she is most likely Luke's but there is a great chance she isn't related at all (which at this point I really hope she isn't, just to see the crying).


She is most definately a skywalker, The producer even stated these trilogies will revolve around the Skywalker clan. Deny it as you like you cannot escape the truth. The truth is hidden in the EU, if you fail to see it then as they say: you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.


google "Kathleen Kennedy skywalker family"

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She is most definately a skywalker, The producer even stated these trilogies will revolve around the Skywalker clan. Deny it as you like you cannot escape the truth. The truth is hidden in the EU, if you fail to see it then as they say: you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.


google "Kathleen Kennedy skywalker family"

Look it doesn't really matter to me if she is or not, either way the story will continue and I will watch and enjoy it. And I never denied anything I just stated the facts we have from the movie. There is no proof either way, only what the fans are chatting about.


What you are doing is creating facts and proof out of confirmed hints. Yes Kennedy said such a thing and I did look it up to see for myself but did you by any chance noticed when she made that statement? October, before the movie came out.


So now lets see what didn't we know then that we do know now? Oh I know! Ben Solo exists, son of Han and Leia. Leia who is the twin sister of Luke Skywalker and daughter of Anakin Skywalker. So that would make Ben apart the Skywalker clan now wouldn't it?


I'm not trying to be harsh or negative or denying things. I'm just trying to let you see that you are not looking at all the information before coming to your conclusions.

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This is from a post I posted I another thread.


-Second, Luke is a jedi, thus forbidden to marry. This code has been broken before, but you also have to consider if Luke was trying to rebuild the jedi order would he really break the code of the jedi?

I highly doubt Luke would follow this considering it was one of the main reasons that the Jedi fell in the first place.


Plus it looked ot me like Luke was standing over a grave when we see him so i think he had a wife but she has died.

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I hope she's not related to anyone, not Luke, not Obi-Wan not any Jedi at all after all what would that say about them, that they broke the code.


I personally think she's the only survivor from Luke's academy and that he saved her. She was the only one he was able to save hence the look on his face when he encounters her again. He clearly knew her.

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