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player character jedi training


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A big discrepancy exists throughout the game in terms of jedi training and the different milestone achievements during jedi training. The player characters seem to, at least from my interpretation, been residing in an enclave before coming to Tython, and even as adults are considered younglings until they arrive, given the fact you're assigned a master when you arrive (or immediately before for consular).


Not only this, but the issue of lightsabers. Both classes create their lightsabers as the final step to advancing from a padawan to a full knight. The jedi council even notes on your return that the fact you have a lightsaber means you've passed all your trials and ready to be a knight, before you've even embarked on a mission beyond Tython.


However, your companion padawans seem to make their lightsaber early on in training and participate in many missions on multiple worlds as padawans. Many other npc padawans seem to get their lightsabers very early on as well. Why is the player character's training so different?

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Actually a lightsaber is the mark of a padawan its a tradition where you make your own lightsaber. Now I presume you are talking about the consular who become a knight on Tython.

Well from what I understood his master reached the conclusion that she has nothing more to teach the consular and recommended the consular to the rank of knight and the council agreed because of his actions.

So it was like this not padawan until he was a adult probably fill the blank in why yourself, padawan a couple of days and then a knight.

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Actually a lightsaber is the mark of a padawan its a tradition where you make your own lightsaber. Now I presume you are talking about the consular who become a knight on Tython.

Well from what I understood his master reached the conclusion that she has nothing more to teach the consular and recommended the consular to the rank of knight and the council agreed because of his actions.

So it was like this not padawan until he was a adult probably fill the blank in why yourself, padawan a couple of days and then a knight.


I'm talking about both. Both are knighted on Tython upon returning from constructing their lightsaber. Every other padawan that isn't the player character makes their lightsaber well before their achieve knighthood. I'm refraining from drawing comparisons to jedi training in the time of the clone wars, as I assume a lot has changed in the millenniums after swtor. During this time, however, it seems padawans make their lightsabers as padawans, not before, and there appears to be major discrepancies in when that usually happens.

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I kind of have to agree with this, I have always wondered where this other training enclave is, the knight is supposedly an "expert duellist" but who trained him?


Also obviously from a game point of view outside of a cartel saber I doubt that the developers wanted to give jedi or sith classes a lightsaber from the start, but from a lore point of view why does Kira have a lightsaber while still a padawan or Nadia or even Jaesa both of whom are padawans.


Kotor showed padawans weilding lightsabers too I think Bastilia was only ever a padawan herself at the time of kotor.


Going forward a few thousand years, padawans in the prequel era all have proper lightsabers and not training blades.

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I think its poor writing or they let us find the reason it could be they gave padawans real lightsabers when they went off Tython and in dangerous missions with their master.

We probably did not went in a dangerous missions until Tython and even then not on purpose.

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I would guess that there are various trials a Padawan has to complete on the way to becoming a full Knight, but there isn't a strict order in which those steps have to be followed. By the time the player character gets around to the "making a lightsaber" trial, he/she has already completed all the other trials. Orgus says something to the effect that there's no point in any other testing after everything the Knight did on Tython, the lightsaber is the one thing that's left over. Kira just did things a different way around.
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I would guess that there are various trials a Padawan has to complete on the way to becoming a full Knight, but there isn't a strict order in which those steps have to be followed. By the time the player character gets around to the "making a lightsaber" trial, he/she has already completed all the other trials. Orgus says something to the effect that there's no point in any other testing after everything the Knight did on Tython, the lightsaber is the one thing that's left over. Kira just did things a different way around.


This. As a Jedi Knight you completing your lightsaber was the final trial but it can happen in any order. Orgus, as this poster mentions, claims everything you've been through is harder than any trial he could have given you. Each master has a different idea of when their padawan is ready to be a knight and each padawan must complete those checkmarks in order to be a knight. You just happen to complete "make a lightsaber" last.


There's evidence that most padawans do as I mentioned earlier than later. At one point you fight a dark jedi and they note it's impressive you've managed to win without having a lightsaber yourself. In star wars it's a common theme one of the things you must do before you become a knight is face darkness. Luke couldn't become a true jedi for instance until after he faced Vader a final time while not giving in to despair, fear, or anger. This is true in most star wars mediums. Most padawans when facing that challenge do it last with a lightsaber in hand.

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I think its poor writing or they let us find the reason it could be they gave padawans real lightsabers when they went off Tython and in dangerous missions with their master.

We probably did not went in a dangerous missions until Tython and even then not on purpose.


I think they kind of formulated the sith starting stories first and had to mold jedi stories in the same fashion. Jedi training is different than sith. Sith acolytes have to do more to become apprentices than aspiring jedi to become padawans, but sith apprentices typically have more freedom and power at their disposal, since sith apprentices only really need to prove their power to advance, where padawans need to resist darkness and show their masters they adhere to jedi ideals.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From what I know of Jedi training, it's the master who decides how their training goes and when they get a lightsabre. Some get it half way through, some get it at the end..


So an expert duellist get a lightsaber as his last test? in the case of the knight it would have been more sense for this test to be earlier.

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So an expert duellist get a lightsaber as his last test? in the case of the knight it would have been more sense for this test to be earlier.


Well they probably did and they probably did not gave him a real lightsaber or the chance to make one because well he was to damn good in sword fighting to give him one and until they where sure he can face the darkness and prevail they would not risk it. What if he went to the dark side how many would have died trying to stop him if he had a lightsaber he can kill with a training saber who from what I understand should not even be able to cut well with a lightsaber he will be a killing machine. Now that explained the JK.

The JC the problem while he is a good lightsaber duelist also he did not really need a lightsaber he is good with the force more then with a lightsaber also this was his final trial to make a lightsaber.

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The Jedi Knight had many masters. When you first arrive on Tython the first Jedi you meet there says something like "your former masters praise your lightsaber skills". Then you can say something like "I defeated all them all" and the Now about the getting the lightsaber, it would seem most don't get one unless they are leaving to go out into the galaxy. But all the Padawans who haven't left yet still have practices sabers. Edited by WayneJarvis
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