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Will Kaliyo go SGR?


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I'm wondering that when Kaliyo returns, will it be as an SGR option? She's the one companion that's had several flings with other women in the past, and who's always been on the flirty/suggestive side with female agents too.


Not that my Agent girl will switch romances. She'll stick with her Vector, but I know it's an option a lot of people have always wanted. :p

Edited by Callaron
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I'm wondering that when Kaliyo returns, will it be as an SGR option? She's the one companion that's had several flings with other women in the past, and who's always been on the flirty/suggestive side with female agents too.


Not that my Agent girl will switch romances. She'll stick with her Vector, but I know it's an option a lot of people have always wanted. :p


It would be nice, to have at least -one- viable SGR with an original companion. It would mean my sorceress would have an option apart from the Dynamic Dimwits of Ashara and Andronikos (they, and only they, are the reason I don't want to try an assassin - I just can't go through that inane experience again, regardless of gender).


EA really porked the pooch by not including SGR's to begin with (though it admittedly wouldn't have helped my poor sorceress, regardless). This is an excellent time to start fixing that..."oversight".

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It would be nice, to have at least -one- viable SGR with an original companion. It would mean my sorceress would have an option apart from the Dynamic Dimwits of Ashara and Andronikos (they, and only they, are the reason I don't want to try an assassin - I just can't go through that inane experience again, regardless of gender).


EA really porked the pooch by not including SGR's to begin with (though it admittedly wouldn't have helped my poor sorceress, regardless). This is an excellent time to start fixing that..."oversight".

You don't have to get a romance with those two bozos. And if you keep up until SOR you get the chance to eihter romance Lana or that Shan brat. Later in KOTFE you get the option to even go further into romancing one of those two.
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I could see that about Kaliyo, as you say Callaron, her background establishes that she had flings with both camps. It would be a nice option for those who'd like it. Makes no dif to me either way lol. If I can shoot, slice or dice her I totally will.


Dibs on the head! (Which I will promptly kick off a cliff on Odessen like a soccer ball.) :eek:

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It would have been better if they had provided a romance option with Talos. I think he'd go either way too, but with far less likely hood to murder you in your sleep.


Talos is adorable but isn't he a little long in the tooth to be romancing the Outlander who I put at around 25 based on comments about our age in the main game? I'm guessing he is 50+.


But then again everyone seems to want to romance Senya and she must be around the same age to have grown up children (even before the 5 year gap) so what do I know?


EDIT: As for Kaliyo, I hope so but only because it would bode well for someone else I have my eye on ;)

Edited by ForjKlahaa
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Talos is adorable but isn't he a little long in the tooth to be romancing the Outlander who I put at around 25 based on comments about our age in the main game. I'm guessing he is 50+.


But then again everyone seems to want to romance Senya and she must be around the same age to have grown up children (even before the 5 year gap) so what do I know?


EDIT: As for Kaliyo, I hope so but only because it would bode well for someone else I have my eye on ;)


Not everyone is bothered by May December romances. That, and many of us have trouble picturing our characters as young as they are supposed to be.

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Not everyone is bothered by May December romances. That, and many of us have trouble picturing our characters as young as they are supposed to be.

And we won't mention the many and varied discussions here on these very forums about how long each Chapter takes in the original story. From those discussions, it's easy to conclude that the Outlander is chronologically at least 30. (It's frequently claimed that each Chapter is about a year, then you add a year for RotHC and another for FA/SoR/RotE, and there's five, plus five years in carbonite, and you can get to 30 without sweating the debate.)

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But then again everyone seems to want to romance Senya and she must be around the same age to have grown up children (even before the 5 year gap) so what do I know?

Who is that "everyone". Please do not write such assumptions.


It's not about her age but her point of view and personality. While I can relate with her and she has my sypathies, I am not interested in such relation into the game. Same goes for Lana. I like them a lot, ... but only as a friend. <- This particular thing I am missing from the game, having the choice to get befriended or to get rid of some companions we can't get along. Since KOTFE this should work for any of the secondary companions since they are not relevant for the game at all.

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Not everyone is bothered by May December romances. That, and many of us have trouble picturing our characters as young as they are supposed to be.


I was only half serious really. At 34 years old, 50 isn't that old to me and my ex is not that far off. I do like to pretend I'm young in video games though when it's an option. It's like starting your life over as someone new. I think there should have been more options to play as an older character in all honestly but I can see how it would be difficult playing as a padawan or acolyte. I don't know if force users ever begin their training later in life or not in the SWU.

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Who is that "everyone". Please do not write such assumptions.


It's not about her age but her point of view and personality. While I can relate with her and she has my sypathies, I am not interested in such relation into the game. Same goes for Lana. I like them a lot, ... but only as a friend. <- This particular thing I am missing from the game, having the choice to get befriended or to get rid of some companions we can't get along. Since KOTFE this should work for any of the secondary companions since they are not relevant for the game at all.


When I said "everyone", it was quite obviously hyperbole. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the *many* people who wanted to romance her which goes against the widespread notion of our society equating youth with attractiveness to the exclusion of all else. No need to jump down my throat.

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Not 100% sure either way as to whether she will go SGR, this is the first returning companion who has their own chapter so who know how things will play out.


If they did decide to do this what other companions could you see doing the same, NOT WHO YOU would like but can actually see as a SGR companion? the only one I can think of from the top of my head would be DS jaesa, since she was willing to share a warrior with Vette and I can see her going for a pure passion point of view regardless of gender.

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Not 100% sure either way as to whether she will go SGR, this is the first returning companion who has their own chapter so who know how things will play out.


If they did decide to do this what other companions could you see doing the same, NOT WHO YOU would like but can actually see as a SGR companion? the only one I can think of from the top of my head would be DS jaesa, since she was willing to share a warrior with Vette and I can see her going for a pure passion point of view regardless of gender.


Lady of Sorrows = Scorpio.

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I sure hope so.


I do fear that they're not really interested in doing much with the original companions though. My Sorc reacquired Xalek, and he doesn't have anything new to say.


I think in general if there's an option to kill them, then this is probably the last time you'll ever hear dialogue from this particular companion, regardless of whether you actually murder them or not. The same Bioware logic that extends to practically every other NPC in the game. Option to kill = bye bye for good. I expect most of the non-romance companions to turn into glorified "combat companions" on par with the Akk dog and Nexu when it comes to future content.


Not 100% sure either way as to whether she will go SGR, this is the first returning companion who has their own chapter so who know how things will play out.


If they did decide to do this what other companions could you see doing the same, NOT WHO YOU would like but can actually see as a SGR companion? the only one I can think of from the top of my head would be DS jaesa, since she was willing to share a warrior with Vette and I can see her going for a pure passion point of view regardless of gender.


I could see definitely DS Jaesa going there, and as someone else mentioned, Risha. Torian possibly as well.

Other than that, it'll probably depend on how much five years has changed some of them. I think Kaliyo may have actually found a cause she believes in (bringing down the Eternal Empire), so the others could have undergone some significant changes too.

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