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My twenty Warzone matches.


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...If anyone wants to prove how "awesome" they are, that's what ranked is for...


You'd be surprised how many loudmouths never queue up for that version of PvP but only complain in the normal warzones where they think they have a chance. Ever notice how everything that goes bad is someone else's fault? During these twenty matches that I played, I learned the following:


-No one guards

-No one calls incoming

-No one defends a node after taking it

-Many people get the ball in huttball and just stand around with it

-Healers refuse to do their jobs and heal anyone besides themselves

-"Hotshots" will always complain and demand that people perform certain activities, but will never perform said activities

-People will ignore objectives and rush into death matching

-People will always rush the middle node and never defend the two nodes they already have

-A lot of players don't know what they are doing even against me which makes it funny, haha

-A lot of players do not know what the word "troll" means but have to use it to sound cool

-Many people really don't care as only about three people said anything during the entire time and I was still guarded and healed

-Once you are contributing in a proper fashion you will get MVPs

-Consulars are the worst base class in the game


On that last note, if anyone wants to try PvP on a base class, then I suggest either a Trooper or a Smuggler as they both have AoEs, range, and some very good defensives considering. The next in line would be the Knights, but trust me, a Consular is pure murder - no wonder their Advanced Classes are pretty good for PvP.


Lastly, it's just a game and you people need to lighten up. I mean if you act this way over a video game, I can't imagine how you are when you're not sitting behind a screen (then again, most of you are a bunch of wusses who only run your mouth here). Plus, I got M1-4X and that's all that matters!


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Ever notice how everything that goes bad is someone else's fault?


Whoa! wall-of-text! guess you feel the need to defend your abhorrent behavior. But I do love irony, like how you said everyone blames everyone else and then proceed to make an entire bullet list blaming everyone else. LOL


From my experience of years of warzoning most players are trying to do the right thing to their level of competency. Perhaps the reason you noticed people not giving a crap is because they all knew they were in a 7v8 match with a troll sabotaging their game.

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Pay close attention to everything in the photos as I post them:






The healer dies first then asks the following:








Atace here.


You didn't post the part where you ran in by yourself and died in 4 seconds and I told you "I hate you". I'm sad


Youre less than 20k damage in 2 rounds was SUPER USEFUL. You should of posted that screen shot


You're also welcome for Pi'ke and I winning a 2v4 after our healer was insta gibbed and you went along with your grand scheme of being worthless.


Troll on, brother.

Edited by Vhayle
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Whoa! wall-of-text! guess you feel the need to defend your abhorrent behavior. But I do love irony, like how you said everyone blames everyone else and then proceed to make an entire bullet list blaming everyone else. LOL


From my experience of years of warzoning most players are trying to do the right thing to their level of competency. Perhaps the reason you noticed people not giving a crap is because they all knew they were in a 7v8 match with a troll sabotaging their game.


While OP is a c*nt he is right.


Less and less people are calling, capping and guarding nodes, or running the ball.

These are the same people that call the team sh*tters for any number of reasons, or rage quit while insulting the team.

Edited by Ruhun
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You're doing more damage than those casual fotm babies on my server. lol


The sad part is that I'm actually wearing fully augmented 208 gear and it still took some people awhile to kill me. You'd think as the worse base class in the game that I'd have more than ten deaths per match, no? Lol.

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While OP is a c*nt he is right.


Less and less people are calling, capping and guarding nodes, or running the ball.

These are the same people that call the team sh*tters for any number of reasons, or rage quit while insulting the team.


Of course I am right. Take a lookie at the "gem" on page one: that Scoundrel claims they wouldn't let me guard( as if they could stop me) nor give me heals, yet as soon as two Assassins showed up, they ran away, lmao! Not only that, they then tried to blame their incompetence on me instead of owning up to the fact that they have no skills.


Anyways, I got my M1-4X and I'm happy; all that's left is for me to get my other alliance members - can't wait to give those Exarchs a run for their money! Any bets on how many times I'll die?

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Oh, so that's what this was all about.


I was very confused last night when I saw a Consular. Not a Sage or Shadow; a Consular. This was all just an elaborate troll on your part? Are you trying to make some kind of point?


You melted in approximately 2 seconds when I ran into you.

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Have no problem with the OP doing this, Don't put PVE content behind PVP.



I did my 20 matches, was really like 14 I think and I did try to play serious for the most part but it's not my fault I don't have PVP considering I never play PVP at least not on my main... So when someone started to get all whiny about not having PVP gear that's when I started to not try or if the people where just complete aholes

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Have no problem with the OP doing this, Don't put PVE content behind PVP.


Yeah because having M14X is a necessity right? Anyway, your point above makes zero sense, because guess what? PVPers constantly have to do PVE stuffs when they rather not.


They don't create a blog-post about how awful it is, how awful the players doing PVE are, then take screenshots of it, and post them showing how they personally take part in PVE knowing they 100% cannot perform in that element.


It's just a weird troll post and I can't help but find it really selfish to be smug and proud of the "accomplishment" here. So much effort into showing the world too.


Grats though, it got a lot of attention. I still don't quite get the message intended though by the OP, because that much is deluded and hard to get. The only thing clear is the attitude behind it.

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I mean it's a fair thing to do, as much as I dislike it happening... BW's track record with pvp doesn't even make me sorry that this happened. Not to mention, I wouldn't be pleased to see this in my WZ either... but alas...


Though I do get a kick out of PvErs who complain about having to do the M1-4X quest, and that it should be pve only... It's not like there's a significant amount of PvE quests more than PvP quests or anything...


The planetary Pvp achievements are also the same. PvE completionists moan about that too. It's quite literally 1 achievement surrounded by a good 50 pve achievements from the same planet... Granted, it's much faster to farm that stuff because owpvp is not only heavily discouraged on some servers you'd be lucky to spot 1 enemy. (hell CZ-198 requires you to kill just under 2000 people. I'm sure if you did it legit, you'd be killing maybe 2 people there, a day, and that's if they're in fact flagged too...

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You are a troll that intentionally throws matches, and now you are brazen enough to post evidence on the official forums!


I'm just going to speculate you are from an imp guild and are throwing matches so your guildies can farm conquest points, thats the only rational explaination. Because the imp guilds that were farming pubs in regs last night are top of the conquest boards.


No matter, I already reported you, and if there is any justice Bioware will delete your account.

seems like your butthurtt here fill this out http://bb-b.freeforums.net/pages/complaints

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A large amount of content is PvE not PvP.


This is the only case of PvE people having to do some PvP for the arbitrary thing that they want.


I understand that and I'm not against it but it's unreasonable for these hardcore PVP guys to start calling people out during matches because they don't got PVP gear or not the best at playing PVP. It's unranked PVP what are you going to expect? Can't get PVP gear if you don't have the currency to buy it.


Not speaking for the OP but this is what happened to me when I did my 20 matches.

Edited by Newyankalt
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